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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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That's such a cute Nico picture! What's the source?


And Ceris I know you posted a AMV a while ago with Nico and Maki and the song Magnetic Today.

Do you think you can find it again? I forgot to add it to my favorites apparently. I really thought I had.


Here have 2 cute pictures in exchange :P

(Source for download purposes: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=46330753 )





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Nice job finding it!

I love going through my members and seeing a random rare I never drew (and is already level 10) because of song rewards, always an awesome feeling. My rare member from song reward count is up past 20 now I think, I've gotten so many. This time was a Pure Hanayo which I got from Kokuhaku on Hard.

Rather sad that Wonderful Rush is gone (despite having over 250 clears on it), since I love that song so much, and don't really care for Kitto Seishun or Mermaid Festa vol 1 (especially the latter) as much, The dailies I have 150+ clears on (210 for Soldier Game and nearly 300 for Kokuhaku) so those are getting dull too. Can't wait though, we're getting Love Marginal rereleased, which I will play just for fun no problem, I love that song so much.

Oh,and I'm 6 EXP away from rank 126, which gives me 88 LP. You need 90 LP to play 6 Hards in a row, but the time it takes to set up a score match and play the song is nearly 3 minutes, so by the time I play 5 songs on Hard, I will recharge 2 LP easy, so I can now play 6 hards per gem recharge for Day 1 Maki rush. Pretty awesome, totally ready. Going for top 200 for Maki.

Got linked to this


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Nice job finding it!

I love going through my members and seeing a random rare I never drew (and is already level 10) because of song rewards, always an awesome feeling. My rare member from song reward count is up past 20 now I think, I've gotten so many. This time was a Pure Hanayo which I got from Kokuhaku on Hard.


Oh yeah I think i got a rare card from song reward at least once so far... is there an exact % rate for that happening?

And good luck going for top 200! We'll be rooting for ya  ;) 


Whoever manages to not shed a tear in Season 2's Episode 11 - Our Decision is an emotionless tank.

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Oh yeah I think i got a rare card from song reward at least once so far... is there an exact % rate for that happening?

And good luck going for top 200! We'll be rooting for ya  ;) 


Whoever manages to not shed a tear in Season 2's Episode 11 - Our Decision is an emotionless tank.

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Oh yeah I think i got a rare card from song reward at least once so far... is there an exact % rate for that happening?

And good luck going for top 200! We'll be rooting for ya  ;) 


Whoever manages to not shed a tear in Season 2's Episode 11 - Our Decision is an emotionless tank.

I tear up/cry for episodes 5, 11, 12, and 13. The whole time watching episode 12 I just had this overwelming feeling of dread for the eminent end coming up. But then the performance came. Every time I watch Kira Kira Sensation, I tear up, and if I'm watching the episode version, not just a video, the part right after destroys me. Bokura wa Ima has such an impact on me now just from hearing it I tear up, whether I'm at home or even walking down the street listening to music.

And thanks, I'm expecting to spend another 40 gems for top 200 ._.

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That's such a cute Nico picture! What's the source?


And Ceris I know you posted a AMV a while ago with Nico and Maki and the song Magnetic Today.

Do you think you can find it again? I forgot to add it to my favorites apparently. I really thought I had.


Here have 2 cute pictures in exchange :P

(Source for download purposes: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=46330753 )


I saw it while I was looking at nico maki pictures but can't remember the website then I saw it on facebook too :D

I believe this is the one (I like a lot of Love Live pages and follow them on twitter hehe)




I found :D



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Well, I went through that whole Facebook page (I'm not familiar with Facebook's workings, so I might be missing something) but that image never came up. I did find a couple I liked.



I'll be making a small post about Honoka in the near future, headache/sick/tired/laziness are my excuses why I wont' do it right now :P

Edit: Oh, you found it after, I forgot to refresh. So there's the source of that Rin picture from that artist too, that Rin one looks pretty cool.


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Well, I went through that whole Facebook page (I'm not familiar with Facebook's workings, so I might be missing something) but that image never came up. I did find a couple I liked.



