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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Events are amazingly forgiving to unskilled players. The difference between a horrible run and a perfect one is roughly ten percent. It's mostly about how much effort you invest (although I kind of wish there was a bigger difference)

You can do the math if you want, but I think you should be able to make it to about fourteen

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Router issues may be a compatibility between the router and modem, not easy stuff to fix. Drops in fixed periods may be relating to when the router switches IPs, and random unstableness is likely just compatibility issues :<. (assuming there is no ISP issues, which there shouldn't be if ethernet is stable)


So I just realized you get an SR for 13k event points. I have about 5k right now with no event book thingies left, how hard will it be to get 13k if I suck at the game :< 

Dun worry, if u play all 240LP per day and just normal mode event songs as well, u still can get the SR before the event end.

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So is that UR Honoka and SR Hanayo poster an event right now? And if so, since I have 7 gems right now, will I make it in time to 50 gems?

I'm wondering if I should just spend now. I want something pretty soon.

3 gems per day for new player, last about 10 days. There r totally 6~7 gem per month for daily login rewards, an event u can get at least 6 gem without any ranking rewards yet.


Play daily songs with S rank combo and score, both give u total 4 gem. U can get extra 1 gem for clearing all mode of daily songs.


The first 3 times 10+1 draws will very fast, normally u can get around 1 month.

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So far I have 7137 points, and I got this without using any love gems. Really glad that the daily rotation song is ongoing, they make things easier for me.

240LP, only get u more 19.2 event points, and 11 day should get u about 210 event points and its worth only more 4.7 times event hard mode plays.

But the important, juz the 25LP song make lvling easier

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240LP, only get u more 19.2 gems, and 11 day should get u about 210 gems and its worth only 4.7 times event hard mode. 

But the important, juz the 25LP song make lvling easier

Yep, 25lp songs definitely make my life easier. Because I have 55lp as max, I can play SIF 5 times in one day now (thanks to the recent level up). I play at 4ish am, then somewhere around 8.30 am, then it's somewhere around 1 pm, then I guess around 5 pm and finally at 10 pm. Of course this schedule would be ruined once new term starts, which is in 2 days. :(

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I don't know which is more depressing:

- Missing out my chance to perfect combo Love Novels

- Couldn't beat my high score even if I did.

Wish I had a better team for this.


I read somewhere the chances to get URs are higher if you wait for 50 gems and get 11 at once?

The honor scouting event between character events gives a guaranteed SR or above for every 10+1. I have no idea what the UR drop rate is, but it's still a low %. It feels easier than 1% though, although it probably is still the same rate.
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I don't know which is more depressing:

- Missing out my chance to perfect combo Love Novels

- Couldn't beat my high score even if I did.

Wish I had a better team for this.imagejpg1-5.jpgThe honor scouting event between character events gives a guaranteed SR or above for every 10+1. I have no idea what the UR drop rate is, but it's still a low %. It feels easier than 1% though, although it probably is still the same rate.

perfect combo seems as kamisama way to me...

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I'm almost at the same song score as you. Kinda pisses me off as I'm so close to top 200 but I can't seem to breach that cutoff! Kinda wish I had a Nico UR right now, Umi is fine and all but she's not helping much in this event :/


On the other hand, have some spare time tonight so it's time to burn through those tokens that I have amassed E3EKkcH.jpg


Should be able to get me into the top 1000. Have used 3 love gems and will be using another tonight just to secure my spot.


Also, I'll be able to idolize the event Nico immediately after I get her as well


Nico hungers  :P

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Right? I get a minimum of 20 greats on anything I play... and "team not good enough", my team only nets me 170k points on the song :(

Ahaha,  I hope I didn't sound too much like an elitist.

I compare my scores a lot to event rankings and I wasn't getting enough for top 200.


And if it helps with getting less greats, just hate the sound it makes. Hate it with a passion and you'll improve from there. That's how it's like for me.



I'm almost at the same song score as you. Kinda pisses me off as I'm so close to top 200 but I can't seem to breach that cutoff! Kinda wish I had a Nico UR right now, Umi is fine and all but she's not helping much in this event :/

Ooh ~ That's nice, because I have some good news for you. Once you get the SR Nico, you should be able to get into top 200.

The card is as amazing as I thought it would be. The skill triggered 5 times, and overall my score is now 199616. You do need quite a bit of luck though.

