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Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: July 13th 2024)

Angela DeMille

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Hey, everyone!

We're starting the new year by finishing off the Redemption storyline from last month. I'm really pleased with how it turned out, I think it's another strong story, and I hope many of you will agree! But I'm happy to now be moving on to other things that may be a little more fun generally~

Besides that, there's another trio of excellent CGs to brighten things up, including a first one for the Villainous Sleeper Agent storyline that was long overdue. Penlight's really got a lot of CGs going for it now, huh? And I've got no intention of stopping anytime soon...

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the public news post on Patreon.

Anyway, that's about it for this update! Next month's release is going to be a bit of a mixed bag with no clear writing focus, while I have a feeling some of the art additions I have upcoming are going to be very well-received!

Enjoy the new release and I'll be back soon enough~

What's New

  • Redemption storyline fully scripted to a conclusion along one path
  • New CG for Sayori's Doll storyline, just before the epilogue
  • New CG for the Villianous Sleeper Agent story path
  • New CG for Hiroko's original storyline, near the end
  • The dialogue for the Villainous Sleeper Agent scene where the CG appears has been revised slightly
  • Word count is now around 256,000
  • Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
  • Minor typo corrections

Known Issues

  • Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.

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Hey, peoples!

This update is, as I teased last time, a mixed bag of stuff. I've poked around at multiple storylines and added bits of new script and outline to each of them as I tried to settle on one or another. All those greyed-out choices are finally starting to get some attention and maybe I'll be in with a chance of actually finishing writing Penlight one of these days xD

Artwise it's been another fantastic month. The Redemption storyline has its first illustrations now, and Sayori's Doll story gets a couple more, but the highlight is the new one for Nozomi's Trance story. It's so much fun, and I know a lot of people will appreciate that scene coming to life with the CG in place~

As before, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the public news post on Patreon.

Hope you enjoy this one! Next month will see me trying to focus on one of these new story branches with a view to finishing it, and there'll be some more great illustrations to come so look forward to that~

What's New

  • Ticklish Hands: Added the option for Kyou to refuse help and then change his mind
  • Ticklish Hands: Added the option for Kyou to refuse help and take advantage of the situation, written up to about halfway through day 5, the "Trickster" path
  • Villainous Robot: Added the "I can't keep doing this" choice
  • The first part of the "Become my girlfriend" choice on Nozomi's Trance path has now been written
  • Two new CGs for Sayori's Doll storyline
  • Two new CGs for the Redemption storyline
  • New CG for Nozomi's Trance Storyline
  • Edited the bedroom scene of Nozomi's Trance storyline, expanding it slightly to make better use of the new CG
  • A couple of new scenes outlined for the Reversal storyline, and some edits made to existing script
  • Wrote a little more for the Villainous Robot storyline, along a previously unavailable path ("No, I need to chill out")
  • Word count is now around 262,000
  • Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
  • Minor typo corrections

Known Issues

  • Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - March 13th 2021)

Hey, peeps!

This past month's writing focus has been all on Hiroko, as I tried to get stuck into one of the branch stories I started on last time. The "Trickster" path, a branch of her Ticklish Hands storyline is taking shape but it's been hard going. See how I've gotten on~

Nozomi's Trance storyline has been the main beneficiary from the art upgrades this time around. There's two new ones and both are pretty striking visually! Also included here is a CG from early in the Villainous Robot route and another CG for Sayori's Doll route for possibly the best scene in that story.

As before, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions, on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the update! For next time, expect more progress on the Trickster path along with another bevy of new CGs spread across the storylines old and new. See you again soon!

What's New

  • Two new CGs for Nozomi's Trance storyline
  • New CG for the Doll storyline
  • New CG for the Robot storyline
  • Word count is now around 267,000
  • Hiroko's Trickster branch of her Ticklish Hands storyline is now scripted with dialogue up to the end of day 5 and outlined up to day 7
  • Slightly edited the scene in Nozomi's Trance storyline where the new CG appears
  • Edited the Robot storyline scene in which the new CG appears, which occurs during the second day
  • The music track "Rain", which plays during some dramatic parts of the story, has been cut down to make it loop more naturally
  • Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
  • Minor typo corrections

Known Issues

  • Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - April 10th 2021)

Hi, everyone!

