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Posts posted by dannyboo

  1. Hey all, 

    couldn't find any related posts so I'm randomly this now. Hopefully someone knows sth that could help me.


    I haven't played VNs in a while and just decided to give the new Eushully game's trial a try.

    My system is an M1 Max MacBook Pro and I'm running Windows 11 (ARM)  through VMware Fusion.

    That means that my system has to run any x86 programs through emulation.

    I installed the trial without problems using locale emulation instead of changing system locale (this has always worked so far including this time)

    When I try to start the game I get an empty error message




    I suspect that this has more to do with the fact that I'm trying to run the Age.exe on an ARM system rather than this being a Virtual Machine because a lot of programs work very well.

    I've also heard from other users that other VNs run fine on their M1 Virtual Machines. Soooo, does anyone have experience with Eushully Games on ARM and how I might solve this?


    Best regards :)


  2. 15 hours ago, Tokimime said:

    I can't get the 1999 CROSSNET game "Five Card" to run on Windows 10 OS, every time I attempt to run it with compatibility settings, administrative settings, or just normally, this screen pops up.


    That png isn't showing. Try to host the pic on another website and embedding the picture in your post.


    Hey everyone, it's been a while!

    I just downloaded and installed the latest Eushully game yesterday, Amayui Labyrinth Meister.

    Unfortunately, the game seems to be running into some graphical issues as seen in the spoilers below.

    I've never had this issue with any of Eushully's games and it's really frustrating because it looks terrible and takes a lot of enjoyment out of the game.

    Has anyone of you encountered this problem or maybe seen a solution to this problem? 


    Internal Screenshot, looking just fine:



    External screenshot, the way I get to see it:




  4. Hey everybody,


    I spent some time on this forum like 5-6 years ago and I wanted to spend some free time here again so I'm making  a very brief introduction.

    Because if I don't write even a little, I feel like i'm gonna wait another years before deciding to post something 😛

    Back then I used Visual Novels to try and learn Japanese, I was also taking lessons at the time and managed pass the N4 exam, yay!

    I haven't read any VNs since 2017, where I stopped working on my Japanese to focus on other things and now I'm trying to get back into it.

    I'm 23, male and from Germany. My online times might vary from yours but feel free to send me a message to have a nice chat :)


    Nice to meet you all I hope the community has flourished and gained lots of new members over the last years!

  5. I guess it's been a month already since you've decided to start learning Japanese and I'd like to hear your initial thoughts :)


    I've been studying Japanese for ~18 months now but I focus not only on reading but also speaking/writing and everything that's

    important for someone who wants to live another country.


    One question that's related to this topic arose in my mind and I'm asking the more experienced read-only Japanese learners here:


    Do you just learn the Kanji and their meanings or do you actually study how to read it if you had to read it out loud?

    It's something I've been asking myself over and over and I'd really like it answered

  6. The only MMO I've ever played and really (really) enjoyed was Runescape in 2010..

    But I'd say, as long as you're playing with friends, any game can be enjoyable. :)


    I'd still recommend Runescape even though it has changed a lot over the last years. It's just that great lol ^^

  7. interesting read and quite funny to if i may say so.


    This is only mildly related but last week i found out that my country ( Netherlands) and Japan have a more than 100 year old treaty for free work and living trafic between the country's.

    To bad it seems as that my country managed to forget that one as it was found out while trying to resolve a case of illigal working by some japanese in the netherlands.

    That also managed to put a smile on my face about the funny things that just seem to happen in life.

  8. Today is a special day for so many people :lol: you're all so lucky :3


    Haappy birthday to


    Tief Blau









    phew. I'm glad I didn't have to sing that :wahaha:

  9. Hey Segaco


    Fate/Stay is a great game ^_^

    I used to like cats but they're not good for my health so I decided to not like them anymore ;(

    Ducks are annoying when they're in your garden but other than that, they're cool :D



    welcome to fuwanovel _°


    Edit: Catgirls are okay though! Somehow I'm not allergic to them. :3

  10. It seems like you had a bumpy ride in the beginning but things started to mellow out toward the end. That was quite the adventure you had at the airport. It must have been nerve wracking having to escort your guests, but at the very least I think they'll remember that you were helpful and dependable in that situation. Do you feel you were able to learn more and adapt faster with the Japanese language when you were thrown into the deep end in this situation?


    I don't personally have a story to tell considering how I haven't really taken it upon myself to get serious about learning Japanese, but I still enjoyed what you had to share with us.