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Why do they turn the internet off?

And I'll have 200 event points to spend other class, and probably going to spend a other love gem tonight to get the 30 clears on the daily song.

For the sole reason they don't like me staying up late. Despite me not having any need to wake up early. It's kind of laughable.

But regardless of intentions i'm below top 1000 when i was at 590 yesterday just because they're removing precious play time. I had 15 Lp when they turned the internet off. It's just making the tournament really inefficient and forcing me to spend the love gems.

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In celebration of Tanabata:


Not translating this due to poor skills but i'll try and give the general meaning.



Nico is all proud to have brought a bamboo tree for hanging tanabata wish cards.

Honoka and Rin are all excited for it

Umi is amazed at how kiddy they are acting

Kotori is wondering where she got the tree from

Eri is pointing at Nico's wish card and showing it to Nozomi



Nico's card says she wants to be the world's number 1 idol.

Eri and Nozomi are in facepalm mode.

Honoka and Rin are writing pointless wishes

Nico is saying if that's all they're asking for

The punchline on the bottom left I believe is something like "I don't want to hear that from you" or something :P



Maki found one of Nico's cards on the tree and is thinking about taking a peek.



I think Honoka and Rin are either tired or can't come up with anything else to write.

Nico is wondering about what Maki wrote.

Nico then teases Maki about wether or not she asked for something silly like tomatoes (Maki's favorite food are tomatoes by the way :P)

Maki is blushing after she asks that and everyone is like "Eh?"



Nico is asking Maki about her wish and Maki is saying it's a secret.

Nico goes home pouting over Maki not telling her about her wish.




Nico is still kind of pouting and Maki goes to hold Nico's hand and says "Nico-chan.. you see.."


The wishcards say:

"I wish to become Maki-chan's girlfriend" - Nico Yazawa 


"I wish to become Nico-chan's girlfriend" - Maki Nishikino

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In celebration of Tanabata:

Not translating this due to poor skills but i'll try and give the general meaning.


Nico is all proud to have brought a bamboo tree for hanging tanabata wish cards.

Honoka and Rin are all excited for it

Umi is amazed at how kiddy they are acting

Kotori is wondering where she got the tree from

Eri is pointing at Nico's wish card and showing it to Nozomi


Nico's card says she wants to be the world's number 1 idol.

Eri and Nozomi are in facepalm mode.

Honoka and Rin are writing pointless wishes

Nico is saying if that's all they're asking for

The punchline on the bottom left I believe is something like "I don't want to hear that from you" or something :P


Maki found one of Nico's cards on the tree and is thinking about taking a peek.


I think Honoka and Rin are either tired or can't come up with anything else to write.

Nico is wondering about what Maki wrote.

Nico then teases Maki about wether or not she asked for something silly like tomatoes (Maki's favorite food are tomatoes by the way :P)

Maki is blushing after she asks that and everyone is like "Eh?"


Nico is asking Maki about her wish and Maki is saying it's a secret.

Nico is goes home pouting over Maki not telling her about her wish.


Nico is still kind of pouting and Maki goes to hold Nico's hand and says "Nico-chan.. you see.."

The wishcards say:

"I wish to become Maki-chan's girlfriend" - Nico Yazawa

"I wish to become Nico-chan's girlfriend" - Maki Nishikino

Thanks for posting this! :) Your post succeeded in distracting me while waiting for my lp to recharge.... I swear time feels so slow when you're waiting anxiously for something to happen...
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Assuming you work 8 hours a day 6 days a week at minimum wage (using US values) you'll make 348 dollars per week, that's around 1500 dollars a month.


Assuming you live alone in a very cheap place at, let's say 500 dollars rent you still have 1000 dollars spare.

Internet + electricity fees if you're cheap enough would be like 150 per month, meaning you still have around 850 dollars to spend.

Then comes the most basic living essentials: food and water which might shave off 300 per month.

Let's add to this a 200 dollar monthly value for other personal expenses.


This means, if you dedicate your life to SIF you can get around 350 dollars to spend on it every month at minimum wage.


Given you need 20 dollars for 50 love gems you can stack up really fast. And these values are just for minimum wage jobs, if you have a better job you'll have more money to spend on it.


That's if you want to live like a hermit of course :P

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