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Posts posted by LiquidShu


    If you are looking for fighting game players on Fuwa, do check out this thread. 

    Also to answer your question, nope I did not, though I am interested. My issue with it right now is I am sinking my time into USF4 and soon to be Pokken. That coupled with my preference towards SF style 2D fighters makes me wary on dropping the cash. 

    Anyways check out the Fuwa fight club when you get a chance, we have a Skype group going on as well.

  2. My fps is always close to or above 60 fps, the combat is fluid, the graphics are awesome, Kung fu, large PVP community. I have very much enjoyed my experience so far. If you were expecting anything other than PVP then I can imagsca why you would be let down. The plarrbase to my knowledge on a global scale is PVP oriented. Either grind through PVP or grind through PVE, doesn't matter as long as I get to kick some ass in PVP.

  3. On Old Man Cho, don't play that much, no time. I love the visuals and game play though, and personally I enjoy the voice acting, it reminds me of really bad 90's dubbed Kung Fu movies.

    I would like to add if you aren't in it for the PVP general consensus is don't bother with this game, wait for something else.

  4. Quite a while since a post has been made with most of us in the Skype group now :cry: To remedy this epidemic, I bring righteous news! The EVO 2k16 lineup will be announced within the next hour! Some will threaten to burn the tournament down to ashes, others will hold it up as the mother of all fighting game tournaments. Legends clash, fans unite, new friends come together, not to mention rivalries born. However, before we get to this grand moment, the EVO 2k16 main stage line up most be announced! 

    If your soul is burning with unquenchable passion and heart clouded with unimaginable anxiety, prepare yourself as it is just about 6 months away, and this is just the beginning:





    Once the lineup is announced I will be updating this post with the main games, may even go as far as to update the OP.

    First game is announced!: SFV

    Second game is announced!: Super Smash Bros Melee

    Third game is announced!: Super Smash Bros Wii U

    Fourth game is announced!: Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-

    Fifth game is announced!: MKX

    Sixth game is announced!: POKKEN HOLY SHIT IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :conspiracy: I'M CRYINGGGGGG

    Seventh game is announced!: Killer Instinct

    DUN DUN DUN an Eighth game is announced!: MAHVEL IS BACK

    ... A new contender as appeared!? Yet another game is announced! The NINTH game to be announced!: Tekken 7

    and that seems to be the lineup of EVO 2k16! I honestly and super hyped for Pokken! Everything else was expected for the most part ~ 


  5. Was just going through this issue. Made a Tenso account and had to buy White Album 2 wall scrolls off Amazon JP, everywhere else was sold out and it cost me about $100. It sucks since a lot of my favorite shows have all of their wall scrolls out of print ;__; 

    Pretty nice video Ren~! I pretty much got the figure collecting down (still a novice), but when it came to me hunting for official/licensed tapestry/wall scrolls it was a whole nother story. Took me hours across several days to research, find something, and buy it. What really erked me was the price of anything I found! I figured I might as well buy an actual figure since I have space to display it! With my current set up I only have space for about 5 large wall scrolls, 2 small ones, and then a poster. So, if I went out of my way to buy a really nice wall scroll I might not even be able to hang it up in the end.

    100% Bookmarking this video for when I go hunting in the future.

  6. About to finish Noble Works then I need to decide what I will read next, Demonbane, Cartagra, or continue with my School Days play through (stopped midway, I couldn't handle the amount of drama, so I stalled). 

    Can I get some Fuwan thoughts and what to read next? Just for reference I need some romance in there, but I want something heavier at the same time, since the last 4 vn's I read were moeblobs. 

  7. I have been watching one to two episodes of Guilty Crown a night for the past week or so, but since it's the weekend I may splurge. It looks and sounds amazing on Blu Ray, honestly my love for this series since I started re-watching it has been fully rekindled, if not improved upon. Since it's been a year, give or take, since I last watched it, it's just 120% hype. I do realize that it has it's flaws (looking at you "Rebirth" episode) and they could have done a lot more with that if they had two more episodes, which I don't know why the didn't (was 22 ep show). Anyways still my favorite and has been for a couple years now. 

