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Lucky Bucket

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Everything posted by Lucky Bucket

  1. If I knew how to upload pictures I'd have an appropriate response
  2. Will you calm down if I spank you? Pretty much, and afterwards you join in like nothings going on at all. That's basically all I've been hearing since last week
  3. If I knew how z_z, I'm not really used to being on forums.. Haven't been active on one for years (prior to this one)
  4. Dude, dragon aerie now that is bullshit. Flames go through all the rocks and if you happen to get hit You die in like 2 hits (And ofcourse that's how long the attack lasts.. Enough to hit you twice) lets not talk about invisible barriers blocking arrows when you try to snipe from a some-what safe area. Hated it on my first playthrough, still hate it on my second. The only worthwhile thing in this entire area is the high about of blue crystal lizards. Sorry if this sounds like bashing
  5. Havel is good, but it weighs a ton, (The shield and body the most) the total set weighs 70
  6. Ill try it out, though I'll probably stick with the bastard sword until I can get the Grand Lance
  7. I'm not Seath, but quite a lot To be honest, I like the bastard sword, I've fully upgraded it and I'm still using it in NG+, I'm going to swap it out for a lance later, but it's still a really nice weapon
  8. Okay I have to ask, where do you guys find that stuff. I mean I recognize some of those but still
  9. Agree! You are missing out on something if you skip kri. She's adorable *drool* Edit: not sure why I typed skype..
  10. On a different note, I tried Pocky sticks today (we didn't have them untill recently, or I just never noticed) and they are freaking addicting
  11. I have work z_z which requires me to be up early (5 PM GMT work starts at 6 PM GMT) so I can't stay up all to late, but besides that I try to be online as often as I can ^^
  12. , I'll agree that it was kind of weird, but It even mentions the VERY NEXT SCENE how happy she looked the next morning. I highly recommend doing Chris' route, but I may be in the minority here. KRI! My favourite character from the original game, together with Kazuko a.k.a wanko
  13. Ah earthen peak, I remember that, I passed it earlier with one of my lower characters. Right now I'm playing a no-shield style, mainly focusing on light-weight armor and movement and heavy dmg I don't mind at all, always good to get more friends, isn't it? ^^
  14. I've added you on skype btw, not sure if you've noticed. Anyway if you have questions or need help just MSG me ^^ Edit:
  15. I did, with my knight, although lately I've been putting some points into Dex
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