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Posts posted by Satsuki

  1. On 1/9/2024 at 8:46 AM, SeizethePoets said:

    They've taken down translation projects like Amairo * Islenuts, KoiChoco for the PSP, and most notably Houkago no Cinderella after 2 years of work and two routes away from completion. 

    I understand that you hate Nekonyan but...what?

    Amairo Islenauts project was abandoned years before Nekonyan became a thing.

    I never heard about any project for KoiChoco PSP, and in any case, the translation for the PC version was already finished long before Nekonyan so going after a simple porting project is just weird.

    As for Houkago no Cinderella, I'm not too sure about their situation but from what I read, they got DMCA by Hooksoft themselves, and people only assumed that they acted under Nekonyan's "order" with no real proof.

  2. Only read a bit to check the quality of the translation (already finished the game long ago) and yeah, I agree that the translation is fine, but way too direct so lots of them just sounded either awkward or textbook-ish. Definitely requires some serious editing.

    Just a bit of advice from me, but rather than keeping the translation at point-blank range from the original, try to think about how you would say a sentence like that irl instead. Worked quite well for me before.

  3. 9 hours ago, shiny5478 said:

    I didn't say you were obligated to do anything. You're fighting a strawman. I did however criticize you for picking and choosing who you decide to help or not.
    And yes, I do get to criticize the whole community if the whole community does that

    Unless you feel like deleting these posts. Which definitely sounds like something you guys would do

    Any sort of help, here or in the real world, is based on picking and choosing. After all, like you said, it's not an obligation. That's why you don't see people going on GoFundMe and just throw money everywhere with their eyes closed. Gonna go and criticize the whole humanity next?

    Btw, your posts have been here for like 2 days already, so again, stop accusing us of things we don't do, yeah?

  4. 2 hours ago, shiny5478 said:

    It's only villainize when you're an echo chamber. It's called criticism.

    What does it matter if it's MTL? Only because it's not up to your standards? But who are you? What if he wants to translate into Mongolian? Do you think someone will come along someday and make a proper translation of the game into Mongolian? Do you see the problem with gatekeeping like this?

    Of course, I'm not asking anyone to change the behavior. You do what you do. But I can criticize it. And I'm free to do that, I think

    Oh, we are not gatekeeping anything. He can go ahead and translate the VN into cat language for all I care. In fact, I even wished him good luck right above, if you bother to read that one. However, that doesn't mean we will be obligated to provide him with any help - that's a completely different matter. Feel free to help him if you think MTL is perfectly up to your rock bottom standard, but you don't get to accuse people of being "that sort of community" for not helping with a not-so-good idea. I mean, who even are you?

  5. 20 hours ago, shiny5478 said:

    The problem is after telling people it's an MTL people will not give you tools. It's that sort of community, unfortunately. Super sekrit club

    Good job villainize the community for absolutely no reason, mate.

    Apparently any translation attempt should be treated equally, even if the translator does not know a slick of the language and will DEFINITELY butcher the whole thing?

  6. Well, I have only tried 2 games from SVN (out of pure curiosity), and I have to say that the quality of MTL (or at very least, Sugoi), seems to heavily depend on the genre/setting of the game. For example, the translation for the 1st game that I tried, Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha, is completely nonsensical, probably due to all of the sci-fi and technical jargons (mainly about machine/weapon forging and stuff). However, in the 2nd game, Kanojo to Ore no Lovely Day, the translation is actually quite accurate and readable (other than the usual gender/pronounce confusion), which I assume thanks to its normal SoL/school life setting with no weird futuristic/fantasy element.

    Purple Soft titles will probably prove a challenge with all the mystery/fantasy stuff, so...good luck with it, I guess?

  7. 12 hours ago, shiny5478 said:

    ^Why did you decide to be all offended? I don't care why you do or did it. I'm saying why people don't generally do it.

    Japanese is not such a sought-after skill on a resume. And you certainly don't wanna put porn games on a resume.

    Before Patreon was a thing there were even less translations than there are now, so I don't know why you're making that argument. 

    "For lots of people, this is a hobby"

    If that was true you'd see lots of people releasing translations. You don't, though. Because it's lots of work

    Why did you decide that I was offended? You have a dead wrong idea about the whole thing so I just corrected you, being a fan translator myself, with plenty of supporting evidences, and you are the one who keeps being weirdly stubborn about it. 

