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In regards to Little Busters! Ecstasy


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I have decided, after many minutes of not so intense internal debate and much waffling, to give Little Busters! a read. Despite regularly finding myself questioning whether or not Im getting to old for this shit, (Seriously, Im not sure I can even remember my freshman year of college, let alone freshman year of high school.) I was about ready to download the standard edition's translation when I saw that the Ecstasy versions translation was nearing completion.


So I ask anyone who has played both versions, is the 'new' material worth a wait or should I give it a pass?

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May I ask what you mean by you "getting too old for this s***?" xD Do you mean like VNs in general, or like High School SoL VNs in particular?

If you just want the core experience of LB! it's fine to go ahead and read now. Ecstasy only offers 3 extra routes and H-scenes
edit: and apparently also an extra 15 bgms & a revised plot  :P

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The 3 extra routes are worth reading but ecstasy has an option at the very start in case you have read the original and allows you to read the extra content without finishing the vn first. It is up to you whether or not you want to wait or not. There may be a few extra lines in ecstasy added to the original routes but nothing that changes the vn drastically.

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IIRC Kudo route gets a massive rewrite. What was a very surreal experience in LB is much better explained in EX (and makes a lot more sense).


My favourite out of the entire LB verse is Kanata route, and Saya is good for fun.


I would say depend on how long the wait is. How long is the wait?

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@Eclipsed - More the High School SoL type VN's than VN's in general. I could just be having my mid-life crisis early, who knows?


@ Parallel Pain - The Fuwanovel page says the TL is at 98%, not sure if that includes editing though. I know that doesn't directly answer your question, sorry.


Glad to know the extra content isnt total fluff though.

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@Eclipsed - More the High School SoL type VN's than VN's in general. I could just be having my mid-life crisis early, who knows?

Well I don't know if it's the same thing, but around the time Rewrite came out I had an epiphany like "why am I still reading this?"

Not VN, no. But high school harem romance where the shared route try to make you laugh and the individual route try to make you cry. I've had a lot of "I've been here before". And why do I want to keep crying for fictional characters?


So I decide to go off and find other things. Like how about non-harem, reverse harem. How about comedy all the way through, or tragedy all the way through. How about RPGs and SLGs. How about all the weird stuff I can find on doujin sites. And man it was a lot of fun.


I do come back from time to time to read a HS SoL Harem Romance, and I think exposing myself to other stuff makes me enjoy them more.

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Also getting sick of the high school setting in VNs, I wish there was a little more variety.


I really like that setting and prefer it over any others. Maybe it's because I this time of my life is gone a few years ago ;) ... But it's interesting how opinions differ there.


So to the main question. I haven't read EX yet. But LB! is allways great and if you choose it without EX it's also the right decision. EX just means a few more hours fun :) ...

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