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The Major

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Posts posted by The Major

  1. For my favorite figure in your collection I'll go with Yoshika Miyafuji
    Why do you like it?
    Out of your entire collection, she is from the series that I'm most familiar with. While not my favorite of the Strike Witches, she's still a really fun character.

    What don't you like about it?
    Not much. That stance is kind of weird.
    If the character in question has multiple figures, what is another that you like (it can be from a different manufacturer)?
    While she does have other figures, this one seems to be the best quality. That being said some of the nendoroids of her are pretty cute.

    Would you buy the figure if you had the money to do so?
    Probably not. She's not that high on the priority list. I need to get that Charlotte Yeager figure first. ;)


    For an addition for your collection, I would recommend none other than the brilliant Sherlock Shellingford. I know you would love owning a figure from one of the great animated masterpieces of our time (or any other time, for that matter.)

    Don't do drugs, do catnip. Featuring Chocola and Vanilla.



    I could find a way to incorporate figures into this...  :shrug:  The message is still the same, so I think it's fine. It couldn't be helped.

  2. I need monster girls... I need them bad. Anyone got some?


    Bird Cafe! - two bird girls run a cafe. [read it here]

    Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary - cyclops girl who happens to be a nurse. (just a little lewd) [read it here]

    Yome ga Kore na Monde. - "A sitcom about an ordinary man and his alien wife." [read it here]

    Jitsu Ha Watashi Wa - vampire girl. [read it here]

    Centaur no Nayami - high school centaur girls. [read it here]

    Everyday Monster Girl - monster girls all day erry day. (lewd) [read it here]

  3. Made the decision to get in on the Key Anniversary Box giveaway, so I'm postin' some weeb stuff.


    Manga and VNs



    Anime, Figures, and some other things



    Then I wanted to do something different, so I took some pictures with the 3DS camera because I'm a dork.

    Man, the 3DS camera is terrible.



  4. I haven't seen season three yet, but I assume it ends where the manga ends... so I wonder if they'll be re-making old content, or creating new material especially for this... ?


    I guess it's too early to know anything for sure, though.


    <01:20:49> "The Major": well, i guess i have to accept my destiny
    <01:20:50> "The Major" switched from channel "ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ" to "Azusa best grill"
    It's official.



    You left out the most important part:




    2317fc175a.png = eternal sadness.



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