This month saw my writing struggles continue as I tried to progress the new Trickster storyline some more. I never really got going, but a few new scenes have been written along with a little reworking of the previous month's scenes. It seems a good place to leave it for now while I find other things to work on because gosh, there's no shortage of stuff to do on this thing!

That means this month's new content leans heavily on its art updates once again ^^; With seven new CGs included here it's the biggest art dump yet! Why yes, this is getting to be rather heavily illustrated for a free visual novel. No, I do not intend to stop anytime soon...

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

So yes, next month I'm taking a break from Trickster to finish some other writing tasks and see how things are after that. Enjoy the update and I'll see you then!

What's New

  • New CG for the Delusion storyline
  • New CG for Hiroko's "Ticklish Hands" storyline ending
  • New CG set for Akiko, covering two scenes on the Redemption storyline
  • New CG for Sayori's Alter storyline
  • New CG for Nozomi's Trance storyline
  • New CG for Hiroko's storylines, near the beginning
  • New CG for the Redemption storyline, for the epilogue
  • Hiroko's Trickster storyline has been edited and dialogued a little more through to the seventh day
  • Added a check for two instances where the player can input a name to prevent Kyou from using something he'd consider inappropriate
  • Word count is now around 271,500
  • Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
  • Updated the end credits with the latest backers
  • Minor typo corrections

Known Issues

  • Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.
Edited by Angela DeMille
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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - May 8th 2021)


Hi, folks!

This month, I turned my writing focus towards Nozomi's story paths. Her long-neglected second storyline, beginning when Kyou suggests Nozomi act like a zombie, has had some significant work done to it after having been essentially broken for so many months. There's a lot more that needs doing, but we're off to a decent start, I reckon.

A couple of alternate endings have also been written for Nozomi's original path, Trance, which result from a choice made towards the end of the storyline. If you go looking for them, the latest flowchart guide will help you out if you're having trouble~

There's also another ton of new art in here, with most main storylines getting some form of additional illustration including something to close out the current Trickster story writing from last time.

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

And that's all for now! Please enjoy the new updates and I'll see you again in June :)

What's New

  • A reconstruction of Nozomi's Zombie storyline, written up to partway through day 6
  • Written two previously outlined decision paths on Nozomi's Trance storyline, each leading to a new ending
  • New CGs for the following storylines: Hiroko (original and "Trickster"), Sayori (Doll and Alter) and Villainous Sleeper Agent
  • New CG for some of the classroom scenes, seen across multiple storylines
  • Minor script changes on most storylines, mostly to address discrepencies caused by the new classroom CG
  • Fixed a bug in one of Hiroko's CGs on her original route that didn't display her shadow correctly
  • Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
  • Minor typo corrections
  • Word count is now around 276,000

Known Issues

  • Changing the language on a line where an animation occurs (like screen shake) will throw up an error.

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - June 12th 2021)


Hey, gang!

In this month's update, Nozomi's Zombie route rewrite is well underway. It's changed quite a bit from the original version and is a lot more ambitious as I try some new things with it to set it apart from Nozomi's Trance route.

Elsewhere we have another load of new art added to the game, with the added CGs on the Trance and Sleeper Agent routes particularly memorable. There are now 90 unlockable CGs in this game, which for a visual novel that can still be had for free is rather incredible~

All that plus a couple fixes to longstanding issues, is your lot for this month's release, which you can find in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

In July I'm intending to continue with the Zombie route rewrite while the new artwork continues to come in. Until then, enjoy the update and I'll be back next month as always ^^

What's New

  • WRITING: Second rewrite of several scenes for Nozomi Zombie script. Rough dialogue has been laid out through to day 6
  • CG: New CG assets for the following storylines: Villainous Sleeper Agent, Hiroko Ticklish Hands (x2), Nozomi Zombie, Nozomi Trance (x2) and Sayori Doll
  • CG: A few more assets added to the classroom CG. The character's facial expressions in some of the classroom scenes should match up better with what's happening now
  • CG: A couple more assets added to Sayori's first Doll CG in her room. The assets are used in a scene towards the end of the storyline
  • FIX: Changing languages on a line of dialogue that includes a screen animation (i.e. shaking effects) should no longer produce an error
  • FIX: For Redemption storyline, fixed a display bug which prevented a background from being displayed during an early scene
  • FIX: For Doll storyline, fixed a display bug that occurred during the doll pose scene
  • Spanish localisation: Various edits and corrections to the existing script
  • Word count is now around 279,000
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - July 10th 2021)


