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Status Updates posted by Totodile

  1. >.> flutterz is my waifu

  2. betcha didn't i'd sneak up on da booty again >.>

  3. :vinty:stop being such a sexy beast 

    1. Zebhra


      :pyaa: You stole my profile-comment-virginity! Give it back! :saber:

    2. Totodile


      :sacchan:yay one more virginity. :illya:Oil wrestle me irl for it 

    3. luciodragao


      pics or it didn't happen

  4. If you open your nostrils wide enough you'll be able to smell the fear of the person who thought the follower system was a good idea :amane:

  5. tits are just over hyped milk dispensers

  6. 100+ posts in a day, gimme an award so i can sleep

  7. I'm back, and i brought the harem with me

  8. I'm back bitches.

  9. 268 notifs? fuck that i'm on vacation

  10. I'm not saying she's a slut but she's been under more sheets than the KKK.

  11. why can't fandom armies invade other countries? because their ships keep getting sunk by canons

  12. you gonna act like a bitch you gonna die like a bitch

  13. Gave that status box some words, status boxes love words

  14. well............shit

  15. http://t.co/c6R69eYfVH - Help me to collect referrals for Steam-Wallet reward!
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