I'll be making a small post about Honoka in the near future, headache/sick/tired/laziness are my excuses why I wont' do it right now :P

Edit: Oh, you found it after, I forgot to refresh. So there's the source of that Rin picture from that artist too, that Rin one looks pretty cool.



Haha get well soon :D  need to refresh the page too :D

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I was doing some predicting on the next JP event. I'll just post everything that's relevant.

So, Events go in a cycle for the characters, after each of the 9 get an event, it restarts and does a different order. So far, this cycle, there's been Kotori, Nico, Maki, Honoka, and Umi. So we can assume the next event is Rin, Hanayo, Eli, or Nozomi.

Also, we know JP token events have a special side story you can read for the character as you progress through the event. Token events are every other event. and so far, Kotori, Maki, Umi, Hanayo, Honoka, and Eli have gotten one. The next event is a score match event, so we can assume the next event is NOT one of the remaining members but one of these listed.

So if we rule out Maki, Umi, Honoka, and Kotori, all whom have gotten an event this cycle, we're left with Eli or Hanayo for the next event.

Lastly, if we look at the recent events, neither character has been featured in an event any bit recently, though Eli more recent than Hanayo, so that's my best guess.

tl;dr: Hanayo is the best guess at the next JP event due to already having a School Idol Diary and no event this event cycle.

Just a side note, strangely, Nico hasn't gotten a School Idol Diary yet either, but she got her event this cycle already (so they've been going on for more than just this cycle). Also, the new event is coming out soon, which could possibly render this entire presumption pointless~



To go for tier 2 in Hanayo event or not.. Rice Goddess (LITERALLY) is calling...

Maki Event should be announced soon, and should be starting on October 6th at 5AM EST. Sadly, I have class that day, so I can't do a 1-sitting rush. I'll still try and get her day 1 though.

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Aww those cards are cuute and finally they showed something origami hahaha and it is a riceball (they don't usually show anything about Hanayo.. her line is Im actually good at origami but they never showed something :D you understand me right?? Like we don't have her back story

Tomorrow morning it will start uhh I wanted Maki event to start then too :/ well can't help it I guess :D

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Couldn't resist and splurged $15 for 23 love gems :ph34r:

I'm an avid supporter of 10+1 draws now


Well I don't get those cards when I do 10+1 so I am still a single draw supporter T.T

But I will collect love gems and tickets till they release Maki's UR I will get 5 tickets and maybe 50 gems so I can do many draws to get her but I doubt that I will even get a UR

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50 gem draws are worth it they said..

You'll have better luck they said.....

I'm never doing this again, not worth it.


I have that Honoka SR too :D her raw stat is good but her skill is stamina sadly

You have all Honoka SRs that has released except yukata one right? I only don't have swimsuit one

Honoka is everywhere

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I have that Honoka SR too :D her raw stat is good but her skill is stamina sadly

You have all Honoka SRs that has released except yukata one right? I only don't have swimsuit one

Honoka is everywhere

Yeah I only don't have the Yukata Honoka

And i've yet to get any of the Nico SR/UR


Well I have 38 gems saved up, will use them for the Maki event.

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....Never happened to me either /O/

I wish I played JP Love Live! because HANAYO SO CUTE D:

Now I wait to play Maki's event in eng SIF whenever that comes.

You can play it :) there was a link Ceris gave us I downloaded from there :D jp version's score matches are even better I play different experts each time :D

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Yeah I only don't have the Yukata Honoka

And i've yet to get any of the Nico SR/UR

Well I have 38 gems saved up, will use them for the Maki event.

I have 4 now I will put 50 more tomorrow for her event :D but after that I don't wanna buy 50 gems anymore cause that 1 sr guarantee is so attractive
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I have 4 now I will put 50 more tomorrow for her event :D but after that I don't wanna buy 50 gems anymore cause that 1 sr guarantee is so attractive


I tried risking it and once again it hasn't paid off. I'm surprised at how unlucky I got this time.

I did 7 single draws, nothing, and now I did a 50 gem draw and only get 1 SR which was the guaranteed one.


How much bad luck can a person actively get?

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