    Depending on the job, having an extra language in your resume other than English is always beneficial. This is especially true for large companies that regularly work with oversea customers that may or may not be fluent in English. Also, nothing stops someone who is already fluent in Japanese to take on a translation project to improve their English instead. I saw quite a few VN/manga translators claimed that already.

    It's true that before Patreon, there were not many fan translation groups, though that had nothing to do with Patreon, more to do with VN was still WAY too niche at the time. You know what else was also founded in 2013, the same time as Patreon? Sekai Project. I would argue that they were the one that increased the exposure of VN and in turn increased the amount of people interested in translating VN.

    "If that was true you'd see lots of people releasing translations. You don't, though. Because it's lots of work"

    The opposite, actually. Because it's purely a hobby, and yes, it's a lot of work, that's why it takes a very long time for a translation to come out, due to people only working on it during their free time. You know, hobby, not full-time work?

  8. 12 hours ago, shiny5478 said:


    What joke is on me? Translations are rare, and thread question being posed is why things are like that.  Only weirdos do what you're describing. No sane person would spend months, often years of their life translating something for nothing in return

    I assume you are VERY new to this whole scene? Because translating VN while asking for patron and stuff is a pretty recent thing. Most translators, especially in the early days did the work for literally nothing. Hell, just take a look at the Translation Projects section right here on this forum, how many people can you see that are demanding payment for their works?

    Even though it's free work, it can still look really nice on your resume if you want to get involved in language-related job in the future. In my case, I was doing fan translation in my free time (not "years of my life") while studying oversea in order to improve my English. Worked amazingly well, I would say.

    For lots of people, this is not work, but a hobby. And you simply don't ask people to pay for your hobby. Well, unless you are underage and they are your parents, then sure 🙄

  9. 3 hours ago, shiny5478 said:

    Because it's a lot of work for nothing in return. Pay me and I'll do whatever you want.

    Some people set up patreons and try to do what they want to do, but they often get their Paypal blocked and quit. Or they get zero patrons and so they have to translate a bunch of stuff for no pay just to build a reputation in order to get patrons, etc... And for what, like $100/month for a while optimistically?

    Joke on you, most of us fan translators do this just because we want people to be able to enjoy the same thing that we do (and spreading the VN genre blah blah...). Also, good language practice for the future.

    We don't do this in order to beg for money. Our day job can cover that just fine.

  10. Btw, this is my personal way (so don't quote me on this) to tell if a game is a visual novel:


    A visual novel consists of 2 main elements - Visual (graphic) and Novel (wall of texts). These two are well capable of creating a whole visual novel all by themselves, with everything else being optional.

    Now, think about the game that get you all confused. Try removing every other elements from the game, leaving only Visual and Novel. After that, see if the game still remains fully functional, or if it's completely broken/turn into a completely different type of media.

    A visual novel would still work just fine without the interactive element. Take Late Shift for example (that's the only one in your list that I have tried), if you remove the choices from it, what do you have left? A short movie, nothing more than that.


    8 hours ago, mikedo2007 said:

    So from what you said, Time Gal (a interactive laserdisc FMV game from Japan that was released on arcade, and SEGA CD) wouldn't qualify as a visual novel despite being made in Japan and fully animated:

    I'm actually quite confused with your idea of "if it's an animated game made in Japan then it's a visual novel". They are allowed to make other types of the game too, you know?

    And yeah, I generally do not consider these games to be visual novel - just interactive game/movie. After all, it's a visual NOVEL, so the reading need to be the main part, not the clicking (I have tried a game of this type before - the darn thing made me pick a choice every minute or two) and listening. Other things should only play as support element that even if you remove them, the game will still work just fine. That's why kinetic novel - a type of visual novel - exists - there is no choice in the game, some don't even have voices, all you need to do is read.

    Btw, I do think that live-action and other non-traditional stuff are fine - as long as they still keep the elements mentioned above in the game.

