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Recruitment for Ikusa Megami Zero


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Translator(s)/Translation Checker (Someone who's knowledgeable in the japanese language, someone with a "N1" or "N2".(maybe a N3))



The translators will have a choice in whether they want to work from the ingame texts, or from text/excel files.



Leader: Lotus


Translator(s): ???

Translation Checker: ???

Editor: EldritchCherub


Oh, what a life it is to be alone. I have someone... finally...

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I'd talk to Clephas to see if his project is dead and go from there. He might have a bunch of stuff already translated, for example.



The fact i haven't seen any updates from him i believe he's dead because they would have released something by now.

I also prefer not to take other peoples work. besides I don't really care if a patch is currently being created, it more determines on who releases the full patch first.

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poaaah thx comrade lotus for granting me my dying wish so fucking soon, really really hope you can get this project rolling, dunno what to say at the moment, cause the topic gave me a huuuge boner.
definitely one of my all time favorite games out of its series.
i´m freaking rooting for ya!

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yeah, i can say the guys at Nekohen are going to start up a shit storm though, they're aparently trying to do the same thing i'm doing, however you must sign up to download the patches, not only that but i can never seem to sign up on their site.

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yeah, i can say the guys at Nekohen are going to start up a shit storm though, they're aparently trying to do the same thing i'm doing, however you must sign up to download the patches, not only that but i can never seem to sign up on their site.


Good. They're using the tool I released to make it, and then they went spamming 500 patches (changing like 2 words in the thing and calling it a new version) all through cash-grabbing shit links to try and make a load of money off of it. And it was all machine-translated anyway, er0gamr didn't do shit. I don't support them at all, and I wish I could revoke their usage of the tool I gave them and stop them from pulling that money-grubbing crap, but I can't. So either way, just ignore them. If they get annoyed, even better.


The project at Nekohen isn't related to Clephas' one here though just to be clear, it's done by some people on HongFire.

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I don't mind helping you out with the editing portion of the project if you manage to snag some translators. Hopefully, the third time is the charm and this project can gain some traction. Check out my bio here and let me know if you're still interested. https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/939-fan-translator-skills-registration/

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