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  1. Kaguya

    Corrupt A Wish

    Granted, but it has a mind... And it's a yandere. I wish to be omnisciencent.
    1 point
  2. Kaguya

    Help Wanted

    Sounds fun. I really love writing. In general I write small mystery or horror tales. I'd like to help. ^^ Here's a sample. I don't know if I'm good at it, and I just made this, so take a look and tell what you think. A hollow life. Nothing happens and nothing changes. Just as another countless people in the world, the desire to do something burns inside me. There’s no need for this something to be productive, good or whatever. Actually, I’d say “good” and “evil” are a few of the most meaningless concepts ever. Who has the ability to determine such things, anyway? I feel like starting something. However, my life’s terribly common. Well, I’m more athletic than usual. Doesn’t it remember a protagonist? Being athletic, I mean. Wouldn’t it be awesome to get a legendary sword and go on a quest, or meet a cool transfer student with superpowers or something like that? Anyway, such things don’t happen in reality so you can’t exactly count on them. Furthermore, being athletic is nothing uncommon. I’ve tasted happiness and despair before. More than once, actually. I have determination to do something, but I have nothing to do. Is it because I want it though? I could have started something before if I really felt like it. And I did feel like doing something more than once. However, nothing happened. Is it the world fault? Nah, probably nothing that big. If the world were trying to screw with me something actually would’ve began, which means I wouldn’t be here thinking that I want something to happen. I’m an incredibly rational person. People often say I’m smart, I have the top grades in my class, acute senses and my personal relationships always go smoothly. Too smoothly actually. I can usually predict what sort of effect people around me will have in my life and what they feel about me. It feels like I shouldn’t be complaining, but I still want to do something big. Something to leave a mark in history. I look at the night sky. It’s completely black. I can’t see the moon or stars. Rationality quickly gives space to emotion. If I want to do something… Then it’s simple. I’ll just do it. The opportunity won’t knock on my door just because I want it to. Without any better choice as a weapon, I pick a knife from my kitchen. A big one, the kind you use to cut fish. A smile creeps to my face… Well, let’s make this night remarkable, shall we?
    1 point
  3. I don'r really care about +18 or not. Sure, the sex scenes are nice sometimes but I mostly just skip them anyway so it doesn't really matter unless the game is something like Sengoku Rance or a Nukige of any sort. In "normal" VNs I couldn't care less, but the heavily sex-oriented ones makes you feel like you're losing a big part of the story when they take away the +18 content.
    1 point
  4. For real help. Just bind each minior with ctrl + 1 ( i think thats default) ctrl + 2 etc. Or if you want just click on the minions ( not suggested its better if you get used to hotkeying, even i still use this method out of habit) You can start easier with trolls to net instead of centaurs for stuns ( more micro to move them closer etc) bottom line would to play and practice more >>
    1 point
  5. Widow mines dont let me A attack my 228957902874502984750899 lings into terran army. Sad face.
    0 points
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