  12. 1 hour ago, Bredan said:

    You don't seem to understand. That's not blaming or anything, it's a valuable information in and of itself : if what is considered normal for a populatin keeps not being suitable for you, it shows something. What you do with this information is up to you, whether it is 'blaming', 'wondering why', changing yourself or your settings, or even doing nothing of it.

    Not sure if you actually read my post, but again, "normal" is subjective. I can also say that since it's considered normal for a population, including me, but not for you, then it shows something and you need to change. The default setting is not there for weeding out "abnormal" people, it's just whatever the dev think it's right - and different devs have different ideas, and sometimes their ideas just happen to be different than your. 

    So unless someone out there made a public poll of "is the default text speed too fast" and got overwhelming positive result, otherwise my opinion stays valid. After all, both you and I have zero idea about what the "population" actually think about this.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Bredan said:

    You don't seem to have noticed that, for almost everything everywhere, the default setting can generally be considered what is considered (by the devs or whatever) the mean or 'normal' value for the population.

    This information does have value. And if you encounter the same kind of default on most products, that gives this information even more value.

    For exemple :

    - if every time you have to re-set the gamma, you may need to question your screen setting or eyes.

    - if every time you activate the auto read on VN with default speed you think it goes to quick, you may need to question if you are a slow reader... or if there's a trick linked to translation... no ?

    Yeah, actually in every single game that I play, the very first thing I do is always going to the setting and adjusting here and there.

    "Normal" is a very subjective thing - in this particular case, I personally have no problem with the default text speed of most VN, so for me it's perfectly normal. Evidently, your and OP's normal is different than mine, and that's fine, but you can't really blame the game for that, that's just weird.

  14. I...really don't get your point here. The text speed setting for auto mode is there, as you mentioned. Whichever speed they put there as default setting really doesn't matter - it's probably just whatever the coder person found to be the most enjoyable, and players can just change it later to suit their needs.

    The max speed, imo, is just an alternative for the skip function, since some games do not allow skipping unread texts.

  15. (oh hell when did the spoiler tag become so difficult to use lol)

    Tested with Hamidashi Creative. This is the very first line of the game. Used the same setting as in your video. As you can see, the OCR screwed up multiple words in this short sentence.



    Tried with different contrast/saturation levels and got even worse result.




    4 hours ago, Nekocrow said:

    The reader runs on a full Tesseract OCR engine, the very same engine that downloadable readers use, shouldn't be any problems there.

    I'm not quite sure which one you are referring to here (probably some non-VN translation tools?) but all of the downloadable VN readers I know of don't even use OCR in the first place, but rather extract the text directly from the game process.

  16. 15 mins of messing with the contrast and I still couldn't manage to get the app(?) to recognize correctly a single sentence...

    Also, with all due respect, you call this a "reader", but all I found was an OCR app with dictionary included that frankly requires way too much works to make it functional. Honestly don't know what I would even use this for...

  17. Gonna be honest, I'm one of those that just have zero interest in EVN. The artstyle just doesn't fit my taste, and the content tends to be either too "americanized", or just straight up boring. The humour in particular, as an Asian weeb, all them western humour just either fly right over my head, or just seem incredibly dumb to me, like "do they really find this funny?"

    It not exactly helps that the first few EVNs that I read were Winged Cloud stuff....

    Seriously, they are still pumping out like 5-6 games every year and people are still buying their trashes, how?

  18. On 7/14/2023 at 11:28 PM, NowItsAngeTime said:

    You ever wondered why we still have a lot of visual novels without translations?

    I actually don't, really. I mean, there are hundreds of VNs coming out every year. Even if you don't count low-price short nukige, we still have a massive backlog of VNs. Meanwhile, we have like, what, 5-6 localization companies capable of releasing fewer than 30 VNs in total a year (more like fewer than 20, actually...).

    Long story short, localization works taking too long, and new VNs coming out too fast, plus the decades of backlog, so it's not at all a surprise that we still have a heck ton of untranslated stuff...

    It's probably time for someone to train an AI specialized in translating VN already 🙃

  19. Just a quick clarification, but "visual novel" is a collective term, so whether the protagonist is male, female or attack helicopter, it will still be called "visual novel" regardless.

    Otome game is just a sub-genre of visual novel. I think you got the term "visual novel" confused with "bishoujo game", which is a sub-genre for male audiences with male protagonist.

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