In this month's update, I add another load of CGs, tweak some older content and continue making progress on writing Nozomi's second storyline. There's a lot I'm happy about with this one ^^

One of the highlights in this release is the new art for the villainous story paths. Each of the paths now has an illustration to introduce them and a rewritten opening scene to boot, so those are well worth checking out again!

As for Nozomi's second story, "Zombie" (which I should be clear isn't fully descriptive; it's not really about zombies ^^;), I made a lot of scrappy progress trying to get it done. It's certainly looking different enough to distinguish itself from the other stories in the game that's for sure~ Anyway, I'm trying to get it written to some sort of conclusion by the time the next public release rolls around so that should be something to look forward to.

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Hope you enjoy the new release!

What's New

  • WRITING: Rough dialogue written for the Zombie storyline through to day 9, and some rough outlining for day 10
  • ART: New CGs for the following storylines: Villainous Devotion, Redemption, Nozomi Trance, Sayori Alter (x2), Villainous Sleeper Agent, Villainous Robot and Nozomi Zombie
  • ART: The icons representing Kyou's penlight and phone have been updated with new drawings
  • ART: Several of Sayori's existing CG scenes have been lengthened and improved with additional art
  • UI: Changed the CG Gallery screen to a scrolling display, allowing more images to be accommodated compared to the previous version
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now around 284,000
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - August 14th 2021)


Penlight public release day is upon us yet again!

This past month saw a little further development of the Villainous Devotion path, with several scenes being rewritten (one of them majorly) to go along with some fun new CGs added to it. But most importantly I managed to fully outline a path through the new-look "Zombie" storyline from beginning to end~ As ever, I'm interested to see what people make of it all.

Another fun thing to note: As of this release, the number of unlockable CGs in the game has surpassed 100! Where will it end?!

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the update! And there'll be more to come at the usual time~

What's New

  • WRITING: Zombie storyline outlined through to a conclusion along one path, and scripted through to about a third of day 11
  • WRITING: A scene on the Villainous Devotion storyline, using the new CG assets, has been majorly rewritten
  • ART: New CGs for the Villainous Devotion (x3), Sayori Alter and Zombie (x2) storylines
  • ART: Number of CGs is now over 100!
  • ART: A small image depicting the "mind trick" now appears when it's used
  • MUSIC: Added one new music piece to the soundtrack, which plays during the Zombie storyline
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now around 293,000
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - September 11th 2021)

Hey, everyone!

It's a bit of a muted release this time I'm afraid. Both me and my artist were pretty badly affected by illness and it seriously disrupted my plans for the month. There's a few more scenes scripted for Nozomi's Zombie storyline, although I was really wanting to finish it by now >.<

There's a couple of new CGs for the story as well, although I had to make do with preliminary sketches to present one of them, which is meant to be the first part of a very ambitious CG scene. Also, our main girls all have had a new pose and expressions added to their sprites. Penlight's characters are already pretty expressive given the visual novel format, and I've always thought it important while constructing the game that their sprites do have a big range to choose from while they're talking and reacting to things. Makes them seem more alive on-screen. So out of all the setbacks I had this past month I was happy to at least get that done for them.

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Anyway, that's all for now. At this time of writing both me and my artist are doing a lot better so next month I should finally get the Zombie story path done while adding a lot more of the illustrations I wanted for it. I hope you'll all look forward to it~

What's New

  • WRITING: Zombie storyline scripted through to the end of day 11
  • ART: Added the partial Zombie route Rehearsal scene CG, albeit in sketch form
  • ART: Added new poses and expressions for Nozomi, Hiroko and Sayori's sprites. They can be seen in the opening scenes of the game, Sayori's and Hiroko's original storylines and the Zombie storyline
  • ART: New CGs for Zombie storyline: One all-new and one from mostly reused art assets
  • ART: Made Hiroko's sprite 5 pixels shorter
  • GUI: Enlarged the width of the scrollbar in the CG gallery by 20%
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now around 297,500
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release - October 9th 2021)


Hey, everyone!

