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Status Updates posted by LiquidShu

  1. RT @GregSkyWilliams: when things go wrong it's nice that you can always count on good ol music to still be dope as fuck.

  2. Packing for my trip today.

  3. RT @nudesjpg: Boobs are great I love boobs

  4. Ue o Muite Arukou

  5. Grats on MotM!

    1. HMN


      thanks liquidshu,i appreciate it!

    2. babiker


      مبرووك عليك! وكل عام و انت بخير

    3. HMN


      شكرا و انتا بخير

  6. Why hello there Yumiko icon :P

  7. RT @jlist: RT @moonlitsaki I have to repost this, because OMG so damn cute! <3 http://t.co/Brxak4dSfx http://t.co/oHe27VM6CG

  8. Good end for life no bad end.

  9. Stating Sakaki's route in Grisaia no Kajitsu tomorrow when I wake up. Look forward to it (⌒▽⌒)

  10. RT @jlist: So apparently this happened recently. http://t.co/AH8ltoHj3X

  11. To busy playing Grisaia to go on forums right now.

  12. RT @jlist: Where will you be when LSD kicks in? http://t.co/IaAztmkvlE

  13. Watched the sun rise pretty dope

  14. Yandere love needs to be a thing come on people what are you doing...

  15. Trying to go to the Hatsune Mku Fest 2014 in LA the MIKU LOVE VIP tickets are sold out for Saturday much sad :( at least for now.

  16. Audiosurf 2 is slowly taking my life ecense from me help!

  17. Past 3 tweets may be spoilers idk oopsie ...

  18. Tsubaki is the best in G Senjou no Maou.

    1. MDruidd


      ahh, i don't know if you PM me.

      sorry, yupp... but for me is Haru

      if told to sort :




      and Kannon

      haha :P

  19. RT @Babylonian: is there a way to watch anime and sleep at the same time

  20. Really want to go to Miku Fest this year since I couldn't make it to Anime EXPO... Time to look into ticket pricing and what not!

  21. Saw a spider on my wall a bit ago... keep checking around me every minute and can't go to sleep now... Fuck you spider fuck you

    1. Cyrillej1


      Yesterday, I frantically snapped awake because I felt the fast crawling sensation of a spider crawling all around my arm going towards my armpit.. I frantically shooed it off, and was so pissed because it woke me up from my good sleep. Looked for it, and KILLED IT!! So I know how you feel, F'the spiders :(

  22. RT @dizzy_ziddy: Ruri silently judging people who wants lewd pictures of her. ihavenoregrets http://t.co/FXxaxTZ38j

  23. RT @sedicius: I totally want this @AxentWear headset especially if it comes in pink (*-*) http://t.co/Ox0ZiYVkZ2

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