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Akame Ga Kill discussion *Spoilers*



66 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are your favorite characters?

    • Akame
    • Tatsumi
    • Mein, Main, Mine
    • Bulat, Braht
    • Schere, Sheele
    • Esdesu, Esdeath, Esdese
    • Leone
    • Kurome
    • Lubock
    • Chelsea
    • Senryuu, Seryuu
    • Najenda
    • Bols
    • Run
    • Wave
  2. 2. Manga Readers: What will Mine's fate be?

    • Killed by Esdeath
    • Kills Esdeath
    • Survives but doesn't Kill Esdeath
    • Survives but Tatsumi dies
    • Mein will survive and reign as the new Queen and everyone will bow down to her and praise her as the Goddess she is.
    • Mine dies by someone other than Esdeath
  3. 3. Who's your favorite pairing?

    • Tatsumi x Mine - They're actually a couple...
    • Tatsumi x Esdeath - ...who aren't as hot as this pairing...
    • Tatsumi x Akame ...but If only Akame had more lines...
    • Wave x Kurome ...then they'd be like this (future) duo...
    • Tatsumi x Bulat - ...p.s. we all regret Bulat's death.

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1. Wave

2. Killed By Esdeath

3. Wave x Kurome


I couldn't ask for more but this to happen for next chapter. Please make it happen, more Wave x Kurome all the way! Tatsumi x Esdeath won't happen, Tatsumi x Mine only means death, and Tatsumi x Akame will never happen. We already have a winner guys and it's obviously Wave x Kurome.

i wholeheartedly support wavexkurome  :D 

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1. Wave

2. Killed By Esdeath

3. Wave x Kurome


I couldn't ask for more but this to happen for next chapter. Please make it happen, more Wave x Kurome all the way! Tatsumi x Esdeath won't happen, Tatsumi x Mine only means death, and Tatsumi x Akame will never happen. We already have a winner guys and it's obviously Wave x Kurome.


We don't know if Kurome will return Wave's feelings. I have feeling a Tatsumi will cockblock that with his charms. He's like Gurren Lagann's Kamina at 14.

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I don't mind Wave x Kurome particularly, I can't really ship Kurome with anyone else in particular.


But I sense either Wave or Kurome will die soon (from the Jagers side)

The Jaegers has so much casualties on their side as Esdeath, Wave, and Kurome are the only one still alive. How much more can we lose as Seryu and Run wasn't enough to satisfied Takahiro that *****. EDIT: And better yet he should do more deaths for Nightraid than the Jaegers when the ones he should be killing off are Tatsumi, Mine, and Leone so we could get this story over with. We need Akame as a main character rather than someone like Tatsumi ASAP. Why was this even Akame ga Kill! in the first place anyways if we can't have her in the spotlight?

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i don't know i find that unlikely to happen tbh :P  but hey that's just me


Well I remember when Tsukushi tried to seduce Tsukino's man away. We got this hilarious scene




Too bad Kurome has no boobs.





Kurome+ Wave should be considered as main characters now though. They are going to defect to Night Raid. 

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Kurome+ Wave should be considered as main characters now though. They are going to defect to Night Raid. 


Do you really think they would cross Esdeath though? When Esdeath returned back to the Palace she said "I won't let them do as they please" referring to Wild Hunt. So Wave and Kurome will purge the capital of filth like WIld Hunt with Esdeath's help perhaps? Also for Wave it will come down to his sense of loyalty to his previous savior or his sense of justice if anything.

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What if... what if Esdese joined Night Raid.


I want to remind you all Esdese doesn't care about the prime minister, she just likes slicing people up.


Would she be able to slice people up even after she supposedly joined The Revolutionary Army? She might be able to during the Empire vs Revolutionary Army but afterwards i doubt the new government would stand for it. So I don't see her joining the other side any time soon.

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Would she be able to slice people up even after she supposedly joined The Revolutionary Army? She might be able to during the Empire vs Revolutionary Army but afterwards i doubt the new government would stand for it. So I don't see her joining the other side any time soon.

Believe the power of love?


It's just a what if of course.

It'd be kind of sad to see her die so this is a possible solution.


I mean let's face it if she remains their enemey, either Tatsumi or Esdeath will die, and Tatsumi is the protagonist, he can't really die.

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Believe the power of love?


