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I swear I should stop procrastinating...

Dark Ariel7

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I should really get back to studying Japanese, I have to get like at least 300 kanji in a month but nope... I still have yet to even start. Damn I really want to read Hagure Yuusha when I get it but at this rate it is going to take me all of summer to get even through the first volume.

Even this post is just me not studying like I should be...

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I started studying the basic stuffs about a week ago. Really motivated you know?


Then I started playing a LOT and stop doing that.


Now I am trying to get back to it. I have the motivation but sometimes it just suddenly disappears.


And for the record my real life is as free as it can get.


Halp pls.

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I just started learning so I only know the hiragana and some random vocabulary, when I sit down to study and feel like procrastinating I think about my wish to live there one day, even if not for the rest of my life. Think that this bit of study will help you get one step closer to a greater personal achievement, you'll be independent from translators so lots of doors open for you, maybe it won't work for everyone but that depends only on your passion for language. Don't lose your way, boys!

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Perhaps discuss what you're currently attempting to learn and/or what you're trying to read on TS would get you going...


Or, pretend you're Daniel Jackson trying to decipher the cover stones of the stargate if that helps motivate you... ;)

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