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Welcome to FuwaReviews!




Hello everybody!  Ryechu here~

I decided to go ahead and do a monthly recap of all the FuwaReviews released by our in-house team.  October's Recap will be up in the next day or so.

 I am interested in feedback in regard to how everybody would like to see this formatted.  Should I use images with the Pros/Cons and the score and make the image clickable (which is mostly just a bunch of image copy/pasting on Paint.net for me), or would you prefer just an image of the game cover/title screen (In other words, the "Featured Image") with a link to the review without the spoilers?  Let me know below!

Anyway, I wanted to take a little time to talk about what we do, and who our members are (at time of writing).

What is the Goal of FuwaReviews?

Our goal is the same as the motto you see on the forums:  "Making Visual Novels Popular in the West." We do this by presenting honest, thoughtful reviews on all sorts of visual novels, from the latest and greatest OELVNs, to the latest fan-translation releases, to the major releases from Mangagamer/Sekai Project/JAST.  We want to be that one-stop shop for all things Visual Novels, and reviews are our way of doing that.  Translated, untranslated, we don't care.  If it fits the requirement of a Visual Novel, it's something that is on our list to review.


We using a scoring system when it comes to our reviews, and our scale is on a 1-10.  Some of our reviewers break that number down a bit further and translate their score from a 1-100 scale, so you may see a number like 7.8 or the like, but that's all the more specific we intend to get.  This is how the reviewer rated the game.  This number is based on their opinion, and their scores may very well differ from yours.  Are your tastes different from the reviewer's?  Quite possibly.  Are you going to read the review anyway if you're genuinely interested in the game and regardless of whether or not you've played it?  Quite possibly.  Will fans of certain franchises/fetishes/characters get incredibly angry and locate their nearest pitchforks if we don't give their favorite game a 10/10?  Quite possibly.  Here's my answer to that:  We are not going to please everybody.  Honest reviews will never please everybody - that is the unfortunate truth about this business.  For me, my review has the same score that I put on my VNDB profile, and if it doesn't follow the bandwagon average, then there will always be justification in my reviews.  Well, there's always going to be a justification for my score in my review, but you get the point.

Some of our reviews will tell you "If you like x or y, then you'll probably like this," but it's not required.  If I play a game filled to the brim with gore or the like, it'll be the first one I play.  I won't (and don't, to be perfectly honest) know other titles in the genre, and I can't provide suggestions, so I'm not going to.  Many reviewing sites don't do that, because there's a chance that mentioning other titles may detract from the publicity of the game we are reviewing, though that is an arguable statement from either side of the coin.  The information in the review should be more than enough to help you make a decision on whether or not you may be interested in the title being reviewed.

We have two styles of reviews:  Featured (which are full-length, 800+ words, multiple pictures, "complete" reviews), and Minute reviews (300-500 words, one-two images, "Overview" reviews).  Most nukige and short OELVN reviews will end up being Minute reviews, while basically everything else is Featured.  Virtually all of my nukige reviews are Minute reviews.

We know we're gong to get the same flak as every other reviewing site, and that's fine.  We appreciate any and all feedback about the site, even if we don't immediately acknowledge it.  That much I can assure you.


Who Are We?


  • Ryechu - I'm the PR guy for FuwaReviews.  I do most of the talking with companies to get review keys for the team, I run the nukige corner, and I handle Community submissions.  I'm also the author of this blog!
  • Flutterz - He's our editor.  He's also a god.  You will bow down to him.

Full-Time Reviewers

  • solidbatman - This guy was the one that started it all.  He's also my bae.  He handles a lot of newer, popular releases, and is often abused for his honesty.
  • Palas - The OELVN god.  He normally snags all of the OELVN keys, and puts out excellent reviews for them.
  • Tyrael - The fresh meat.  We just picked Tyrael up as a full-time reviewer.  Can't wait to see what he has in store!

Part-Time Reviewers

  • Down - He had a soul once, then Batman ate it.  Down still hasn't recovered since that day.
  • Exenorate - He's hiding most of the time, but he's still shiny.

Community-Submitters (that I would pick up in a heartbeat)

  • OriginalRen - He needs to write more reviews.  Straight up.  C'mon Ren, you know you wanna~
  • Zakamutt - #blamezaka

There are also other reviewers that I've spoken with, and they'll be mentioned once I get some reviews published by them!


I hope you enjoyed this little post, and I look forward to hearing some feedback about how you'd like to see our Monthly Wrapup posts!



Recommended Comments

"Abused for his honesty"

Because I'm the reviewer Fuwa deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So I am hunted, because I can take it. Because I'm not a reviewer. I'm a loud whiner, an ignorant reader. A salt reviewer. 

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I suppose it'd be for the best to there be the featured image and the score, so as to summarize but keep it clean.

I think that's something I can manage.

Featured image, author, score.  Image links to the review.

Easy enough, thanks!

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