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Posts posted by Snowtsuku

  1. I actually liked her as a heroine as well since she has a good head on her shoulders. She's also hardworking so that's another plus but her being proactive was too much for my taste. Even now I still don't fully understand what in the world happened in her route. 


    So if SR does get picked, people should prepare to have their minds broken. Well maybe it's just me and my overreacting about this kind of things.

    Symphonic Rain is one of the VNs where everything becomes clearer the more routes you finished.

    One day you'll go back and realize why Fal is the best girl.

  2. Hi everybody,


    We're in need of some help doing the coding work around the site. You would be working with Nayleen, our webmaster, to put together the new front site and a few, possible side-projects.


    Skills Requirements:

    1. Solid experience/skill with HTML5 and/or CSS3
    2. Some Javascript experience
    3. Some PHP experience
    4. Some Git experience preferred

    If you want to help the site and want a challenge, please speak up! The more help we get, the faster we can bring the new site to you! Nay and I will be monitoring this thread, so either reply here or send us (Tay and Nayleen) a PM if you've got questions or want to volunteer.

    What I don't have is 3, and time. So it depends on what needs to be done.

  3. Since Tay/Nay has access to the databases, one of you guys needs to check the biggest spammer.  Nosebleed is currently sitting at an average of 16.3(5), and Eclipsed last 74 days have been 13.(5)


    Have the spam wars begun?

    I miss my 20-40 post/day.

  4. •Takes place in school or at least, the protagonists are young. (Yep)

    Good art style, I can't get through VNs with bad art. (Subjective, so I can't say)

    •Happy endings, even if the plot itself is depressing. (VN made me tear from happiness)

    •An good or at least an interesting plotline. (Plot meshes up well in the end. Unlike VNs where choosing what to eat changes the whole plot)

    •Romance is a must in some fashion (Yep)

    •Slice of life, but also can be action. (No action)

    H-scenes would be appreciated. (Sorry)

    •English translated (Yep)

    Symphonic Rain : ) Reasoning in Parentheses.

  5. I still remember my dota-allstars and early playdota days. Basically you have a set of members you fool around with and it feels pretty nice. Different boards also have their own communities so you meet a lot of people when you start to become active on a certain part of the forum. Fooling around and having serious discussions are pretty fun. Mods are also pretty chill.

  6. I can't speak for what's happening today. However, even way back fuwa has its share of spam and chatters.

    The difference imho is that way back, there are only two sub communities (IRC and Steve TS). As such, the context of these thread are often understood by the forum. Less sub communities and less members means that around 40-50% will get what you mean.

    Compare it today where we have lots of sub communities and more members. Sometimes I read a thread without knowing what it is even referring to

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