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Everything posted by Ryoji

  1. Masterpiece... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6LeDWn9jrI
  2. The music in Go! Go! Nippon! is dreadful. I understand wanting to stay true to the experience but man it is bad. I guess its all about how you want to immerse yourself in the VN. I admit, there have been a couple times where i turned the music down to almost nothing because it was distracting me from reading. But that is very rare.
  3. 10 episodes Thats awesome!! Cant wait for Episode 3, Im really enjoying the gameplay. And Weedy is a great character. Working while at a Convention?? Wow that is dedication.
  4. Great Job CartmanJr!! Thats really cool, im still a ways away from Halfway. Im at 830 right now. Your way in ahead of me, but thats cool. Im happy with my pace. 25 a day is great I wish I could do that but the review times for me @ 10 per day is crazy. Anyway, Great Job man!!
  5. Go watch Perfect Blue!!!! Its amazing and i know youll love it.
  6. lol you might be right. This is taking forever. But im in a good groove now and i want to get it done asap. I admit it, im hooked on the stuff lol. I can just turn off my brain and enjoy it, which is a great thing.
  7. ooooo gifs. Ok ill post a few as well... best ever... and the ultimate in cute..
  8. OK I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed to know Ive sat through so much Precure stuff. Ive updated my list quite a bit. Went through 2 external HHDs. 2 more to go (3TB each) then ill have to start manually adding the older stuff that isn't on the list. If i can remember 1/2 of it ill be good to go.
  9. Its not a long game but its really good. Youll like it!
  10. EDIT: What a cool and unique game. I love it!! How many episodes are there goint to be?? Seriously great music and the atmosphere is really cool. Not to mention Weedy is cute as hell!! Gah it cant end like that. We need more Unhack now!!! Really cool and inventive game Mouse. Great job!! I got through the 2 episodes
  11. There is no rule. We love this!!! Ive been waiting to play and i cannot wait!! GREAT job invertMouse!!
  12. My list is only about 10% done if that. Gundam Unicorn im going to watch, i just dont know when. I have the DVD's just havnt gotten to them yet.
  13. yeah i just hope it does good enough to get a season 2. Like i said earlier, well just have to wait and see
  14. The previews look amazing. It will be interesting to see how good this will be. Its garnering a lot of attention so well have to just wait and hope its great. p.s. <3 Yoshino
  15. Ilegend has fixed the problem. It now shows properly!!
  16. nice list. Mine is a work is progress. I have so much anime to go through and add still. MAL updater is a great plugin and is helping speed up the progress.
  17. Cant wait for the Movie to get released. The cam I started to watch was horrible. Heres a link to the english translated trailer... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxdGz0XsrZ0
  18. well he did say, "not quite horror but a suspense VN"
  19. I was dissapointed with how the anime ended. 10 episodes is too short. Im sure well get bonus episodes with the blu rays, we'l see how that goes. Hanasaku Iroha (great anime) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRtgEh7qqTM
  20. Its cool. The forum is running smooth and everyone seems happy with the way things are. Thats what matters to me.
  21. The staff had a discussion about this. As far as im concerned the forum is good the way it is. Changing it yet again wont improve anything. As an admin here, I like the way the forum is. I say we leave it the way it is. The way you say that it seems you think this forum isnt "organized" which I strongly disagree with. I dont know where you come from having such a strong opinion or what you think is wrong with the forum now, but I disagree.
  22. I highly recommend Phenomeno. Great short mystery/suspense VN.
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