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Minori: Some self-examination



Now, those who remember my rave from last year will probably sigh in exasperation (or boredom) that I'm posting on Minori again.  I mentioned before that I dislike most of Minori's games on a personal level, even while acknowledging the high-level art and sound in them...

My reasons were varied but all of them were pretty amorphous, probably because I was so blinded by that intense, instinctive dislike that I never really sat down and meditated on just what was driving me crazy. 

I mean, Minori's VNs are visually exceptional, with generally high-level (if similar-looking) heroines and backgrounds, and in terms of sound, they use some of the best VA's in the business, to generally excellent results.  Their characters are generally round, feeling like people, and the writing quality is above average.

So what is there not to like?

I seriously asked myself this question when I realized I was dragging the extra luggage of the two games I just went through and was trying to shrug them off.  As I began the VN and reached the early turning point (most Minori games have a major turning point in the common route that causes the conflicts/issues later on, though there are exceptions) it came to me exactly what was driving me crazy.

It was the protagonist.

Does that sound crazy?  Most Minori protagonists, for better or worse, are your average adolescent... perhaps with some strange ability, perhaps with psychological scars, but they are ultimately 'normal' adolescents with all that accompanies that (Eden* being an obvious exception). 

To my horrified fascination, I realized that it was the very fact that Minori actually goes through the trouble to round out their adolescent protagonists that is driving me up the wall in each of their games.  Now, for those of you who are old enough to be able to look back on adolescence with relief... perhaps you will recognize the sheer number of facepalm (or head-desk) moments you run into when dealing with an adolescent protagonist who acts exactly like an inexperienced adolescent would in the situations involved in most of Minori's games.  Generally speaking, if you can think of a common mistake someone would make in a given situation at that age, a Minori protagonist will make it, usually to disastrous - or at least painful - results. 

For better or worse, Minori's protagonists aren't really ciphers... and normally that would have been a reason for joy for me.  Unfortunately, they happen to be round characters in a way that makes it unbelievably painful to be imagining myself in their positions (and not in a pleasant utsuge fashion).  Of course, they also tend to grow a lot during the story, but the impression of the first part of a Minori game usually makes me want to slam my head into a wall... As such, can I really be blamed for having trouble fully appreciating the game as a whole?  Probably, if you ask the right people.  *smiles wryly*

Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to get past this issue, now that I'm aware of its root... but I am glad that, at the very least, I've managed to figure out precisely what was driving me insane, rather than just having a knee-jerk reaction to Minori's games.


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I thought you were already aware of it. Last minori-rant-post you complained a lot about the protagonists and how they're all the same.

Reading this got me even more curious to play Tsuminohi (how difficult is it?), as I am a stupid adolescent myself.

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Minori manages to create stuff well. Then the characters act out of character for the sake of drama. For me this utterly destroying the immersion. Ef does this as well ass Eden to some degree.. And it infuriates me. It's like some shitty drama made in hollywood inserted at times when stuff starts to get too predictable.

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2 hours ago, starlessn1ght said:

I thought you were already aware of it. Last minori-rant-post you complained a lot about the protagonists and how they're all the same.

Reading this got me even more curious to play Tsuminohi (how difficult is it?), as I am a stupid adolescent myself.

It isn't that hard... no more than your average charage, ranging from 4-7.  In my last post, my thoughts on the matter weren't nearly this specific, and I wasn't able to consider them objectively. 

1 hour ago, Bolverk said:

Minori manages to create stuff well. Then the characters act out of character for the sake of drama. For me this utterly destroying the immersion. Ef does this as well ass Eden to some degree.. And it infuriates me. It's like some shitty drama made in hollywood inserted at times when stuff starts to get too predictable.

Mmm... to be honest, 'predictability' is a low-level annoyance for me, when it comes down to it.  Maybe three VNs in a given year will manage to surprise me in any significant way (meaning me not seeing the direction things are going in well in advance).  For me, immersion in any slice-of-life focus game is hard, because I've played so many, and there just aren't that many good protag/heroine combos out there.