It's just a what if of course.

It'd be kind of sad to see her die so this is a possible solution.


I mean let's face it if she remains their enemey, either Tatsumi or Esdeath will die, and Tatsumi is the protagonist, he can't really die.


I am sure she stated when she first captured Tatsumi and he wanted her to switch over she was not going to change for him, instead change him for her.


Either way I do hope she doesn't die she is a great character.

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I doubt Night Raid Will Trust Her though. She sliced off Leone's arm and killed Chelsea as well. I don't think they would betray Esdeath either.


You know that candy that she eats as her drug.

Kurome is under the drug's influence. She is an addict with your usual drug addiction problems. The Empire provides her with drugs as long as she's a good girl. Refer to Akame Ga Zero. In other words, she's not fully in control of who she is right now. Weaned off the drug she might be Akame's old sweet imouto-chan again. She's not exactly irredemable like Seryuu and Esdeath. 


It's not so much that they are betraying Esdeath as they are both inclined to good. Wave's devotion right now is to whatever debt he has to pay off and once that's paid off, his only devotion left are his new bond he's built with his comrades in Jaeger. Since Kurome is the only one left, there's a high chance that they could both defect under the condition that Wave wakes up to the Empire's evils; and Kurome weans off the drug. 

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You know that candy that she eats as her drug.

Kurome is under the drug's influence. She is an addict with your usual drug addiction problems. The Empire provides her with drugs as long as she's a good girl. Refer to Akame Ga Zero. In other words, she's not fully in control of who she is right now. Weaned off the drug she might be Akame's old sweet imouto-chan again. She's not exactly irredemable like Seryuu and Esdeath. 


It's not so much that they are betraying Esdeath as they are both inclined to good. Wave's devotion right now is to whatever debt he has to pay off and once that's paid off, his only devotion left are his new bond he's built with his comrades in Jaeger. Since Kurome is the only one left, there's a high chance that they could both defect under the condition that Wave wakes up to the Empire's evils; and Kurome weans off the drug. 


I haven't read Akame Ga Zero so this may not turn out to be the case but doesn't Akame only want to kill her sister? When they fought the executioner once he "transformed" into Kurome didn't that just increase Akame's killing intent?

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I haven't read Akame Ga Zero so this may not turn out to be the case but doesn't Akame only want to kill her sister? When they fought the executioner once he "transformed" into Kurome didn't that just increase Akame's killing intent?


That's one thing they haven't explained yet. We don't if it's irreconcilable or what. There's still so much in Zero that's uncovered. Akame's basically trying to get back a doped up sister in Zero. Like how they are now, they both had their separate teams with their own beloved comrades in Zero. Maybe Kurome murdered all Akame's comrades while doped up /shrug.

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1. Wave

2. Killed By Esdeath

3. Wave x Kurome


I couldn't ask for more but this to happen for next chapter. Please make it happen, more Wave x Kurome all the way! Tatsumi x Esdeath won't happen, Tatsumi x Mine only means death, and Tatsumi x Akame will never happen. We already have a winner guys and it's obviously Wave x Kurome.


While i do agree that wavexkurome is more than likely (if not already on the starting grounds), that tatsumi and mein will result in death and that Tatsumi and Akame is not likely, i would have to disagree with TatsumixEsdeath.


yes i know she is a sadist. yes i know she loves carnage, brutality, torture, violation. but she also loves Tatsumi.


everyone says that she will kill mein but until that actually happens i dont see it as likely. Takahiro, the author, makes a habit of creating strong women who have affection for the protagonists of the story, and through that comes changes in the battle fanatic tendencies of those women as they direct their feelings towards love, and are then dominated by their lover.


i say wait until we see the next 2 or three chapters before anyone says they wont happen with an absolute. despite her evil, there are many factors that have changed about because of her love for Tatsumi, from vowing to protect him and never let anything harm him despite her belief in survival of the fittest, to her strolling around because the moonlight is pretty. both her and the prime minister agree that such things are not like her.


SO with the revelation between her and Tatsumi going out with mine, she will either choose the love that has evidently changed such things about her already, taking bols advice to never give up. or become the rampaging general.



Would she be able to slice people up even after she supposedly joined The Revolutionary Army? She might be able to during the Empire vs Revolutionary Army but afterwards i doubt the new government would stand for it. So I don't see her joining the other side any time soon.

