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Anime ideas general thread


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I want to make smilar thread to VN ideas thread but it's about anime.

so I'm going to explaine what the thread it's about.

You are going to make your own anime ideas, so you could watch online.

here lets me start first.

Title: what my childhoodfriend are student counsil Vice president

genre: comedy, Romance, drama, slice Of life drama.

Episode/Movie/ Ova/Special: It Would have around 12 episode or more

discription about the anime: June Tokoya are 16 years old High school student so goes to Starwhile Academy a boarding school.

he have childhoodfriend with name Rita Rimano so he it's close or right said was close to, that changed When she become student counsil Vice president at his school.

after that their friendship died down since Rita are always cold to him but June don't understand Why, so he decide to find out Why Rita are cold to him and joined student counsil but that it's easly said dont until he got idea to make dectetiv club but where can he find seks member so he can make the club offcial.

Well Jun start to search for seks member to make his club offcial and find out Why Rita are so cold to him in the

first place.

thust Jun search for seks member to his club start.


Characther info

June Tokoya

Age: 16 years old

Brithday: 3 Feburary 

Bloodtype: A

Personality: Kind, energic, stubborn and smart

Apparance: He have short hair and bangs over his lift eye

Hair color: Black and the bangs are red

Eye Color: Green

Clothes: Japansk

Rita Rimano

Age: 16 years old

Brithday: 4 May

Bloodtype: B

Personality: Tsundere

Apparance: She have long hair until her waist and are wearing golden headband

Hair color: White

Clothes: Japansk


that was all and I want there do the same thing and Of course Which you have good drawing skills, you can draw your characther and maybey Which you want make screenshot Of your anime.



Edited by Novel21
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My anime would take place in alternative world where a war is being carried out, something like skynet from terminator happened. 

The main character, a guy around 30 years old that has a terminal illness. He is shy, without close friends, average guy, not genius not ugly but not handsome either, just a normal guy who is going to die very soon and didn't enjoy his life because of his illness and the war that's going on.
One day he founds out that has the ability to fight this "skynet", something like neo in the matrix. He is really angry, why can he fight it? He doesn't even have the time to win the war, also why would he even bother saving everyone or fighting in the first place? Nobody really cares about him and he is going to die soon anyways. And that's when everything begins:P

Sounds really lame but I would actually like to see it xD having virtual reality fights, his thoughts about his illness and shitty life (existentialism) and now having this power to fight but not being able to, this "skynet" what is it and why is it killing the humans. Does this skynet even wants to fight him and what if it offers him something, maybe being part of this virtual reality giving away mankind.

So if this turns out to be a vn it would be an utsuge, with little romance, with no school bs or japanese setting and no kids as protagonists :P


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The idea here is to make an anime in a documentary style with two cours.


From Mujahideen with Love

Osama was a fan of Jackie Chan ever since he saw Jackie fight with Bruce Lee in the movie Fist of Fury (1972). It was Osama's life goal to meet with Jackie Chan and perform Salat to him. He saw Jackie not as a celebrity but as the incarnation of Allah himself and would put up shrines across Saudi Arabia with golden statues of Jackie Chan to worship.

But things changed for Osama when he heard a rumor that the Soviet Unions were making racist jokes publicly about Jackie Chan and his conical hat. This offended Osama so much that he left his studies in 1979 and joined the Mujahideen resistance in Afghanistan to fight with the Soviets who, at that time, had invaded the country because Hafizullah Amin (4th President of Afghanistan) broke an important pinky swear with them to never tell the CIA about the secret stash of high quality vodka that the USSR preserved. The soviets assassinated Amin claiming that he was an agent of the CIA.


This enraged the egotistical CIA and with the help of the Pakistan's ISI, they started funding the insurgents with money and state-of-the-art weaponry. The Pakistani Armed Forces and the ISI would train the Mujahideens for guerrilla warfare. It was during this time that Osama met with Hamid Gul, who was sexually obsessed with any Chinese person he ever saw. They quickly became close friends when Osama learned that Gul preferred Jackie Chan's (sucking expression) face more than Bruce Lee's.


As time passed, Osama became cautious of the CIA as he learned of the atrocities that CIA has committed and is capable of like the one where they pressured former President Jimmy Carter into signing a directive authorizing the funding of Afghan insurgents. They did this by organizing an assassination attempt on Carter where they sent gay men to have their way with him all they want after they finish the job. The assassination resulted in a failure but the idea of loosing his other virginity frightened the president so much that he gave into their demands. Osama slowly grew distance with the CIA in fear of his own other virginity should he ever go against them. He now knew who his soon-to-be enemies were.


Osama and Abdullah Azzam (his mentor who desperately tries to control his desires whenever he see any living being's rear) established Maktab al-Khidamat in 1984 to raise funds and recruit foreign Mujahideens for the war in Afghanistan. But actually, the real purpose of MAK was to gather intelligence against the ever powerful and influential CIA. Abdullah secretly uses this opportunity to do thousands of rears of fellow comrades, animals and even vehicles. He gets caught when going for a cemetery full of dead bodies and later dies when he thought he could do his own car's rear that results in an explosion. Osama would never realize in time that all these things would slowly draw him away from his love and respect for Jackie Chan and fill his mind with revenge and paranoia for his other virginity.



Ultimately, Osama would have paid for his deeds before even meeting Jackie Chan in the hands of gay men organized and authorized by Obama-kun. Obama-kun would later rub his victory with a smug face on the shamed Bush-sama administration and their illicit WMD scandal with Saddam Hussein.


You know, it would still be an interesting idea to make a small 4 episode OVA in documentary style about some real life events or even about the history and evolution of anime itself.

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The idea here is to make an anime in a documentary style with two cours.

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You know, it would still be an interesting idea to make a small 4 episode OVA in documentary style about some real life events or even about the history and evolution of anime itself.

It feels like Osama has forgotten about his vengeance against the Soviets. He's such a fickle man :wafuu:

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