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Posts posted by Snowtsuku

  1. I think nicknames are funny even though they might be something totally stupid sometimes. Opinions?

    Like HMN is called Hymen  :wahaha:

    I call HMN Ludo-san. I like nickames I guess. Though it depends in the nickname.

    As for my nicknames, it's Snow online and Yuki in real life.

  2. I'm pretty sure I saw the reddit post that came up with the idea of Alchemist's aghs, although the idea there was that he could consume them himself and keep stacking stats so that he doesn't stop growing at 35 minutes. Honestly, I like this idea better.

    Alchemist can now cast Aghanim's Scepter to directly grant any allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter bonuses as a buff (the hero upgrade and the stat upgrade). The scepter is consumed in the process. Multiple instances of this buff do not stack. Alchemist can target himself as well

    It's still nice since you get stats while keeping the inventory space during late game.

  3. Yeah... if I were an employer I probably wouldn't hire a programmer who takes more that a minute or two to solve that. (If it's done on paper then I wouldn't care about syntax errors because ain't nobody got time fo' dat)

    If you want to be cheeky you can do:


    for (int i = 0; i < 0, i++);

    system.out.println("100 99 98 97 ... etc.");

    This solution reminds me of an answer in the leap year problem. Basically what he did was to parse the 29th of Feb, and check for an exception.








    for ($i = 100; $i <=0; $i--) {

     echo $i.' ';





    time spend around 45 sec


    derp 100 to 1 my fault, feeling so bad now...


    <? php


    for ($i = 100; $i > 0; $i--) {
     echo $i.' ';


    The loop should start from 0.

  4. There an article I want to share but a thread for it might be too much so might as well create a mega thread. Anyone can post here, especially those who wants to learn. Feel free to share your preferred language as well.


    As for the article Link.


    Feel free to solve it as well. I think it's hard due to the interview pressure but let's see : >

  5. Have you played Symphonic Rain? It fits pretty much all of your criteria.


    By the way, if you make a list of the VNs you've read on https://vndb.org/ and link to it in your profile, that'll make it much easier for others to give you recommendations. :)

    Obviously I support this one.



    I'm personally looking for something Key-like-but-not-Key at the moment, so I'm watching others' responses here with interest, but if you're up for something a little different, you should give Fate/Stay Night a try. It's got a lot more external conflict going on than a Key VN will: more action, more outright antagonism, etc, while it still has the romance-and-save-the-girl angle going for it as well, of course. Somewhat like in the final route of Rewrite, the story throughout Fate/Stay Night is a lot more than just working through problems with one heroine. So, in your term, it's really a plot-focused game. And it certainly fits all the other requirements.

    Well, people said Symphonic Rain is Key-like in structure. The reason is all routes mesh up so well.

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