Edit: To clarify, I might miss details, but I rarely miss when it comes to predicting the basic flow of a story.  Last year, the VNs that surprised me the most in that way were Sakura no Uta and Sorcery Jokers, mostly because of their unconventional story structures... but that isn't necessarily a good thing in some cases.

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For the most part, it isn't really hard at all, since there aren't a lot of technical terms, but they use some manners of written expression that aren't common in most VNs, so at times the difficulty will spike sharply for people not accustomed to reading Japanese literature.

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3 hours ago, Bolverk said:

Minori manages to create stuff well. Then the characters act out of character for the sake of drama. For me this utterly destroying the immersion. Ef does this as well ass Eden to some degree.. And it infuriates me. It's like some shitty drama made in hollywood inserted at times when stuff starts to get too predictable.

This feels like a different problem than what Clephas' is describing.  The one stated here is an issue with the plot interfering with the characters, where the themes and direction of the story's intentions take priority over the motivations of the characters.  There's obviously a balance to be struck but if the reader can pick up on it (Either what you're describing or the other extreme of 'What's the point?' because they're so preoccupied with characters the plot loses coherency) there's obviously a flaw.


As a writer though I can't actually tell how to use Clephas' comment about Minori games in a meaningful way.  How would one work to improve upon this problem, I suppose?

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I'm really enjoying this vn so far probably the only one that was released recently that I actually like.

I don't share your point of view regarding the protagonists in general, I hate Shuuichi he is a piece of shit, but that's it. I actually think that Renji is one of the best male characters out there without being in chuuni vn, just acting like a normal human being in a hard circumstance he behaves like a fucking bad-ass not like your average teenage boy and you don't see that very often in vns.

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49 minutes ago, Deep Blue said:

I'm really enjoying this vn so far probably the only one that was released recently that I actually like.

I don't share your point of view regarding the protagonists in general, I hate Shuuichi he is a piece of shit, but that's it. I actually think that Renji is one of the best male characters out there without being in chuuni vn, just acting like a normal human being in a hard circumstance he behaves like a fucking bad-ass not like your average teenage boy and you don't see that very often in vns.


1 hour ago, Zodai said:

This feels like a different problem than what Clephas' is describing.  The one stated here is an issue with the plot interfering with the characters, where the themes and direction of the story's intentions take priority over the motivations of the characters.  There's obviously a balance to be struck but if the reader can pick up on it (Either what you're describing or the other extreme of 'What's the point?' because they're so preoccupied with characters the plot loses coherency) there's obviously a flaw.


As a writer though I can't actually tell how to use Clephas' comment about Minori games in a meaningful way.  How would one work to improve upon this problem, I suppose?

@Zodaiand @Deep BlueIn general, I just needed to get it out of my system to be able to properly read the VN...  I don't mean it as an insult but rather a statement of personal bias.  I had to do the same thing last year with Soreyori, and I try to do something similar whenever I run across a company or VN that seriously hits my sensitive areas.

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I only remember Minori's first games (mainly はるのあしおと and Wind) and although they can't really compete with any of their modern games, I still consider them all round better (perhaps because they fit their time and age they were created in). That aside, Minori is just like every other company out there; the only difference is they have the budget (unlike other companies, which mostly struggle financially) and that allows them to develop eroge with slightly higher quality ("better" writers, OP/ED's by Makoto Shinkai, good composers etc); that's just the icing on a cake, though; one which is usually made from very bland ingridients and doesn't stand out in terms of taste from other titles out on the market.

Everyone is playing it safe.

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On 3/16/2016 at 7:56 AM, Narcosis said:

That aside, Minori is just like every other company out there; the only difference is they have the budget (unlike other companies, which mostly struggle financially)

Weren't they near bankrupt a couple of years ago? Yeah, Perseus did save them, but their sales aren't that big compared to stuff like Yuzusoft, Clochette, August and even ensemble.

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