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Status Updates posted by sanahtlig

  1. Currently working on a list of eroge with censored official English releases

  2. I like people who can do the following:

    1. Given a controversial topic that the person has a strong opinion on, he/she can argue with people who hold an opposing viewpoint without resorting to logical fallacies or name-calling.
    2. The person can summarize and repeat the opposing viewpoint in an objective manner that satisfies those who hold it.
    3. The person can then effectively argue the merits of the opposing viewpoint to those who share his viewpoint.

    I find that people who can do this are rare and valuable to have as friends and confidants.

  3. To people who mindlessly criticize machine translation based on screenshots / abortive attempts, I provide the following allegory:

    One day you hear that you can ride a bicycle to get somewhere faster than walking.  You immediately fall on your face as soon as you mount it, and declare, "Bicycles suck!  Either walk or buy a car!"

    The bicycle is machine translation.  Walking is waiting for an actual translation.  The car is learning Japanese. 

    1. Scorp


      Why car is not "paying to translator"? Seems legit :)

    2. sanahtlig


      I include that under "walking".  What you propose is essentially a crowdfunding campaign.

    3. Scorp


      Basically no, as you would not be waiting, you would take exclusive steps for your dream realization. Alas learning japanese would be much cheaper.

  4. "Conflict is humanity's primal instinct. Eliminating it would mean eliminating humanity itself." --An unnamed hero

  5. "Eden wasn't a garden of sin until Eve ate the apple. Nothing was disgraceful. I was probably the snake. Or the apple. But even so..." http://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/10710-the-ultimate-pedophile-simulator-has-arrived/

    1. Tay


      That blog of yours makes for very diverse, and interesting reading.

    2. sanahtlig


      Ha, thanks. It's making the tagging a real pain. I do keep my eyes on what types of content get more views, though this is complicated by the fact that someone can read posts without registering a "vote" by clicking through. Sadly, the posts with more views could simply represent the ones with an interesting feature pic that browsers wanted to see full-size...

  6. A definition is not an objective truth; it is simply a vehicle for communication.

  7. A foolish man sees the world around him through a crooked lens, believing only that which is convenient. A wiser but still foolish man seeks to evaluate the world objectively, settling on an absolute truth and insisting on its correctness. A wise man realizes that objective truth is elusive, and that only through considering many perspectives and constantly revising one's assessment can true understanding be reached.

  8. Criticism is the sincerest form of flattery. It means someone is actually paying attention to you.

  9. Doddler detained over obscene eroge in Canada. This doesn't bode well for the eroge market.

  10. He who fight trolls should take care that he himself doesn't become a troll. Gaze too long into the Abyss, and the Abyss gazes into you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sanahtlig


      I believe the quote originated from the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

    3. Tay


      That's who I meant. Dang. That's embarrassing.

    4. sanahtlig


      Freudian slips are par for the course when you're thinking about VNs all day. Hopefully you don't work in gynecology. Or pediatrics.

  11. I can schedule blog posts to post themselves in the future. Like time capsules. Neat.

    1. SoulJustIn


      good luck with time capsule.

  12. I suggested once that the folks at Mangagamer move to China to make their paycheck go a little further. My advice wasn't received very warmly. http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/10399-the-horror-of-working-in-the-anime-industry/?p=290799

  13. Inner strength comes from recognizing obstacles and persevering despite them--not covering your eyes and stumbling over them because you didn't know any better. http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/10319-ask-a-fuwan-advice-thread/?p=288365

    1. Tay


      Oh dear. I'm not sure I dare click that link...

    2. sanahtlig


      I promise clicking it won't instantly reveal your real name alongside quotes of you gushing over Starless.

    3. Tay


      ^ Confirmed: accurate.

  14. JAST is on track to do a wonderful job not marketing Seinarukana. More news at 7.

  15. Looking forward to Rooke's writing critique of Sakura Spirits

    1. Tay


      If he ever gets around to anything but his self-absorbed, "I'm too cool for Fuwa because I'm working on a VN", "Look at me, Ma! I'm a VN producer!" ways.

      ... < 3, Rooke.

    2. sanahtlig


      Oh he will. This project is funded now.

  16. Saying someone deserves to have something bad to happen to them for is the epitome of online trolling.

    1. Zalor


      Yes! So much yes.

  17. Tentacles are a tool: neither good nor evil. Tentacles don't rape people. People do. And sometimes monsters.

  18. There's two types of people in this world: people who think for themselves and people who let others do the thinking for them.

  19. To create a blog, or not to create a blog, that is the question...

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