With this update I have at last completed the "Zombie" storyline along one story path. And on the month of Halloween, no less! Shame that the name has had less and less relevance the longer this story has gone on then, haha ^^;

Anyway, there may still be a couple kinks to work out in the script, but all in all I reckon it's become a fun and unique experience.  Not to mention a massive improvement over the broken original storyline that it replaced. And that's without talking about it having the most ambitious CG sequence in the entire game, most of which has now been completed with only a few finishing touches left to put on it. Do check it out!

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Next month we'll be seeing some new endings given to existing storylines as I look to finish writing some of the alternate choices dotted around the game. Penlight's been a fun ride, and we're still a long way from completing the thing, but it's nice to finally start making moves in that direction.

In the meantime, please enjoy the new release and I'll see you again soon!

What's New

  • WRITING: Zombie storyline scripted to an ending along one story path
  • WRITING: Edited Sayori's Alter storyline script to include the latest sprite art, edited some existing dialogue and added some new script
  • ART: Added some new poses and expressions to the Zombie route rehearsal scene CG
  • ART: Added a second CG to the Zombie route rehearsal scene
  • ART: Added a new outfit to Kyou's, Nozomi's, Sayori's and Hiroko's sprites
  • SFX: Added a new ambient sound for the Zombie route epilogue scene
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now over 300,000!
  • Minor typo corrections

Known Issue

  • The big CG sequence near the end of Nozomi's Zombie storyline has not yet been added to the CG gallery

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: November 13th 2021)

Hi, folks!

The main writing focus this month has been to work on some of the unwritten branch paths of existing storylines and get some alternate endings done. I finished two of them: One for the Villainous Robot storyline and one for Sayori's Alter storyline, both involving choices that occur near the end. I know the one for Alter was rather eagerly awaited by some people so I hope it doesn't disappoint~

Also check out the ending for Nozomi's Zombie storyline again. The writing was finished last month, but now there's a couple of adorable new CGs for it ^^

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

For next month I'm hoping to get another ending written as Penlight continues its long journey towards completion. But for now, please enjoy this latest release!

What's New

  • WRITING: Sayori's Alter storyline now has a new ending along the unethical path
  • WRITING: Added a new scene to the existing Villainous Robot storyline, on day 6, plus some minor script adjustments to later scenes
  • WRITING: Added a new ending for the Robot storyline
  • ART: Added two new CGs for Nozomi's Zombie storyline ending
  • ART: Added a new CG for Sayori's new Alter ending
  • ART: Minor update to the Zombie storyline's rehearsal scene CG and Atsuko's sprite
  • SFX: Added one new sound to use during the new Villainous Robot scene
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now over 304,500
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: December 11th 2021)


Hi, everyone!

For the last public release of the year, we have a delightful new CG sequence featuring Hiroko that I had made as part of my development of one of her branching story paths. The "Gullible" story path has Kyou tricking his tennis-playing nemesis into going along with various uncomfortable suggestions, under the guise that his influence over her mind is more powerful than it really is. The new artwork depicts one of those suggestions playing out in fine detail, and should be set to become another favourite among Penlight fans~

Elsewhere we have a couple more CGs done for existing storylines, Robot and Doll, along with a bit of new writing for the Devotion storyline where I attempted to get a new ending scripted. I didn't succeed, but the foundations are there at least.

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon or itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

And... that's your lot for 2021! Enjoy the holidays and join me in the new year where I hope to keep working on Penlight for as long as it takes to see it through!

What's New

  • WRITING: Added some new dialogue for Hiroko's Gullible (formerly Trickster) story path, on the choice where Kyou thinks to stop what he's doing, plus some very rough outlining for an ending along this path
  • WRITING: Some tweaks and additions to the existing Gullible (formerly Trickster) path script
  • WRITING: Minor edits to the Robot storyline concerning the scene where the new CG appears
  • WRITING: Begun writing an alternate ending for the Devotion storyline, triggered by the choice "I still want you for my girlfriend"
  • ART: Added a new CG set for Hiroko's Gullible story path
  • ART: Added a new CG to the Robot storyline, on the fifth day
  • ART: Added a new CG for Sayori's Doll storyline
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now over 308,500
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: January 8th 2022)


Hey, everyone! Hope we're all having a good start to the year~

In this month's public release, I shifted focus from the storyline I was struggling with and found some inspiration to write an alternate path for the Redemption storyline instead, where Kyou uses the penlight again despite knowing what it does. Can he still consider himself a good person? There's a few scenes written on this new path now as we start to find out...