As for her joining. i see 50/50 in regards to that. by that i mean she would not so much join them but stay near Tatsumi to protect, win and love him with clear hostilities (or indifference on her part) to night raid.


as for her habit of hurting and torturing others, if Tatsumi responded to her love, she would have something else to focus on. (as stated above) but that could take a while since mein would still have to be dealt with. i like mein as a character but as a girlfriend, that seemed rushed to me. i reckon its overall role in the story was for the last chapter and Esdeath more than a dating couple.


And if the revolution won, then Esdeath would probably go into exile from the country due to her previous actions, and go with Tatsumi around the world (and probably other members of night raid since Akame one suggested they should go around the world once their country changes). that or her actions would probably get her amnesty of sorts.



Thats what makes the next chapter(s) so critical. its time to see once and for all what she truly wants. Tatsumi or carnage.


As for the danger beasts blood in her, i get the feeling that since she already has control of it, there would be no need to worry for the future. it could be more to do with a strong will to survive and win that her experience living alone in the north taught her that conquered it, so her future with it would be safe.

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While i do agree that wavexkurome is more than likely (if not already on the starting grounds), that tatsumi and mein will result in death and that Tatsumi and Akame is not likely, i would have to disagree with TatsumixEsdeath.


yes i know she is a sadist. yes i know she loves carnage, brutality, torture, violation. but she also loves Tatsumi.


everyone says that she will kill mein but until that actually happens i dont see it as likely. Takahiro, the author, makes a habit of creating strong women who have affection for the protagonists of the story, and through that comes changes in the battle fanatic tendencies of those women as they direct their feelings towards love, and are then dominated by their lover.


i say wait until we see the next 2 or three chapters before anyone says they wont happen with an absolute. despite her evil, there are many factors that have changed about because of her love for Tatsumi, from vowing to protect him and never let anything harm him despite her belief in survival of the fittest, to her strolling around because the moonlight is pretty. both her and the prime minister agree that such things are not like her.


SO with the revelation between her and Tatsumi going out with mine, she will either choose the love that has evidently changed such things about her already, taking bols advice to never give up. or become the rampaging general.



As for her joining. i see 50/50 in regards to that. by that i mean she would not so much join them but stay near Tatsumi to protect, win and love him with clear hostilities (or indifference on her part) to night raid.


as for her habit of hurting and torturing others, if Tatsumi responded to her love, she would have something else to focus on. (as stated above) but that could take a while since mein would still have to be dealt with. i like mein as a character but as a girlfriend, that seemed rushed to me. i reckon its overall role in the story was for the last chapter and Esdeath more than a dating couple.


And if the revolution won, then Esdeath would probably go into exile from the country due to her previous actions, and go with Tatsumi around the world (and probably other members of night raid since Akame one suggested they should go around the world once their country changes). that or her actions would probably get her amnesty of sorts.



Thats what makes the next chapter(s) so critical. its time to see once and for all what she truly wants. Tatsumi or carnage.


As for the danger beasts blood in her, i get the feeling that since she already has control of it, there would be no need to worry for the future. it could be more to do with a strong will to survive and win that her experience living alone in the north taught her that conquered it, so her future with it would be safe.


Do you really think she wouldn't kill Mine though if she had the chance? Tatsumi would hate her for it and not allow her to be near him. However, I would think she would realize this and refrain from the act and just focus on getting his attention more than hurting Mine.

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Do you really think she wouldn't kill Mine though if she had the chance? Tatsumi would hate her for it and not allow her to be near him. However, I would think she would realize this and refrain from the act and just focus on getting his attention more than hurting Mine.

exactly that. Esdeath, while still sadistic, has had several parts about her changed due to her love for Tatsumi. like when she was ordered to return to the capital from her defending the Western front. she was smiling at the thought of battle but then that smile went away to a sad lonely face at the thought of Tatsumi.

while not expicilty stating, that shows Tatsumi has a changing influence on her and what she feels.


So it would not be too much of a stretch to feel like she would be hesitant to kill Mine. Angry, Hurt perhaps but if she takes Bols advice seriously to not give up, then she would have to be careful about her next moves.


as i said, the next chapters are make it or brake it for her. we'll see.


but the wait it EATING AT MY SOUL!!!

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