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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Rem all 50 pronouce, listen more, read more, it should be fine.


Still, i got a net friend who playing more than 500 pieces VN without translation since secondary school till today 3x age ~  He can read japanese as well without any problem, he not really go into japanese, juz learn bit and bit through play VN.


I'm personaly r lazy to learn language, juz can listen as well through watch anime sice 2009 till today , and the amount make me can rem and realize the meaning even my memorize skill can conzider nearly 0 ( i cant rem anyone face or anyone sentence normally)


But still, listen anime way easier much than reality, since reality japanese talk r always shortform and talk faster much.


Still, if u go on with rem all 50 pronouce, and read more listen more, using dict to find those u dun understand. It would be faster to let u handle the basic of read and listen within few months.

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I think you'd probably be able to figure out most of what is being said in love live songs in less than a year learning the language, they're pretty easy(and they use the same words in most of them :P). Reading VNs is a longer journey which you'd probably be able to start within less than a year, but as your time & experience increases with it, the better you get at it. 

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Assuming you work 8 hours a day 6 days a week at minimum wage (using US values) you'll make 348 dollars per week, that's around 1500 dollars a month.


Assuming you live alone in a very cheap place at, let's say 500 dollars rent you still have 1000 dollars spare.

Internet + electricity fees if you're cheap enough would be like 150 per month, meaning you still have around 850 dollars to spend.

Then comes the most basic living essentials: food and water which might shave off 300 per month.

Let's add to this a 200 dollar monthly value for other personal expenses.


This means, if you dedicate your life to SIF you can get around 350 dollars to spend on it every month at minimum wage.


Given you need 20 dollars for 50 love gems you can stack up really fast. And these values are just for minimum wage jobs, if you have a better job you'll have more money to spend on it.


That's if you want to live like a hermit of course :P

New scenario: Millionaire Entrepreneur gets hooked on SIF and dumps cash. 


hehe, I really liked what you did there to take apart just how many love gems that is, though 0.0

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New scenario: Millionaire Entrepreneur gets hooked on SIF and dumps cash. 


hehe, I really liked what you did there to take apart just how many love gems that is, though 0.0

There's somekind of sentence : Normally a second job of Yuusha is a entreprenuer

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I think you'd probably be able to figure out most of what is being said in love live songs in less than a year learning the language, they're pretty easy(and they use the same words in most of them :P). Reading VNs is a longer journey which you'd probably be able to start within less than a year, but as your time & experience increases with it, the better you get at it. 

Becoz more grammar on NV than animation ~ its a novel ~

But actually its not really hard too if u know many words, u may hard to write properly, but u can easily read.


I played some VN with fully voice, and i can know 90% of content

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Considering I literally know like 3 katakana, one hirigana, and no kanji, along with knowing ~20 words by ear, I am very very very far from even knowing a Love Live song without subtitles :P


Added yours already.

Edit: sorry for double post. Did another mistake here...

Btw, how's everyone faring with the event is far?

Just hit 11k event points with 40 clears on Love Novels and get to play 1 more daily song in half an hour and then play Love Novels one more time, then off to bed for 5 and a half hours til I have to play again :P Oh, rank updated after I spammed Love Novels slightly before this post. I'm ranked 576 right now, definitely going to have to spend more love gems to keep top 1000, currently used 6 I think.

I'm realizing just how unskilled I am at this game compared to others in this thread. I have only FC'd Love Novels like 8 times out of those 40 clears, that's not a good ratio for such an easy song.

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Added yours already.

Edit: sorry for double post. Did another mistake here...

Btw, how's everyone faring with the event is far?

Getting score rank 9292 with 3486 points along with other 4 player ~ =w=

Getting Song rank 7541 with 152k score

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So far my total score points is 8526. My current score rank is 1299 (no love gems have been spent so far). Could have gained 200 more this morning, but I forgot to do the game when I woke up at 4 am (cuz I was tired).... I feel so disappointed at myself :( 


Score for the song is 164k, which gives me the ranking of 2984 for score (my smile team sucks).

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Considering I literally know like 3 katakana, one hirigana, and no kanji, along with knowing ~20 words by ear, I am very very very far from even knowing a Love Live song without subtitles :P


Just hit 11k event points with 40 clears on Love Novels and get to play 1 more daily song in half an hour and then play Love Novels one more time, then off to bed for 5 and a half hours til I have to play again :P Oh, rank updated after I spammed Love Novels slightly before this post. I'm ranked 576 right now, definitely going to have to spend more love gems to keep top 1000, currently used 6 I think.

