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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/15 in Blog Entries

  1. Ezeefreak

    Clephas - The Infinite Stomach

    Hello y’all! Ezeefreak from the Recognition Team is here this time. Today we’ll highlight another one of our precious members. If you’re able to read a VN in Japanese or even in ordinary English, then the probability is really high (near 100 %) that the member, we are introducing to you, already read that one you’re reading now or plan to read. Maybe you even found it on his suggestion, in one of his fabulous reviews or on a list he made. Well, I think y’all figured it already out that we talking about Clephas. Clephas is real pro and expert when it comes to VN’s. He has read more than 500 (in words FIVEHUNDRED) VNs by now. So he knows a lot about this media and also shares his knowledge with us. If you ask for a recommendation he is always one of the first who contribute. If you want to read something about a VN it is mostly enough to search for a review from him. In his VN of the month topic he shows us all different kinds of VNs, some that the most of us never even heard about. Also he is one of our most active bloggers on the site and showers us with incredibly detailed and interesting posts there. He is also a Moderator of the FuwaChat and probably already ate the most of the people from there. Well, let me show you a little overview over all the awesome work he does on Fuwanovel: - Clephas' VN of the month - There are also lot of other informative posts like VN Companies, their nature and habits or Why Japanese is easier to learn than you think - Clephas made a lot of helpful Lists and recommendations, see yourselff here, here, here , ... and so on It would really take to long to liste every single one . - A must see for every lover of VN's is definitely his blog. He contributed a lot to this community and like I said at the beginning, is a real expert when it comes to VNs. It would be too much to list every helpful and excellent post here. We from the RecTeam, the Staff of Fuwa and all the other people of Fuwa thank him for the work he does and hope the he will us show more from the world of VNs in the future. Thank you!
    4 points
  2. I keep getting questions like, 'Who are you?' and 'Why should I listen to you at all about VNs?'... not to mention questions that are a bit more personal. So, I thought I'd answer those questions I'm willing to answer (feel free to ask more in the comments, and I'll answer those that I can in a second post). Full Handle Name: Clephas Aurenius Handle Origin: A unique character I made up for a fictional fantasy universe some ten years ago. I've been using it as my sole handle for eight years now. Age: 33 Country and State of origin: Texas in the United States Hobbies: Gaming, VNs, reading (fiction and non-fiction), otakuism, mini-reviewing untranslated VNs, anthropology, linguistics, brewing rum and root beer, cooking, and attempting to define VN terms that are actually a lot more vague than I try to present them for the sake of convenience *smiles slyly* Profession: ghost writer (don't ask me about this, look it up) Dream: To build an underground house in a seismically inactive (inasmuch as that is possible) area and retire. Take a six-month trip to Japan and tour the hot springs, shrines, and temples. Likes: Efficient and/or cunning work. People with a non-harmful sense of humor. Pragmatism. Chuuni-fiction, fantasy, science fiction. Good stories. Dislikes: Wasting time (from my perspective). Being mentally inactive (this is actually painful for me). Foods with jalapeno or parsley in it. Sloppy work done when a more efficient method obviously exists. Political corruption (outside of reasonable limits). Personality: I have a rather massive temper, that I manage to restrict through breathing exercises and violent video games. I value thinking as something that is both necessary and enjoyable. I am excessively introspective, to the degree of actively mocking myself and being self-derisive when I think I might have been in the wrong on some level. I am a natural troll who reformed himself as best as possible. I tend to think that everything is funny on some level, even my own stupidity and outright disaster. I am a recovering megalomaniac. My role-play: The 'forums' Clephas is actually quite different from the original Clephas, in that he is a lot more comical and exaggerated. He is the megalomaniacal and overwhelmingly arrogant side of my personality, deliberately exaggerated to the very limits, to the point where it is actually funny. He is something of an insane deity who devours universes and envelops them in his infinite stomachs, using avatars to interact with those inside. He honestly thinks eating people (both whole and chewed) is an expression of love. He also does various seemingly (and most probably) meaningless things solely for the sake of his own amusement. What Fuwanovel means to me: In a lot of ways, Fuwanovel is my last community. I've just seen too many otaku communities collapse under their own weight to willingly involve myself with several at once, anymore. In many ways, I joined Fuwa solely because I thought it would be fun to argue with Aaeru (and it was immensely fun). I respected her for the strength of her beliefs, even if I disagreed with her on a number of points (pragmatists rarely agree fully with any idealist). Fuwa now is the community I've come to love, with the people I've come to love (Marie, Tay, solidbatman, Nayleen, fun2novel, Flutterz, Zakamutt, Mephisto, etc. etc), and so I'm more or less in it for the long haul. I chose this community because it was a lot easier to talk about VNs here than in the more Jaded tlwiki-related communites. What are VNs to me: I like VNs, both as an enjoyable storytelling medium and as one with an immense potential for growth (if someone can just kick the industry out of its nukige/moege and cookie-cutter chuunige rut). They are emotional and intellectual rides (better on the emotions in most cases), that frequently have an impact far out of proportion with their actual quality. My VN Experience: Tsukihime was my first VN... and it stunned me when I first played it back in 2007. I immediately devoured every single translated VN, in a marathon that lasted about two months... then dove into my first untranslated - Jingai Makyou - on 9/14/2008. As I'd been fansubbing for over a year by then, I'd thought I had a full grasp on Japanese as a language... but it was a rather rude kick in the butt. Translation Aggregator with Jparser presented me with a challenge that allowed me to get around the lack of kanji knowledge on my part... in exchange for mastering how Japanese syllables were put together in reverse (normally a skill learned through kanji, rather than learning it first, then learning kanji). A few last comments: No, I do not have and will never have a Facebook or Twitter account. If you really want to chat with me live, pm me and ask me to get on IRC (rizon). Do not ask me to help translate more than one scene of a moege, as doing more than that (even for a friend) would make me want to scream. I do not have a lot of free time, other than that which I use to play VNs, so no I don't go to otaku conventions. I can cook a traditional Japanese breakfast... but sadly, the only parts I really like are the natto, the miso soup, and the pickled vegetables (cooked fish that tastes like cooked fish makes me feel sick). I have a fourteen-year-old calico cat, whom I adore and who tolerates me as a favor to me as her devoted slave.
    1 point
  3. Monmon

