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Everything posted by SoulJustIn

  1. not enough ..... my smile and pure team still using N card..... only Cool Team enough R (mostly not idolized) ....... ........ so i need to pray scouting ticket.
  2. I pray .... I pray REALLY HARD........ please..... please..... i know is impossible to get SR already.... please maintain my ranking in 12000 and above ..... i just want scouting ticket only, ......... ....................... ( i lack of rare card ,............... no need to mention SR or UR )
  3. The dream will came truth when the wallet is empty
  4. Greeting , Lexyvil-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay.
  5. and i believe in you too. Let's get SR together. I'm pretty good actually xD Hopefully I can keep this up I know you can keep maintain rank up.
  6. "No matter how cold and distant people may become, on the inside something warm and precious always remains, something that never changes. To me, that’s what family is like." - by Sakagami Tomoyo (Clannad)
  7. Moyashimon : unique ability to see and communicate with micro-organisms and bacteria.
  8. Recently ......... somehow............. I feel that............. I rather lose to bot than player.........
  9. Favorite Seiyuu? ....... hmmm,.......... i think is Satomi Arai the voice not feminine enough or any kawaii spec or any personalized detail (Tsundere, Yandere or other) but,....... Satomi Arai's voice ..... is only seiyuu i like without any reason ..... i guess is my favorite (PS: when i watch anime, i can tell if the character is Satomi Arai's voice or not)
  10. Greeting , Silverbullet312-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . by the way, why visit my profile yesterday? ........ nevermind just want asking only Enjoy your stay.
  11. look like it will getting hard to maintain event ranking due to free love gem .......
  12. Greeting, nvekmauvia-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . I'm pleased that I got to know you
  13. why here sudden...... argue about girl...... it hurt me more to see you all argue.......
  14. can't say i like ..... and can't say i dislike too..... 50/100 i dislike the zoom.... it very close to mary.... i want to zoom out so i can see surrounding . like? well, at least got something challenge to do .
  15. just rank up.... got 2 empty place (someone delete me , i guess i too weak) ........ i wish Fuwans add me ..... my is 749351500 ........
  16. History of weapon development, U-Boat plan armed with seabased missiles. first test by using the Army grenade launcher "30 cm Wk Spr 42" . Reached distance between about 3.000 meters ~ 4.800 meters. The trials with the brothers on board “U-511” were a great success. This launch meant being one of the first, if not the first, missile worldwide fired from under water. The trials are well documented and even movie pictures have been taken. I think is interesting..... this history make me curiosity about submarine....... .......
  17. Greeting , dsddf-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . I want to ask ..... what's your currently watching anime? Enjoy your stay.
  18. Greeting , Devarcan-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay.
  19. Greeting , TrapzHomucifer-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Enjoy your stay.
  20. Town of Salem......mask user........ very fun indeed

  21. Tachibana Kanade ! Angel Beats ~1st Beat~ only contains 3 chapters of Iwasawa, Yui, and Matsushita route....... i wonder when the release Angel Beats got Shiina route? I bet Kanade will be ~Final Beat~
  22. Greeting , Jerxis-san Welcome to the Fuwanovel Forums . Recommendations : since nobody recommend "horror genre" yet, Corpse Party BloodCovered & Cartagra ~Tsuki kurui no Yamai~ ........ leave joke aside i recommend Air & Kanon Enjoy your stay.
  23. i just lucky . is the good game indeed..... only different 150 score only..... cheer up my friend.
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