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Proper Matador technique

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I've been devouring everything about that fight for the past 3 days xD

Monday Morning Analyst hosted a good hour long video on just how Holly beat her, which extended the feeling of euphoria I was experiencing for a good day or so. It was SUCH an awesome fight! Can't believe how brutal it was, WMMA is never THAT good! And the memes which came out of it was amazing, lol.

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yeah and poor holly D:, her hand im sure it was really hurt after all those quick punches to the face of ronda :P 

now seriously when I saw ronda bleeding I had to change the channel.

I almost forgot, Mayweather said that he was going to teach ronda how to fight xD and I'm sure he will, I mean he did steal sorry i mean win the fight against Pacquiao :rolleyes:

Edited by Deep Blue
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I was heartbroken when Mayweather got awarded that fight... twas kinda boring as well, tbh :(

Mayweather can teach Ronda for sure, but there's too much to learn and not nearly enough time (when you count all the movies she's doing, her love life, her trainer having problems, and all the other distractions.) Holly's a worthy champion anyway, and I honestly don't know whether Ronda will risk coming back. Might stick with movies, not much more to gain in the fighting biz, but there's an incredible amount to lose, and Jackson seems to have deconstructed Ronda's technique to the bones and have established a killer strategy.

PS: Change channel?!!! Noooooo, that's when you chew more popcorn and embrace the brutality :3

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