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Last Man Standing


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I coudln't decide on which forum to post this, and since this subforum is filled with games I will put it here, if it's on the wrong subforum, just move it to the right place.


                                        Last Man Standing

Game Rules

1 - Everyone starts out with 10 HP. If you run out of HP, you are eliminated.
2 - The game runs an indeterminable number of rounds. It ends when there is only one person remaining.
3 - To submit an action, PM it to me (doesn't matter what the title is as long as your action is clear).
4 - Players can post at any time, results are shown at the end of a round when everyone submits an action. You can change your action any number of times until the last player submits one.
5 - Rounds will end at a certain time each day, or when all players submit their action. When 5 players remain, rounds will end when players submit their action.
6 - Your health cannot ever go above 10.
7 - If you do not act, you will lose 1 HP.
8 - There are seven actions you may submit per round:

Attack [player name] - attacking another player takes off one of their HP

Withdraw - withdrawing prevents you from taking any damage for that round

Rest - resting allows you to recover 2 HP during that round

Counter - when you counter, all players who attack you receive 2 damage (joined players both receive 1), while you sustain none, however if no one attacks you, you lose 2 HP

Join [player name] - if your target accepts your request, you can deal triple damage (and receive double damage) for that round

Increase Attack - Your next attack will deal one extra damage. This applies to normal attacks, counterattacks and joined attacks.

Wait - Do nothing for that round

Action Rules

1 - You cannot attack or join yourself.
2 - You may withdraw 5 times per game, counter 4 times per game, increase attack 4 times per game and rest 3 times per game.
3 - If you request to join another player, they do not have to accept. If they refuse, you cannot attempt to join anyone else in that round.
4 - If you are attacked while you join another player, both of you lose 1 HP. However, the player you both choose to attack loses 2 HP. Only one person needs to submit a target. If both players submit different targets, the first will be attacked.
5 - You cannot withdraw, rest, or counter if you join another player.


Withdraws/Counters/Increase Attacks/Rests remaining

ヤミハナ (5 , 4 , 4 , 3) (5 , 4 , 4 , 3)
2. Nashetania (5 , 4 , 4 , 3)
3. Shikomizue (5 , 4 , 4 , 3)
4. Zidan209 (5 , 4 , 4 , 3)
5. Funyarinpa (5 , 4 , 4 , 3)
6. Fred the Barber (5 , 4 , 4 , 3)


2. Nashetania 
3. Shikomizue
5. Funyarinpa
6. Fred the Barber


If no one joins then rip. Also, it's difficult to see the letters if I don't change their colors ;-;

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just spent way too long writing up an algorithm which I was going to post here (basically, so everybody else could predict what I'm going to do just as well as I can) and say I'd join but it seems like this thread is a little bit old... Well, if it looks like it'll actually happen, I'll post that and join. Otherwise, I'll spare you reading the gory details...

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