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Everything posted by Jibril

  1. He's not saying it's bad, it's just not a masterpiece. I've watched the movie. It was amazing, best Shinkai's work so far but I can't say it's a masterpiece, yes you could argue if it's a masterpiece but you can argue that for a lot of anime. Having a #1 spot is just that the majority who watches that anime enjoys it, doesn't necessarily meant that the anime is a masterpiece. Besides we can't exactly snub him when there's already plenty of people who hates his style of directing. I dare say the amount of people who likes his work now is tremendously increased compare to those who hates him.
  2. So in one episode of Illya, Silver Link gave us It took 4 seasons for this series to become truly good and it definitely is worth the damned wait.... even though it's evident SL burned through their budget. Definitely a drop in its action sequence.
  3. Just finished watching Kimi no Na wa.... God damn Shinkai... you fucking outdid yourself, what an amazing step up from Garden of Words and 5cm/second. Shit didn't think I would actually cried, didn't even cried this much when I watched Clannad After Story or Shigatsu.... What the hell. Hands down one of the best romance anime I've watched in my life and without a doubt a contender AOTY of 2016. Unless Koe no Katachi became a masterpiece too, I doubt any anime this year and even the upcoming Fall season would surpass this one, not even Re Zero and ERASED... Really looking forward to Shinkai's future work. Who knows, maybe he'll pick up the mantle that Mizayaki left behind albeit in his own style. He definitely proved himself that he can make great movies. Props to RADWIMPS too. Didn't expect much when they announced a rock band is composing all the soundtracks but they went above my expectations. On point music and very well composed. 10/10.
  4. As of the latest ep, Re Zero is in volume 9 which is going to be released around September 23rd. At this point I'm curious on how they're going to end it since it's literally will be in the middle of volume 9... I just can't see them finishing one book in 2 episodes.
  5. Ah shit I seriously need to watch this but I don't even know when they will screen it outside Japan.... This anime has so much hype, people are saying it's the anime movie that surpassed Spirited Away and although MAL is utterly unreliable, I'm very surprised it's ranked #1 best anime of all time considering the haters and trollers there....
  6. God damn... never thought I'd see the day this got released....
  7. Gameplay wise, The 8th game Imperishable Night is the easiest to get into, story wise the 6th game Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and working your way up from there. IMO the best console for Touhou games are arcade consoles since bullet hell games are easiest with those (huge screens for the bullet hells and responsive, sturdy controls). But hey, Touhou is originally made on PC so there's that.... Oh and Touhou 7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5 and 14.5 are all fighting games. They're also canon. Touhou 1-5 is considered non-canon by ZUN even though he made it himself. They're games from the PC-98 eras so maybe that's the reason. You don't need to start from there though, most would recommend 6th for beginners who want the stories.
  8. Well wow it's official, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!! is one of the few spinoff anime I've watched that can hold on its own against the original series. It's also funny how
  9. Touhou Genso Rondo is a fan made game that just gets ported to PS4 by NIS. It doesn't have any affiliation with ZUN the original creator of Touhou nor is he involved in it's development. And yes apparently the Touhou fans have already mixed reviews on the game with its lengthy tutorial, lack of unique modes, shallow story, low-poly models and bland backgrounds while positive ones tends to praise the soundtrack, interesting concept of mixing bullet hell and fighting, fast-paced gameplay and colorful bullets and animation. Actual Touhou games are still hard as hell and has more story in it.
  10. Binging Life is Strange after delaying the game for a year. Now I feel empty..... but hey, at least
  11. Nanatsu no Taizai new episode finally aired aaaaand..... That's the best plot twist anyone can get, a second season confirmation.... though incredibly unlikely to happen....
  12. Why is 3Drei so good. And wow if what Kuro said is true then Really? Ugh, who knows maybe it'll get better. I heard somewhere that there will be a second cour but I doubt it'll happen....
  13. Yes Zestiria, keep spoiling us Berseria and not focus on Zestiria. Urgh. I didn't even know that
  14. Jesus, the twist in 3rei is way too strong. I should've seen that coming but I didn't..... This thread is getting a bit toooo off topic by the way guys~
  15. The first chapter of the Alicization arc of Sword Art Online...... This is gonna be one hell of a ride....
  16. Mob Psycho 100 is turning to be such a good show and the story is much much better than OPM. Probably has something to do with the fact that ONE gets paid to do this and not for OPM. But then again Bones also nailed the art. Snape kills Dumbledore In all seriousness though, I rarely spoiled anything in this thread and 99% if it's spoiling I use the almighty spoiler function. That being said I'm not defending anyone that spoils others either~ That being said I have no idea how you being is connected to my ego....
  17. Might be a bit late but this new PV for Magical Girl Raising Project gets me some hope that this series might not going to be another failure/pathetic Madoka ripoff. EDIT: In case the PV is blocked http://eachvideo.com/watch?v=Slja47HMxiw
  18. Ah yes. I just realized it's 4 episodes left of Re Zero and honestly I don't know how they're going to end it. It's painfully obvious the WN has enough content for another 4-cour but the LN only reached volume 8 with 9 being scheduled for September.... Cliffhanger? I hope not, it would be terrible. Original end is too risky for a ret-con and open end would seem to be underwhelming.... Oh well it looks like we just have to wait and see. Expect me to always mine the out of you and make millions off it duh
  19. I never read Nisekoi and only watched the two seasons of the anime. When I heard it ended I just read the last 5 chapters since people kept telling me that it won't be that good past 100 chapters. That being said knowing that the girl I'm rooting for won just brings me so happy. It's been a while since one of my shipping actually became true.... And wow credit where its due, that last page is amazingly done.
  20. Marathoned Zetsuen no Tempest until episode 13. Needless to say I should've watched this a long time ago. Can't believe I missed such a decently good Shounen anime....
  21. I finally watched the few latest episodes of Fate 3Rei and wow how did they manage to have such a jump on the storytelling quality between this season and the last 3 season. Toning down the needless fanservice, new characters with new freshness, comedy epically improved I mean I can't stop laughing in the last episode.... Like seriously Also Under the Dog is a waste of money. That amount of potential with nearly non-existent storytelling. Thank God I didn't back the bloody thing when it was still in Kickstarter. Saving anime my foot... At the very least the action is greatly animated and executed. With 5 episodes left and Sorey only finally about to reach Edna, I have no idea how rushed the rest of this Zestiria will go. Oh well looks like I just have to look forward in to the action. I'm guessing they have to cut a lot of parts... Your is showing up again
  22. The mindblown in the last episode is so real. If it weren't for the terribad animation and lackluster first few episodes this anime would've been a hidden gem.
  23. I'm not saying 91Days is the best anime this season.... but it is the best anime this season.
  24. *coughcough* NON-SEQUEL OR NEW ANIME OF SUMMER *coughcough* But yes Orange is also good which makes it three good shows this season. Still not much of a step up since Spring. Maybe I should also put Amaama to Inazuma in that list too. I just haven't continue it since episode 3 but the first 3 episodes are pretty good. Re Zero is Spring season!!!
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