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Question about mini wireless keyboards

Deep Blue

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So i'm planning on buying on of this to use with my pc (from the bed :P ) does anyone have it and tried it, any references? do they work inside the games, specially visual novels? any data will be apreciated , I know it doesn't cost that much in USA but here it is almost 10 times expensive so I just want to make sure it works.

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Whatever floats your boat. From my experience, it's not really possible, nor enjoyable to use PC's from anywhere else outside sitting in front of them and if you like typing on something that has a size of a phone's screen, then maybe it'll be useful to you. I myself wouldn't touch that thing with a ten feet pole, though.

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hmmm it depends on the visual novel you are trying to read honestly, i haven't tried any of those before so i am not sure, but let's say you the vn you want to try doesn't have the option to change the keyboard commands, when you try that wireless keyboard even if you click enter on it will that give the same signal as the enter button on the main keyboard? if so then the vn will recognize it, otherwise the vn won't unless it is programmed to recognize that hardware.

Sorry i didn't answer your question here lol but the reason i have a doubt they will work is because the PC vns are not really focused on the programming level.

anyway, give it a try, not sure whether you are allowed to return that item in your country or not but if so then it doesn't hurt to try. ^_^

Edited by MikeY91
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