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Lucky Bucket

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Everything posted by Lucky Bucket

  1. Ill just take a quick look on the forums,aaaaaaand I'm nagii's boyfriend
  2. I will miss you though, it's fun interacting with you, I suppose I can still msg you if I wanted to but still, it's shame to see you leaving
  3. Oliver already nominated me for the second youngest adorable kid.
  4. Double post so: Edit: weird it showed this as a double post... Anyway I said I nominate Dim as the strict live-in nanny
  6. I felt that kind of thing could have been in Ciel and Arcueid's respective routes, since the two of them were actively trying to obliterate each-other and undermine each-other's efforts, as both had different goals, and you end up killing, or at least helping kill, whichever of the two you didn't end up with. I mean: Although, even though I think it would highlight the more tragic elements - losing a good friend/potential love to death's grip because of a different or potentially wrong choice - I can guess that some would complain about it having too much in common with the other routes, which I can understand. Lastly... which of the heroines did you prefer from Tsukihime? I picked Ciel (True route ending.) (Though with how I brought up wanting an option where Arcueid dies, you probably found that a rather obvious sentence, and I'm ready for whatever response people are likely even now making towards my - and I fully admit this - dislike of the character. Or maybe that's just me being paranoid). Addendum: Found the proof of the Remake! http://seventhstyle.com/2014/02/07/tsukihime-visual-novel-remake-artwork/ Though, I have to admit, IDK what to feel about the character designs - I like them, that's for sure, but like the author of the post said, I can't help but notice how close a resemblance the redesigned Arcueid has to Saber from Fate/Stay Night. Where did you just appear from
  7. No offense to anyone but:
  8. OI OI OI DIM! Whats up with you using my nickname for lily
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