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Um.  Right.  Should probably introduce myself.

Name is Salurian.

Wait, you can see that from the author of the post.



Anyways.  You guys likely saw me posting over in the Visual Novel discussion forums, so I figured I may as well make an introduction post for myself over here.  I've been debating joining the Fuwa community for a bit, finally decided to do it.

I've been playing visual novels since... 2005?  No, 2007? I think.  Whenever it was that Cartagra was first released.  I came across the game, thought it looked really interesting.  I'd already had an interest in anime at that point, so I had at least some Japanese knowledge.  I never started with English VNs - I was actually crazy enough to jump into a mystery novel in Japanese as my first visual novel read, a fact that I don't regret.  Cartagra showed me the potential of the visual novel genre, that it doesn't necessarily just have to be just h-scenes and silliness, that there can be (extensive) plot and craziness and fun.

So I started reading more and more... until I hit my stride and I reached the point where I am currently at, where I'm more or less caught up on releases and actively check out demos on Getchu to see what releases I actually want to read every month.  Every month I usually play 2-3 games in their entirety, if not more depending on the quality of the games released that month.  Now, considering the fact that I've been playing several games a month, every month, since probably 2009... Well.  Suffice to say I've played a lot.  If you check out my VNDB list, I finally got around to noting and rating some of the games that I've played, and you'll notice quite a few... and that was just me going through the 'popular' list of games.  At some point I'll need to sit down for a a day and just run through the VNDB database to note down everything I've read.

For reference, my personal VNDB ratings are:

10 - I'll annoy you until you play it (currently this is reserved for Muvluv Alternative)

9 - I'll gladly recommend it to anyone with an interest in visual novels

8 - I enjoyed the game quite a bit, but don't consider it necessarily a must play for everyone

7 - I enjoyed the game, but something about it held it from getting a higher rating - an annoying character, something in the setting, whatever

6 - the *shrug* it was alright and I didn't feel like I wasted my time tier

5 - or lower I generally don't even bother playing in the first place, so you'll almost never see me rate something as this

Knowing that... what are my preferences?

I'm always a fan of light-hearted romance/comedy VNs, and those tend to be my default go-to targets every month's releases.  First up of this months releases will be Primal x Hearts 2, as I quite enjoyed the demo.

Note that I primarily read to relax, so I will often stay away from mystery or hard hitting dramas unless they're really good.

Generally speaking I stay away from the really dark games, though I've been known to make exceptions (Gore Screaming Show being a notable one).

Possibly favorite heroine type for me is warrior women - female knights, kendo captains, mecha pilots, gunslinger girls, doesn't really matter, I'm there.  This obviously means I tend to be biased toward liking action oriented games or martial arts/magic academies.

I would ask for game recommendations but... I've probably already read them.  So you can ask me for recommendations instead if you want instead!  (why do I feel like I'll regret saying that)

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Yeah, mainly because I had trouble finishing Hatsyuki Sakura after a certain point.  I honestly don't even remember why since it's been awhile since I've played it - I remember really enjoying it at the start and then losing interest toward the end.

And updated VNDB for Irotoridori no Sekai (which I put at an 8).

Note that I tend to rate fandisks automatically one ranking lower than the original unless the fan disk is particularly notably good.

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Yeah, mainly because I had trouble finishing Hatsyuki Sakura after a certain point.  I honestly don't even remember why since it's been awhile since I've played it - I remember really enjoying it at the start and then losing interest toward the end.

And updated VNDB for Irotoridori no Sekai (which I put at an 8).

Note that I tend to rate fandisks automatically one ranking lower than the original unless the fan disk is particularly notably good.

IMO Hikari is more of a sequel than a fandisk and I enjoyed it more than Sekai. But who cares about VNDB ratings anyways xD

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At this point I'm just trying to keep better track of what I am playing more than I am rating.

In all honesty I only vaguely even remember Irotoridori no Sekai these days, as I played it on initial release when it came out in Japan.  I do remember quite enjoying it though.


As games get translated into English I've taken to going back and replaying them, which has been somewhat interesting.  Still waiting on that JAST translation of Seinarukana to finally finish, at which point I may disappear off the face of the earth for a week or so.

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