    Hetalia's Nikki 1

    Hey!! as i promised i`m gonna talk about Hetalia! Hetalia is one of my favourite Anime, it have a good jokes and not too deep story yet enjoyable. Its tell us about Characters which represent Counties. The main plot is about AXIS vs Allies. Their antics are purely awesome and funny, and most of relationship between char are the real relationship between real countries. Both personality and appearance they followed their country uniqueness and because of that its so easy to tell them apart and of course all of this are based on Stereotypes. So yeah, i really hope after u guys readin a little bit of my synopsis about it,your will try some of the episodes. And i`m going to talk about one of the character.Liechtenstein She is one of my fav female characters from the show.The closest relation she had is with Switzerland. Apparently Switzerland took Liechtenstein as an adopted sister, those two are very close and always helps each other. There is a time that Liechtenstein cut her own hair so she could looks the same as Switzerland. She is described as being rather high-tech, with a humble and mature personality, though she will clearly state her views. She was passed along many different nations throughout her life, which became rough and difficult for her after WWI due to a food shortage. However, Liechtenstein was saved from her situation when Switzerland found her and adopted her as his sister. Her birthday is July 12th and its corresponds with the date when Liechtenstein as country was given a full sovereignty after its accession to the Confederation Of The Rhine in 1806. Finally her voice actress is Rie kugimiya AKA the tsundere queen, however she portrayed Liechtenstein as a sweet and deredere-ish character. There you ago...my first volume of Hetalia's Nikki. I will talk about another char later. For now enjoy Liechtenstein's song So any1 in fuwa are from Liechtenstein?
    1 point
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