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Lucky Bucket

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Everything posted by Lucky Bucket

  1. Idk, you seem to be doing fine, hurrhurr
  2. Welcome, Welcome! What's your opinion on Nee-sans?
  3. I love you even more for using fish nips
  4. WAAAAAAAAAANKOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Yes this is a thing now) Ill protect you from the evil Jun Also welcome (Eventhough we've been speaking for days now)
  5. I said I was kidding , I did find that they abuse him a bit though.. more than your average VN
  6. Ikikoi for hard M's I kid I love Tsumugu
  7. Really now fish nips, after that many posts you make one? O well Ill officially greet you Tunafishman! Edit: Like a salmon
  8. And yet when I say something I get scolded >.>
  9. I prostituted Nagisa, there were no takers so I took him for myself
  10. Sure, just kick me while I'm down, it's not like I have feelings or anything ;-;
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