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love live school idol movie

The Striker

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Here I come to tell two things:
The first, someone can get me somewhere I could download one subtitled in English at 720p? my internet is very bad for download in 1080p ......
The second is, I saw the movie without subtitles, is IS A WORK OF ART, the story is very engaging, I watched as 1 am and did not sleep at all, Secondly the animation was SPOTLESS, with a pretty incredible design character even, at last it must have been the best movie I saw this year.
Out there the link (if possible at least tell me a site) wanted the opinions of you who have seen it.

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As for the movie itself, I also really enjoyed it, but I can't help but feel like it didn't really accomplish much when you compare it to the other 2 seasons, it just felt like a needless extension to the franchise.

Nonetheless, the music was great (I still have sunny day song stuck in my head) and there were very fun moments here and there, it's definitely not something you should be missing out on if you're a Love Live fan.

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It's just, the story didn't feel like it went anywhere from where season 2 ended, that's why when they ended pretty much the same way season 2 did, it didn't feel like much was accomplished, that's the "needless" factor for me. The very last scene was good, but everything before it was basically a rehash of everything they've already done before with nothing to make it more fun.

I'd much rather have just seen a movie where they have fun, like the K-on movie, instead of dabbling on about graduating for over an hour, something that was already covered in season 2 and, imo, shouldn't have been the central theme of the movie.

(spoilers below)


Think about it, what did the movie accomplish exactly?

After technically graduating, they went to NY for a promotional event.
They suddenly go viral due to it
They decide to have just one last concert
They have a huge concert, then they finally graduate


This is basically the same thing the second season did:

They remind each other that they're graduating
Decide to aim to win the Love Live competition
They train extra hard
They win
They graduate (but at the very end annouce there's still more, which segways into the movie)


They're essentially the same thing, except in the movie most of it was shrouded in drama revolving around the graduation, which was something that already happened in season 2, and that to me cut a lot of the potential the movie had to just let the characters do new things or even just have fun, there was barely any remarkable scene during their trip to NY, it was such a waste


So the movie was just a more watered down and extended version of season 2's last episodes in terms of themes. 

It wasn't a terrible movie though, it did what Love Live already does for the most part, I just didn't feel like it met my expectations/hype, especially when they had 1 hour and a half to do so much stuff but they decide to stick to the formula anyway.

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Putting nostalgia and feeling aside, the movie is not exactly the kind you can call a good movie.

There are essentially no story in the movie, not to mention weird as hell delusion that Honoka have tthat's never been explained make it even more weird.

But nevertheless I enjoy the movie nonetheless, heck i even cried when watching it :sachi:

The soong is good and all the scene and inevitable moment when muse finally break up is tear jerking to say the least.

So yeah, plot is not too good but then again, that's within expectations anyway :rimu:


Loli Kotori is SUPER CUTE tho


Edited by Jade
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