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Shikomizue: The Great Question Answerer + Title Giver + Quote Maker

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Btw is waifu wars any good?

I wouldn't know. BTW, can you guys please refrain from asking me if an anime series or game or whatever is good? I might not have played/watched it and you're just going to get a lame answer. Ask me something random, you'll get a funnier answer.

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What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, and isn't 42?

64. Obviously. Don't you remember the N64? It was really successful wasn't it? Think about it, the reason it was received so well is because it held the answer to life!

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                                                  A Strange Day


Eclipsed was having the strangest day, when he woke up, he noticed that his alarm clock was on the floor, broken.



“I probably knocked it down in my sleep or something.” He thought to himself.


He cleaned up the pieces of the clock and went on to do his morning routine.


When he went to open the bathroom medicine cabinet, he noticed something... odd. It looked like there was a white substance leaking from the cabinet. He opened it to find that the entire cabinet was filled with toothpaste.


The clock he could brush off as an accident, but this was clearly intentional. He cleaned up the toothpaste, annoyed that he couldn't brush his teeth today. Done with his bathroom duties, he went to make breakfast before figuring out who filled his medicine cabinet with toothpaste.


“Hmm... what should I have for breakfast today?” He asked himself.


He opened his cabinets to look for something tasty, but was surprised to find that his box of pancake mix was ripped open, strewn about the cabinets. He slammed the cabinet door in annoyance.


“Alright! You can break my clock, you can even fill my medicine cabinet with toothpaste, but when you mess with my pancake mix, you better be ready to face the consequences!”



In a fit of anger he went to the grandfather clock in his living room, opened it up and stepped inside it.


He then realized he wasn't batman. He then went to the bookcase in the same room and pulled on a certain book.


He then realized this wasn't Dexter's lab either.


After all this, he finally realized he didn't have any secret rooms in his house.

Having lost his drive to find the pancake mix griefer, he instead got on Fuwanovel.

He then made a thread about his strange day. These were the responses:


Tiagofvarela: “Gentlemanly stuff”


Rose: Did you call the police or anything?


solidbatman: NOT THE PANCAKE MIX!!!!


Shikomizue: You aren't hurt or anything right?


Seeing nothing of use he logged off. All of a sudden, he heard a noise downstairs. Thinking it might be the culprit for all this, Eclipsed got his baseball bat from his closet, and sneaked down the stairs. But the sneaking was for naught, as the person who made the noise was standing right at the foot of the stairs.


“Who are you?” Eclipsed asked.


“I am Stray Cat.” The now identified Stray Cat said.


“What!? How?”


“Fool, I'm always the villain.”


“No, I mean how did you know where I live?”


“Easy, plot convenience.”


“Oh. I should've guessed. Anyway, why did you fill my cabinet with toothpaste and rip my pancake mix box?”


“For the lols. I mean it's fun being a villain.”


“Oh well that explains it. Wanna hang out since you're here?”


“Yeah, sure.”


And so they had fun reading VNs, playing video games and other such activities until Stray Cat had to go do villainous things.


After a long and strange day, Eclipsed sat back down in his comfy chair in his room when suddenly Flutterz opened his door.


                                                                                        “Wanna fuck?”


                                                                                            The End

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