  11. Saw the anime, and I bet the novel will be better.

    The show... well, was decent. Liked it, but not my favorite.

    I freaked out when I found out they were going to make a show. Then I looked the first episode and ragequitted lol..

    The game was great but I don't know about the show. I haven't brought up the courage yet..

  12. Deon-sama will do :D. Kidding.

    Call me Ovela-kun or Deon-kun, it doesn't matter. And hi Danny!

    Quite lovely community here!


    I thought so.. :makina:  Please read Grizaia no Kajitsu and reconsider your answer :D


    Hi Oveon-kun! I just came up with a nickname ^_^

  13. trust me you can like dem japanese fellows as much as you want, BUT better think twice before adapting some of their habbits, cause the western society isn´t as tolerant as you might believe it is.

    especially when it comes to wearing crazy full-body outfits in public or an exessive otoku lifestyle


    Honestly, I don't think those two japanese who came to germany would ever consider leading an otaku life. :lol:

    But about that full-body wear... I've had that on in public several times but not in everyday situations^^

  14. That really amazing m8


    I'm not surprised , jp and DE has really great exchange.


    How did they fought in trainning session? Everyone got wrekt?


    Couldn't stop laughing at the airport moment, i bet they gave you the typical stare.


    They can't go full out in a fight because it's really exhausting. Literally everybody wants to fight them so it's rare to see them really motivated.

    But even so they're extremely good and you almost feel like they can predict your movements.

  15. Hey there


    This year my town's Kendo club organised the annual New Year's Kendo Training Course that's always held on the five days from the 2nd til the 5th of January. It was a great success but I'm going to tell you some of the stuff that happened to me..

    Arguably the most important thing to this annual event are the Sensei that teach us during that time.

    This year, we had two japanese guests. Both teach Onoha Ittouryuu are 7th Dan Kyoshi.

    I had to pick them up from the airport in Frankfurt (which is 4 hours from where I live).


    Some info about me:

    • 17 years old
    • haven't had a serious japanese conversation before
    • have been learning japanese for ~18 months


    I think you can all guess that these aren't the perfect conditions for success.

    But, whether I liked it or not, I had to be the one to pick them up because someone had to and I'm the poor guy who's learning Japanese lol--


    I arrived at the airport.

    You should know that at that point I was really nervous as it would be the first time I'd have to use my japanese for anything else than my own entertainment. :wacko:

    In my head, I had a list of things that I'd practised beforehand. But all I could remember was

    Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? And the polite word for toilet. (otearai)

    My nervousness had swallowed the rest :P


    When the waiting was finally over -and I was ready to make a run for it- the two walked towards me, searching for familiar faces. I bravely approached them. Three seconds later I had already made more cultural mistakes while greeting them than I'd dare to count. (Like forgetting to tell them my name :nervous: [so stupid :saber: ])

    Anyway, they're really nice people and luckily they remembered me from last year so they knew they had to go easy on me with their japanese. I asked them if we (I wasn't alone at least) should carry their lugagge and one of them kindly handed me over his way-too-big and way-too-heavy bag..


    I started walking back, trying to remember which way to go to get back to the parking lots until I realized we had walked past the lifts. So we went back again thinking everything would be alright but when we stepped out, none of the doors through which we had come before on our way to the terminal would open.

    We go back up and try our luck with the lifts on the other side of the terminal. Eventually we made our way back to the car. :)



    I believe you're fairly bored after reading this much so I'll make the rest short lol :lol:


    The hour that followed was filled with questions about me and the location of the training course which I tried my best to answer in reasonably good Japanese. After that they just fell asleep. :rolleyes:

    They were a bit shocked when we told them that my coach had invited us all to spend New Year's Eve at his house. But they didn't mind anymore after I told them that there'd be fireworks^^


    When we arrived, all the nervousness and uneasyness seemed to be washed away and we gradually came to understand each other better and better. Even though I still made a lot of mistakes, the conversation didn't stop anymore and it was a great time for all of us.


    I fell ill after that due to an allergic reaction and Asthma so I wasn't able to participate in the actual training but I showed up every day to say hello and I met a japanese boy who is an exchange student here in Germany.

    I wanted to exchange email addresses so we could keep in touch but unfortunately, I didn't meet him again.



    I learned a lot in that time but I also realized that I still have to study a lot to have a proper conversation.

    I'd like to hear about your first experience with japanese if you've had any. Maybe we can all share our stories with each other ^_^

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