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Lucky Bucket

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Everything posted by Lucky Bucket

  1. Being called makoto is worse than being called tsun
  2. No, It doesnt. I'd rather be called a moe tsundere yotsuba (yes nagisa decided to call me yotsuba) than makoto from school days
  3. I have no clue who I would be, Ive seen quite some animes (Though I cant even remember most of them anymore) so.. yeah..
  4. One route, fiona/fiora or whatever her name was (Its been a while)
  5. Akki-chan-senpai. Though I will never call you that
  6. I am NOT tsundere, will NOT be tsundere, will NOT EVER become tsundere. Again, all I have for you is hatred
  7. All my hate for you is available in the skype chat
  8. Beautiful. Just... beautiful. Ouraibaaaa they wont shut up about me being tsun ;-;
  9. Ouraibaa, tell Mon,Salmon,Nagisa,Jun I'm not tsundere.
  10. Why are you hitting the Dictator Nagisa?
  11. Poor hedgehog, got rejected hard. I'd pet you, but I'd rather not hurt my hand
  12. If you are a int/dex or fth/dex build they can be pretty useful
  13. I did, I also have the drakewing ultra greatsword. To be honest I dont really find any of the boss weapons worth wasting petrified dragonbone on. Most of them will scale with int/fth and me being a paladin (sort of) I dont see use for them
  14. I am NOT tsundere.

    1. Monmon


      u will be a tsun till the tsunset....get it? get it?

    2. Nagisa_Fawkes


      Stop holding yourself back Rusty, free the dere you have been charging up!

  15. To be honest, in the end it comes down to preference. I prefer lances and greatswords over anything else
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