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Custom VN/Anime goodies at ArtsCow


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Just like last year (fuwanovel topic), Artscow has really good discount this year for X-mas, mainly the deals with free shipping and discounts.

Here is the list of all deals: http://www.artscow.com/promote/fcfs.aspx

If you buy something for 10$ only then you can get the 10$ discount and only pay for shipping or you can use some of the other deals that include free shipping.


I used the one for the electronics and I designed a flash drive!











Last year I bought 2 mousepads and they are pretty decent, I am using it all the time in bed.

This year I am in need of flashdrive as I lost all of them (or more likely someone took them and never returned xD) so I designed my own so nobody can claim its his xD I got the 4GB one as that's good enough for me to boot system and stuff from, other variants are 2 and 8. With the total 40% discount and free shipping it cost me 13$ - for a custom loli flash drive that's really good xD




So share your designs here, batman was talking about Puzzle so maybe he will make some design xD

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It sounded great at first, but they seem determined to thwart me.

The custom USB flash drive is too small, it needs to be at least 64GB.

The puzzles are too small, looked like the biggest one was only 100 pieces or so.

The cards are printed with the picture on both sides.  Only the backs should have the pictures if you're gonna actually use them in play.

Oh well!

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The custom USB flash drive is too small, it needs to be at least 64GB.

Well I only need it so I don't have to burn 300kb files on a CD when I need to boot something xD

If I needed big mobile storage I'd probably prefer external drive.



The cards are printed with the picture on both sides.  Only the backs should have the pictures if you're gonna actually use them in play.

Oh well!


These are backside image only if that's what you want: http://www.artscow.com/photo-gifts/playing-cards/playing-cards-single-design-298


(and if you add something cheap like magnet business card you can get over 10$ and apply the 10$ deal and only pay for shipping)

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Those are the single design ones.  I want the one with the different picture on each card...



Wait that doesn't make sense, if the back picture was different for each card then you could as well play with the cards turned around so your opponent can see what you have since he can already see the back of the card. For card game the back always has to be the same no matter what.



so from what I see on the website they either have default poker cards and you design the backside only or you design backside and also the 54 cards as you want so you can put like lolis instead of hearts or whatnot so then you can say you have ACE OF LOLIS! But either way all their variants have single back design because that's how cards work. Otherwise it would be cheat cards.



Damn now thinking about it maybe I should design a loli deck for next year based on characters xD

Ace of Mares, 8 of Vivios, Jack of Einharts, 2 of Shinkus :o

Well maybe next year, maybe next year :P

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