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Everything posted by EliteShadowMan

  1. But I can't even play the game because my phone is shit!
  2. Do I need to tell Nosebleed senpai that I love the Maki x Nico pairing in order for him to notice me!?!?
  3. Finishing up Zankyou no Terror right now. Have 2 episodes left and I hope the ending isn't bad like I heard.
  4. Finished Re: Hamatora earlier and ended up giving it a 6/10. Wasn't as good as the first season, and the first half was pretty boring. Last half ended up being good, but the ending was pretty bad I thought. Finishing up Space Dandy Season 2 and I don't think I'll be able to handle a 3rd season. I just really really don't like it. Probably go and finish up Rail Wars after. I don't really care for shows set in space either, but I do love what I've seen from Cowboy Bebop. So good.
  5. I already know that much, I only have 3 episodes left of it. Never bothered to finish it lol. I found the first 6 or so episodes to be pretty bad, or maybe it was the first 5. Ended up getting better once they started to throw a little comedy back in the show.
  6. Finishing up shows from last season right now. Watched the last episode of Fate Prisma S2 and I ended up giving it a 7/10. Still enjoyed it a lot, and didn't mind the more SoL nature of the second season, but I also missed have a bunch of different fights between different cards and what not from season 1. Can't wait for the next season in 2015. Finishing up Glasslip's last episode right now. This show is a huge disappointment considering that it's P.A. Works. Was hoping for something that was at least half as good as Nagi no Asukara, but instead I'm getting a show with shallow characters and a plot that isn't even moving anywhere. Will either finish Hanayamata or Re:Hamatora next. Both of those shows were at least decently fun to watch. Edit: Didn't know Nosebleed was going to be watching Hamatora as well. Why you gotta copy me Nosebleed!?!?
  7. You're getting me too hyped for this now!
  8. Definitely does. I'm not really used to a VN being kind of intense like this with a whole 'cat and mouse' thing going on. I'm trying to figure out how this hasn't had an anime adaption yet. Seems like it'd be really well suited to be adapted.
  9. I don't even know what you did since I missed it, and I don't really know who you are, but you shouldn't feel threatened to leave the site just because a few people are bothering you.
  10. Playing G-Senjou lately, and god damn I can feel this one is going to be great. Played the first 1-3 hours up until the opening for the game, and I love it so far. Hoping it stays exciting like this throughout.
  11. Thanks for the recommendations, everyone! Don't know if I'll bother playing FSN's VN since I kind of want to watch the anime adaption without knowing what's going to happen. Will check some of these out.
  12. I was wondering if any nice people here could point me to a VN like Grisaia with the typical choosing a girls route and all that good stuff. My only requirement is I want it to be 18+ just because. Thanks! I've read Rewrite, and a little bit of Little Busters! and Clannad. I'm currently going through G-Senjou
  13. About to start reading 20th Century Boys. Love Monster, so I might like this as well.
  14. Think it's about time I actually get past episode 2 in Monogatari Season 2. On episode 5 now, and I'm starting to remember why I love the series so much.
  15. Watched the first 2 episodes of Yuki Yuna and liked what I saw so far. People on MAL instantly bringing down the score...just no.
  16. Evil Within has been kicking my ass in the later chapters. On around chapter 10, and I'm constantly just getting put into situations where I'm using all of my resources just to get by. Definitely keeps me on the edge of my toes, but at the same times it's starting to frustrate me a little bit. Kind of wish the game would go back to being like the first 5 chapters.
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