As always, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

That, along with another load of fun CGs, is that for another month. I'm making good progress on the new direction I've taken so I'm optimistic about having more to show next time. So please enjoy the new release and look forward to next time~

What's New

  • WRITING: Some additional script for the Redemption storyline branch path "Use the penlight to help things along", plus some outline for later scenes on the eighth and ninth days
  • ART: Added two new CGs to Hiroko's Gullible story branch
  • ART Added a new CG set for the Redemption storyline
  • ART: Added a new CG to Nozomi's Trance storyline, on the sixth day
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now over 314,000
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: February 12th 2022)


Hello, everyone!

February's release sees the alternate path of the Redemption storyline almost completed. We're just missing an epilogue, although there's an outline written of how it's going to go. Overall I think this story path's a pretty tough read, in keeping with the theme of the route, but a necessary contrast to the original story. I'm interested to see what people make of it!

Nozomi's Trance story path also saw a little love, with the new CG looking really pretty and facilitating a minor rewrite of the scene it's in that will make another CG possible. It's a nice feeling to be able to finally get that part of the game illustrated at last~

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

I hope you all enjoy this one! And join us next time for the finished Spiral path epilogue along with a few other goodies :)

What's New

  • WRITING: Some more script for the Redemption storyline's Spiral path, up to the penultimate scene, and a completed outline for the epilogue
  • WRITING: Minor script edits for Nozomi's Trance storyline
  • ART: Added two new CGs for the Redemption storyline Spiral path
  • ART: Added a new CG for Nozomi's Trance storyline
  • ART: Replaced the old dining room & kitchen background for Kyou's house with a new kitchen background
  • MUSIC: Added a new piece of background music, which plays towards the end of the Redemption Spiral story path
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now over 323,000
  • Minor typo corrections

Known Issue

  • Visual errors will be produced when loading an old save that references the old dining room background

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: March 12th 2022)


Hello again, everyone!

This release brings with it the completion of the main script for the Redemption Spiral story path and adds a bunch of new CGs to accompany it. Overall I'm pretty happy to get it done, and in reasonably good time, too~

With the Spiral story path now written to a conclusion I've since turned my attention to the sliiightly more humane version of the Villainous Robot storyline, informally known as the Tennis Bot path. To see the latest script, follow the Robot path and choose "No, I  need to chill out" when prompted. We have a few more scenes done here, plus some outlining for some of the later stuff. I still have a lot to think about here, but I've laid a good foundation for next month and hope to make a lot of progress on it by then.

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

So, enjoy! And I hope to see you again next month!

What's New

  • WRITING: The Redemption storyline's Spiral path has now been scripted up to an epilogue along one sub-path
  • WRITING: Minor edits to and corrections to Sayori's Doll storyline
  • WRITING: Some more script for the Villainous Robot story path following the choice "No, I need to chill out" (AKA the Tennis Bot path), up to the fifth day, and outlined script up to the sixth day
  • ART: Added three new CGs for the Redemption Spiral story path
  • ART: Added a new CG to illustrate some early scenes in the Villainous Robot and Devoted storylines
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Word count is now around 330,000
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: April 9th 2022)


And we're back again!

This update keeps the focus on the Tennis Bot sub path of the Villainous Robot storyline that I began last month. As mentioned last time, you'll need to follow the Robot path and choose "No, I need to chill out" when prompted to get on this path.

The new content takes us to the weekend's events, adds a couple of neat CG sequences and ends on quite the cliffhanger. I also added one more CG to Nozomi's Trance storyline, along one of the alternate paths.