    After I finish re-watching I was looking to re-watch my top three (Guilty Crown, White Album 2, Oreimo [which is arguable, why I want to re-watch it]). Only issue is I don't know how accessible White Album 2 Blu Ray's are or if they are in English. I might wait until my Japanese gets to a level where I can watch WA2 with out subtitles. Then Oreimo box set seems to be quite the high price so I will look around and hold off on that. 

    Between all of that I finished OPM. The ending fight scene was lit as fuck, yet disappointing at the same time. I knew there would come a time when Saitama didn't one punch some mofo but I was sad to see it. Maybe if he went full OG from the beginning when he was still wearing the armor, but that didn't happen. 

    Haven't finished Brave Beats yet and I intend to do that this week. At the moment it is still a contender for my top of 2015.

    Aside from that I haven't watched anything the past two seasons really, other than Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru. I want to start up some shows this season but I don't really want to squeeze in anything else in my schedule, though my weekends are rather free. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    I'm not passing judgement on anyone's purchase preferences, I'm just saying how I personally deal with the subject of bootlegs.

    A couple years ago I'd always go for the cheapest thing I could find, but after becoming more knowledgeable on the market I started valuing authenticity and began understanding that saving a couple of bucks once in a while isn't worth the risk of getting something of bad/average quality.

    Regarding out of print wallscrolls, like I mentioned in my last post, if they're no longer being manufactured you're no longer supporting the makers regardless of what you do, so in this scenario you're better off with bootlegs if you know where to print good quality ones, since all yu usually care about here is how they look.

    Generally speaking, with newer stuff I'd rather buy authenticity. With stuff that's no longer manufactured it depends on the product.

    Never tried saying you were, instead I found it helpful having these discussions. I never even thought of supporting the manufacturer in all honesty, I was just focused on my own personal collection and displays, so that is a viewpoint I find worth looking through. Normally if it music or a NEW game (normally buy used for consoles) I would think of the developers/artist but it never crossed my mind when it came to anime goods.

  9. There is a Yosuga no Sora wallscroll on Mandrake for $140, not printed anymore and I couldn't find it on any other site I go on (about 13/4 others). Nope, no way am I spending 30% of my budget on a wall scroll, especially when there is a figure of the Sora on the wall scroll (Chinese dress ver.) for cheaper. Then when it comes to Guilty Crown, aside from GE on Amazon, who doesn't provide dimensions I can trust in the description, zip. AmiAmi is sold out of all White Album 2, Guilty Crown, Aldnoah.Zero, and any other series I want on my walls. Other sites didn't even bring anything up. 

    30 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    Official wallscrolls aren't really that expensive though, unless you want huge ones, but those are expensive even as bootlegs. If I were to rank them though, I'd say they're on the same level as t-shirts and mugs since you can easily custom print one.

    I think bootlegs are valid in some scenarios though, like when something is no longer manufactured and is very rare, to the point where the prices for it online are absurd.

    I don't normally buy a ton of stuff at once, so even though authentic goods are more expensive, I'd rather pay extra for security and quality than save a few bucks somewhere else and get an inferior product while simultaneously not supporting the makers of the anime I like. The extra amount is usually not abysmal unless you just like buying tons of stuff at once, so I'll always go with authentic first and foremost.

    Official wall scrolls that are no longer in print are absurdly expensive for something on my wall, especially in light of my budget.

    I too tend not to buy a lot of things at once, however this time around, I am trying to replace the scrolls on my walls all at once (they have been up for almost three years). So, if I were to scrounge around for what I really wanted, it would take quite some time and probably would cost as much as a figurine, maybe more. And in that case, I rather buy the figurine. 

    At that point it's "Do I bother to replace the scrolls I have up and buy other things?" if I decide "screw fan made/bootlegs", or "Screw it let's buy the fan made/bootlegs and live with it". Though I feel I am going off topic now. 

