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OriginalRen last won the day on January 7 2022

OriginalRen had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About OriginalRen

  • Birthday 06/17/1990

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55062 profile views

OriginalRen's Achievements

Fuwa Master

Fuwa Master (10/11)



About Me

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."


Hey everyone, and welcome to my profile page! My name is OriginalRen, a visual novel enthusiast, internet project creator, and glorious entertainer who hopes that through the content I provide, I am able to promote the visual novel community and actively persuade you to enjoy the genre as much as I do. Being an English teacher for Japanese university students, I love Japan and am a sucker when it comes to the learning, studying, and teaching of many different languages. If you'd like to know more about me and what I am all about, feel free to check out the rest of my profile page by taking a look around and checking out some of the many threads I create. I am always willing to answer any questions you have, and am constantly pursuing new ideas.

If you enjoy visual novels as much as I do, please support the community and the many companies that develop them. Feel free to comment on any of my content found on Fuwanovel, and don't forget to add me as a friend!

Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to meeting you should I have the chance.

Stay original friends!


An entertainer is only as good as the audience he performs for, and an audience is only good if they remain interested in a performance. For me, keeping an audience captivated in my projects requires a great deal of originality and creativity. Warming a crowd may seem easy initially, but keeping the crowd entertained is the challenge. The projects and activities listed on this page are some of my finest, and I hope my project mascots will help showcase their importance.


Fuwanovel Projects


I now host and operate Fuwacast, the Fuwanovel podcast project and its many series! Feel free to check out and volunteer for upcoming episodes, as well as offer suggestions for new ideas and future episodes. I upload all of the audio files to my Mixcloud account and YouTube channel after all the recording sessions are completed, so make sure to listen in!

Fuwanovel Podcast (Fuwacast) Official Thread


In addition to hosting the Fuwanovel Podcast series, I also create spotlight videos and short podcasts highlighting the many awesome projects and members around the community. Whether it's a fan translation or a simple discussion thread, be sure to check it out!

Fuwanovel Community Spotlight Video Series Official Thread

YouTube Channel Projects


Can't get enoughI host an English video blog which features a multitude of cultural reflections and personal thoughts about Japan. Feel free to follow along!

The Official Japanese Video Blog Thread

Let's Play Visual Novels!

Current Game - Cocoro@Function! ココロ@ファンクション !

Current Route - Hayami Asagao/Hasugase Mina

Current Status - Postponed/Postponed

Cocoro@Function! Stream with Mephisto and OriginalRen Official Thread!


Current Game - Dracu-riot! DRACU-RIOT!

Current Route - Common

Current Status - Postponed

Dracu-riot! Stream with Aldred and OriginalRen Official Thread!


Current Game - Nursery Rhyme ナーサリィ☆ライム

Current Route - Common

Current Status - Postponed

Nursery Rhyme Live TL Video Video Project Official Thread!


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