As ever, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

That's all for this month's major updates. It's been another difficult month for me personally, but I'll try to crack on with writing a conclusion to the Tennis Bot path in time for next month. I hope you'll look forward to it :)

What's New

  • WRITING: Additional script for the Robot-Tennis Bot story path, up to the seventh day
  • ART: Added two new CGs for the Robot-Tennis Bot story path
  • ART: Added a new CG for the Nozomi Trance story path
  • FIX: Sayori's induction CG in day 14 of the Doll storyline was not displaying correctly
  • Word count is now around 336,500
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: May 14th 2022)

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a recent change, older saved games of the Tennis Bot sub-path may produce an error concerning an undefined variable. If you get this error during play, please start the path again from the beginning. You can make use of the "Skip" option on the bottom menu to quickly get back to where you were.

Hello again, folks!

This month sees the completion of the Villainous Robot sub-path that I dubbed "Tennis Bot" due to its focus on Hiroko. It's slightly more humane than the main Robot path, and features three different endings with two of them contingent on choices that were made earlier in the path (check the updated flowchart guide if you're having trouble). We also have several new illustrations to accompany this new content~

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon and itch.io pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Next month I hope to make some progress on one of the other unresolved, non-Hiroko-heavy story choices. I have a couple in mind, so we'll see where I end up.

In the meantime, please enjoy the latest release!

What's New

  • WRITING: Robot-Tennis Bot story sub path scripted to completion
  • ART: New art for Hiroko's sprite, which appears in one of the Tennis Bot endings
  • ART: Three new CG for the Tennis Bot sub path
  • ART: New CG assets added to a scene in the Villainous Devotion storyline, on the fifth day
  • FIX: Fixed an issue with the CG Gallery which prevented an image from the Villainous Robot ending from unlocking
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • LOCALIZATION: Added a localised Spanish version of the texting phone close-up panel in the Hiroko Gullible sub-path
  • Word count is now around 342,500
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: June 11th 2022)


Hiya, folks!

We have a few additions for this latest Penlight release.  First, there's a new CG added to cover the rooftop conversation in the Villainous Robot story, along with a slight amendment to that scene.  

The main content this month concerns the alternate path of Sayori's Doll storyline, which now has a couple new scenes written along with two new CGs to accompany them. We're still missing a conclusion, but you can view the new scenes by choosing the option "Prove to her that she wants this (Under Construction)" on the Doll storyline when prompted.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Please enjoy the new release and look forward to next month where we should see a conclusion to this alternate storyline. Until then~

What's New

  • WRITING: Two new scenes completed for Sayori's Doll storyline alternate path ("Prove to her that she wants this"), plus an outline for the following scenes
  • ART: Two new CGs for Sayori's Doll storyline, on the alternate path
  • ART: New CG art for the Robot storyline, on the original path
  • Word count is now around 347,000
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • FIX: Corrected a couple of instances where an in-game variable was incorrectly referenced during the Spanish translation of the Robot-Tennis Bot path
  • FIX: Many older CGs are no longer unlocking correctly in the CG Gallery. Some have been resolved, but a number of them are still broken
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: July 9th 2022)


Please note: Because of all the changes I made to how CGs are unlocked, returning players will find that many of their previously unlocked CGs will now be locked again. The new cheat function described below can be used to get everything back.

Hello again!

This month's release sees Sayori's alternate Doll storyline written to a conclusion, and includes all the planned CGs! As a counterpart to the original story path, I think it does the job quite well but I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to something else now.

But Doll wasn't the only content I've been working on this month. Nozomi's Zombie storyline gets a new CG, plus the Reversal storyline sees a few little tweaks to the presentation. No new written content there to excited about though, sorry!

And there's one more thing I've been working on: The addition of a gallery cheat! People have been wanting something like this for a good while, as long time players have occasionally lost their save data or had problems unlocking certain CGs thanks to various little bugs in the gallery code. I've since spent a lot of time completely reworking how CGs are unlocked, which should not only eliminate the bugs but also allowed the creation of this cheat~ To activate it, simply tap/click the lens of Kyou's penlight on the title screen four times to get a prompt to unlock all the CGs.

As before, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Anyway, that's all for another month! Enjoy the new release, and for next time I'm hoping to finally make some progress on that Reversal storyline that's been hanging for... um, close to two years? ^^;  We'll see...