  10. 1 minute ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    I'm a hoarder by nature. I prefer when I have more of things. I mean this authentic vs bootleg evaluation is really dependent on you. Unless you're gonna show off your room to other people like a museum which people like OriginalRen tends to do a lot, buying authentic-only goods will dry hump your wallet to oblivion because they are just that costly.... I've seen authentics range from 20 to even 30x more than the bootleg version, so we are sometimes talking $50 vs $1,500 here....  

    You can also do mix and match of things, splitting your budget for authentic/bootleg while highlighting your authentic stuff in a separate shelf/wall and excluding them from the rest of your bootlegged stuff.

    Basically the only thing I would be buying bootleg is wall scrolls, which the 8 I have up, 6 are bootlegs. I do own more authentic posters/wall scrolls but they aren't the right size for me to display. I go on a crazy tangent every once in awhile about some random thing related to my hobbies and it bugs straight for a few days, which led to this topic :vinty:

  11. Just now, Mugi said:

    Well, I just finished Noble Works the other day. Koisuru an KoiChoco both look nice, but I can't read Japanese, so there's a bit i'd be missing out on with those extra patches right? And I've been hearing some mixed things about KoiChoco. I swear, the hardest thing about reading visual novels is choosing what to read next.

    You can get the KoiSuru with the 3P route patch, and I don't believe KoiChoco is missing anything, not that I noticed anyways. 

    Have to agree with you there, about to finish Noble Works and I have no idea what to read next.

  12. 41 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    I mean if it's a wallscroll, if the anime girl doesn't look distorted and still easily recognizable, even with shitty color hues/saturation or any kind of obvious giveaway that it's a bootleg version, I'm fine with it. I mean, it's a wallscroll.... it's not something individually created to perfection but mass produced. It's not like a sculpture crafted by Michelangelo ffs.

    There is a huge difference between $50 and $500, so saving money is important especially when you can buy 10 or more bootlegs for the price of 1 authentic. If you can't see it, you are either Bill Gates, some professional athlete, or someone living with his parents and just leeching off them. 

    I see the $50 - $500 saving thing is important as the budget I am giving myself is about $450 for luxury items (pretty much gift money from my family) until sometime in the summer (which I want to save as much as I can of that for EVO). But when it comes to I can get 10 fan made/bootleg items or 1 authentic item I am still drawn towards that one authentic item... I feel as if I should break that habit but oh well.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    That's fine, but my position still stands in the end, buying a collectible that's authentic always has more value for me.

    It's pretty simple logic. Unless you're buying something to wear, chances are you're buying something ornamental or something that's meant to be collected, and i think having a collectible that's not authentic kinda defeats the purpose of it.

    I guess this raises the question "Is a wall scroll a collectible?" :makina: 

    Totally agree on the "...having a collectible that's not authentic kinda defeats the purpose of it." Suppose it just comes down to what one considers a collectible vs vanity (?), if t-shirts and the like could be considered that. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    Unless you're getting something like a mug or a t-shirt, bootlegs are usually worse in the long run due to poor quality.

    Even assuming the bootleg looks really good, it'll probably never be as good as the original so it's a bit unrealistic to have an option in the poll for flawless bootlegs.

    I mostly only buy figures though so maybe that's why I think like that. (Accidentally buying a bootleg figure would make me want to jump off a bridge).

    Maybe I should change the option then, if possible. Though I did state this discussion to be excluding figures, since I would never go near a bootleg. Maybe I shouldn't have included the word bootleg? Mostly going for a fan of "X" series made "Y" item and is selling it, not Chinese Bootleg Company "A" is selling really crappy bootleg "B". If that even makes any sense?


    Also maybe I made a mistake in the "higher quality" portion of option #2, doesn't mean it has to be as good as the authentic, just of good quality (not great), nor an obviously shitty bootleg.

    Here is to hoping that clears any misunderstandings generated from my side.

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