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Affiliate links (SOLVED)

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Does Fuwanovel have any plans to host affiliate links for official localized visual novels? Not only would it provide a source of revenue for the site, but it would encourage people to support official localization and would alleviate the constant requests for uploads of localized titles. It would also help improve Fuwanovel's reputation in the eyes of the wider community.

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(Sorry, still sick. Hope this comes out clearly)

That's Aaeru's call. She's looked into it, and the last time I checked, further research was on her massive to-do list, and what does or doesn't happen is in her domain. Fuwanovel is still growing (and is small compared to communities like Eroguedownload), and so lots of parties are not interested in things like affiliate links/link exchanges, etc.

We do have a few link exchanges, which you'll find on the main page under "Awesome Sites".

Also, a big thank-you to all the blogs which link to Fuwanovel!

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Mangagamer is requesting feedback / suggestions for its Affilates program: http://forums.mangagamer.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=103

Guys, I need some ideas and brain storming on how we can improve our affiliate program.

From our past experiences, traditional web and magazine ads that we paid for didn't work well,

but there should still be a high potential with the case of affiliates, where we pay out if and only a customer makes a purchase.

Ideally, if the affiliates are able to make good profit off of our site,

then our site should have enough sales to keep ourselves afloat,

and we should be able to show developers the numbers to negotiate for even bigger titles.

If you have your own website/blog, what kind of affiliate system would you like?

We are currently offering 10% of the sales made from the customers' last shopping cart purchase,

who came to our site from an affiliate link, and that cookie lasts for about a week.

I don't think the rate's that bad, but our current system where you have to copy and paste links,

and download banners individually might be limiting the use.

Join the discussion or post here and I'll relay the suggestions. Is there anything in particular that would sweeten the deal for Fuwanovel?

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