I'm realizing just how unskilled I am at this game compared to others in this thread. I have only FC'd Love Novels like 8 times out of those 40 clears, that's not a good ratio for such an easy song.

dun worry, i far more bad skill than everyone here ~ even i'm on rank 72... Last 2 events , i dindt FC once even 100 plays, there r four normal songs still no fc... daily songs didnt have any A rank combo... Think gonna cry  :(

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So far my total score points is 8526. My current score rank is 1299 (no love gems have been spent so far). Could have gained 200 more this morning, but I forgot to do the game when I woke up at 4 am (cuz I was tired).... I feel so disappointed at myself :( 


Score for the song is 164k, which gives me the ranking of 2984 for score (my smile team sucks).

 I'm ranked 1900 for song score with 170k points. I don't like repeats in my team, so I sacrifice all repeats even if they could increase my team's score. I don't mind having same member, as long as they aren't the same card (so SR+R is fine with me). The team has 33140 raw stat only.

My Smile team is this (grayed out members):



dun worry, i far more bad skill than everyone here ~ even i'm on rank 72... Last 2 events , i dindt FC once even 100 plays, there r four normal songs still no fc... daily songs didnt have any A rank combo... Think gonna cry  :(

I'll say I'm mid-tier then :P
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Quite interesting xisashi, since I learned japanese more from VNs than other things since I don't watch much anime and stuff. My grammar is also a lot greater than my vocabulary, and it essentially allows me to understand things even if I don't know all the words, or it teaches me what the words mean due to knowing the grammar :P

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Rares are coming frequently to me lately, just got a pure Honoka (already idolized, so she's going to be used as sacrifice to raise another member's skill). Ending tonight at 11279 points. So close to that Nico!

Oh, and what better way to wrap up a night than get a 1-good run of Love Novels? :)

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Quite interesting xisashi, since I learned japanese more from VNs than other things since I don't watch much anime and stuff. My grammar is also a lot greater than my vocabulary, and it essentially allows me to understand things even if I don't know all the words, or it teaches me what the words mean due to knowing the grammar :P.

It really depends from person to person. I can barely read kanji and barely know any verbs in hira/kata, but the moment I know what it sounds like *snap* I understand the meaning. All this simply through listening from anime and VNs.
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sure, vn will better since u can learn more grammer. for me, not rem 50 pronoucation, i juz can understand throught listen, and would be hard if play game tat no voice acting. XD

if really into it, read more and some jpn channel to watch would better

p/s: get nico nico nearly, i should be happy but 4 pure nico... what i should respone? im really pure based account, currently nearly 38k raw, will boost to 45k + 9k when boost with UR pure friend.

juz get a cool nico and idolized, yeah.

i need 1 more cool eli, smile umi and nico!

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Got a rare in a single regular scout and guess what?

IT'S A NICO. Finally i got a Nico! And more importantly it's a pure one which i didn't have before so now i have maid Nico<3

It is also the third and last one of the initial rare Nicos that i have idolized.

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Just calculated that I will be barely making the top 1000 cutoff for event ranking after using all my tokens. What's going on here is everyone using more love gems then usual? I expected myself to be at least within top 600. Everyone wants some Nico Nico love I guess..  :P

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It's the Nico hype train.


Also Nico's birthday is coming up in 10 days. I'll make sure to make a nice post on it for everyone to celebrate.


I'll need to spend more love gems because of my parents' idiocy but i'll make it to top 1000. It's just a shame i have to spend more than i wanted to.

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I just need a Cool Maki to have all rares and idolize that Maki, Smile and Pure Rin, one Smile Nozomi, and a Cool Umi.

Ceris ~ Here is something of your interests. :D

Not home right now, can't wait to listen to the preview! Solo song?

Got a rare in a single regular scout and guess what?

IT'S A NICO. Finally i got a Nico! And more importantly it's a pure one which i didn't have before so now i have maid Nico<3

It is also the third and last one of the initial rare Nicos that i have idolized.

We must have traded Rin for Nico since i got to idolize my first Rin and you got a Nico :)

It's the Nico hype train.

Also Nico's birthday is coming up in 10 days. I'll make sure to make a nice post on it for everyone to celebrate.

I'll need to spend more love gems because of my parents' idiocy but i'll make it to top 1000. It's just a shame i have to spend more than i wanted to.

I'm definitely on the Nico hype train. I said before, she's not near my favorite character, but I'm still determined.
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