What's New

  • WRITING: Sayori's Doll storyline alternate path ("Prove to her that she wants this") now written to a conclusion
  • WRITING: Minor tweaks made to the existing Reversal storyline script
  • ART: Four new CGs for Sayori's Doll storyline, on the new path
  • ART: New CG for Nozomi's Zombie storyline
  • Word count is now around 348,000
  • OTHER: Cheat function to unlock all CGs in the gallery has been added
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: August 13th 2022)


Hi, everyone!

This month sees the long-awaited continuation of Nozomi's Reversal storyline, with its most significant update in about two years! I'm still still a fair ways from finishing it, but we have a new scene scripted plus a little outlining for what comes next. I hope those who've been patiently wanting to see this storyline continued will enjoy what I have laid out, and rest assured you won't be waiting so long for the next meaningful update to this storyline~

With Reversal not being ready for new artwork I had two new CGs commissioned for Hiroko's original storyline instead, plus one for Nozomi's original story (Trance) as well. Hiroko's new CGs turned out lovely, but the star is the new Nozomi art. The attention to detail really is something ^.^

Finally, this release includes an update to the text presentation throughout the game. I gave the letters a thicker outline to make them pop a bit more and made the plain background a bit lighter to show off the visuals a bit more. There's also an option to remove the background entirely, which you can access via the preferences menu in-game.

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

And that wraps up another month! Next time, expect to see more progress on the Reversal storyline as I work towards a conclusion at last. See you then~

What's New

  • WRITING: Scripted one new scene for Nozomi's Reversal storyline, and added some new outline for the following scenes
  • ART: Two new CGs for Hiroko's original storyline
  • ART: One new CG for Nozomi's Trance storyline
  • GUI: Added a thicker outline to all in-game screen text and lightened the background for the dialogue window, and added an option to remove it entirely via the preferences menu
  • Word count is now around 351,000
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Minor typo corrections

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  • Angela DeMille changed the title to Penlight [16+] [BxG] [Free / Donate] (Latest Release: September 10th 2022)


Hiiii, everyone!

Well, I finally did it. I crafted an ending for the Reversal story path! The version presented here is a little unpolished but still, there IS an ending! I hope it brings people some measure of satisfaction and that's it's been somewhat worth the wait ^^;

As usual, you can find this month's release in PC, Linux, Mac and Android versions on my Patreon, itch.io or SubscribeStar pages. I've also linked the most recent flowchart guide on the latest public news post on Patreon.

Next month, we'll have some finishing touches added to Reversal and then I'll be getting started on another, probably Hiroko-focused story path, so I hope to see you again with news of that real soon. In the meantime, please enjoy the new release!

What's New

  • WRITING: Fully scripted Nozomi's Reversal storyline up to a tentative conclusion
  • ART: One new CG for Sayori's Doll storyline
  • ART: Three new CGs for Nozomi's Reversal storyline
  • GUI: Slightly reduced the black outline on the in-game text
  • Word count is now around 356,000
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Minor typo corrections

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I'm seeing this right now and I remember you having talked about it on VN.Info a couple years ago. Penlight, interesting! I do have to wonder. Will Steam be fine with it? For example the game VENUS BLOOD HOLLOW was initially called VENUS BLOOD HYPNO and they had to kinda change the titles for reasons to make steam submission more likely.

356000 words? That's a Monster. Localization to German with a triple AAA firm that would be easily costing 40k ... kind of crazy!

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Steam will not be fine with it, unfortunately 😧 I knew setting a game like Penlight in a high school was asking for trouble, but I started out making this thing with virtually no money and all the low cost assets I could find had a largely high school bias so that's what I went with. But if I knew I was going to get the support I've gotten for making it I would've swung for a college setting instead. Ah wells~



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14 minutes ago, Angela DeMille said:

Steam will not be fine with it, unfortunately 😧 I knew setting a game like Penlight in a high school was asking for trouble, but I started out making this thing with virtually no money and all the low cost assets I could find had a largely high school bias so that's what I went with. But if I knew I was going to get the support I've gotten for making it I would've swung for a college setting instead. Ah wells~



There can always be a sequel in college where you penlight teachers and lab instructors.

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