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Everything posted by Ryoji

  1. My walkthrough didn't answer your questions? You need to complete the five main routes then restart game and choose it from Main Menu. See my walkthrough Here
  2. Kodoka is an idiot. But i have to agree with Eldin.
  3. Ryoji


    Hey there, Welcome to Fuwanovel!! If you have any questions or anything let us know.
  4. Hey there Welcome to Fuwanovel. G-Senjou no Maou is indeed a great VN I can see why you were hooked. What a 1st VN to play!! Anyway, if you have any questions or anything let us know. Make yourself at home!~!
  5. Hey guys GREAT NEWS from Doki's Website!! A new Patch for Tomoyo: After is here.. Version 1.10 is Here!! The previous release was v 1.00
  6. :(/>/> bummer, hey if you need help with Save game files or anything else let us know and well see what we can do. Was wondering what happened, I'm glad your OK. Let us know if you need anything!! You know were here for you Meru!
  7. Yeah Upload.net is a joke in terms of upload/download speed and stability. Ill keep looking, but so far all im finding are dead torrents.
  8. Welcome!! you might wanna make an introductory topic for yourself that way everyone can welcome you properly!! Either way your welcome here so make yourself at home!!
  9. Welcome to Fuwanovel. Im glad you finally decided to join. G-Senjou no Maou is definitely a classic and Umineko is a favorite of mine. (love Mystery's) If you have any questions or anything let us know. Your most welcome here so make yourself at home!
  10. true enough. I updated my Signature to link to my profile instead. People can view my lists from there. Thanks for the suggestion. I understand about being in no hurry to watch Toradora, I just think you'll enjoy it when you do
  11. Welcome to Fuwanovel!

  12. OK apparently MAL wont show my complete list anymore because its too big. Anything over 1500 and its to big. Which I think is lame. :angry:/> You have to select a category, i.e. Finished, Dropped ect. Is there a way to change that? Im not even finished adding anime :(/> Kinda makes me regret doing this. Now people wont see my list and that defeats the whole purpose.
  13. Oh my God. You dropped Toradora! As you recommended that I pick Hunter x Hunter back up I have to implore you to watch Toradora! The first few episodes are kinda slow but the second half of the series is so good. I ask you give it a chance. I'm sure will be happy you did.
  14. Moved Hunter x Hunter from Dropped to Plan to Watch. Ill give it another chance. I'm not opposed to battle shonen at all. For instance I really enjoyed D Gray Man, Shaman King, Soul Eater, and Saint Seiya. Those are off the top of my head im sure there are more i enjoyed. Naruto, Fairy Tail, DBZ and One Piece started off fine. But really just turned to crap that I cannot stand. 3-4 episodes that are great out of every 75 is just wrong. What with all the filler and seemingly neurotic need to keep these series going just ruined them for me. 99% of the anime on my plan to watch list either haven't aired yet or I own the DVDs/blu rays and haven't gotten around to watching yet. If you want to try to recommend an Anime that i haven't seen, id welcome that. Just don't be surprised if Ive already seen it. I still have 1 3tb HDD(all anime) and my old VHS/LD collection (which is huge) to go through and add.
  15. Ryoji


    Welcome to Fuwanovel Yeah there are several people here who use English as a second or even 3rd language If you have any questions, let us know!
  16. K-on! In all its awesomeness. This song makes me smile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlC1bGPeP8c
  17. Im on a Hanasaku Iroha binge right now. Hanasaku Iroha ED 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1trc8DVuP8
  18. I like the idea of longer dialog. The story is really good and id like to know a little more of it. just add a little more story and that will help with Tays suggestion. Not to mention kick serious ass. Also great idea about the pop in/out button. Will add that little bit extra to make it even more awesome hahahahaha that is the best ever. Outstanding!!
  19. Oh yeah im sure you can find some great ones. If you want a few recommendations, just let me know what genre's you like and ill hook you up!
  20. Ryoji


    Hey there welcome to Fuwanovel!! I agree with HaruKaizo you should also try Clannad, Little Busters, Hoshizora no Memoria, Ever17 and Rewrite.
  21. GREAT TOPIC!! if only we could... It would defientely be Clannad. That VN was so amazing and emotional, from the story development to the Music to each amazing route. Absolutely the best EVER. As for 1 route, After Story without question. SOOOOO good. I wish I could go back and read that for the first time again. Amazing!
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