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Posts posted by KioW

  1. 8 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    In that case just ask me if you interested in one of the recommendations, and I'll try to say about the sexual content in the particular VN later if you want it.

    Thank for your help :sachi:

    Recently, I started to play Ever17 -The Out of Infinity- (It's a bit old but It seems good ^_^

  2. 5 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    Guess I should make it clearer earlier here. What I want to say is that some of my recommendations did have sexual content, and I thought that since you prefer VNs without sexual content, maybe I can give the clue which VNs that have sexual content or not. But if you're willingly to tolerate sexual contents, then you'll be fine.

    It's true I really prefer visual novels without sexual content but if you have good recommendations with visual novels that have sexual content, I can try it (not now but one day ^_^)

    I would be thrilled to have your recommendations :)

  3. On 6/12/2018 at 3:54 AM, littleshogun said:

    If you choose not to, then I can give pointer to the VNs that have sexual content.

    Sorry, I don't really understand this sentence :( (I'm sorry for this late reply too)

  4. On 6/8/2018 at 3:54 PM, Kurisu-Chan said:

    So, which kind of visual novels are you expecting to experience. 


    On 6/7/2018 at 12:26 PM, KioW said:

    I prefer playing visual novels without sexual content, emotional story, comedy, slice of life...(horror games too but if it's really a good game).


  5. 16 hours ago, Dreamysyu said:

    Well, welcome, welcome. ^_^ Oh, and don't worry about your English. It's not like all of us here speak it equally well.

    Well, it would be easier to give you concrete recommendations if you specified what exactly you seek from VNs. I guess, I'm going to second the recommendation for Grisaia no Kajitsu, since it's a more beginner-friendly VN, and while I personally wouldn't call it exceptional on itself, it's simply pretty well done. Another VN often mentioned in the recommendation threads for beginners is Ever 17. As for otome games, I only played two of them, but Cinderella Phenomenon is pretty good and I'm definitely going to recommend it.

    Thank you for your recommendations :) 

    I prefer playing visual novels without sexual content, emotional story, comedy, slice of life...(horror games too but if it's really a good game).

  6. 2 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    Welcome to Fuwanovel and I have no problem with your English here. As for VN Recommendations, well I can list it here but for the sake of promoting my blog simplicity, I'll link my blogposts here. Feel free to ask any question if you have any, and I hope you'll enjoy yourself.


    Thank you for the link :) (I don't have problems with that if I can discover new visual novels :makina: )

  7. 2 hours ago, MaggieROBOT said:

    Heya, welcome to the forums and nice to meet you! Good to see another otome game lover! :Chocola:

    My favorite is Code:Realize, but for beginners Hakuoki and Cinderella Phenomenon (this one is even free!) are nice and worth a shot too! :mare: 



    Thank you :D !

    I have already played Hakuoki, OZMAFIA!! and Nightshade ^_^

  8. 2 hours ago, Templarseeker said:

    Greetings! and welcome to the community! Your English seems alright and presentable, no need to be so hard on yourself :maple:

    Anyways my recommendations would be the Fault Milestone  which is one of the best Visual Novels for beginners and a very recent title to boot! The third entry is still under production and delayed :rize:

    Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius  Is a free western visual novel with some gameplay aspect, try getting the GOG.com version, its much better than the steam ones since it allows you to carry the installer on any given media storage and install the game in any number of PC that you have.

    On a unrelated note, I suggest you head to GOG.com  to get this free wonderful game while it still last, you have 1 more hour i guess before the giveaway expires... Better hurry :mare:

    Hope you have fun here! :sachi:

    Thank you for your recomendations :D ! I don't regret having joined this forum ^_^

  9. 2 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    Just be sure to install the content restoration patch if you play that game. I would normally not recommend it this strongly, as I personally don't care about sex scenes and the fan patch unlocks those, but it also fixes the very poor-quality translation of the original Steam release.

    Or you can try A Sky Full of Stars, it's by the same company and has a similar vibe to it, but the official release was of much better quality (all the porn was removed though though, whatever that means to you). :)

    Okay Thank you ^_^, I prefer if I can play with the censored version

  10. 2 hours ago, Novel21 said:

    Welcome to forum Kiow, your English are better than my and I would like to be your friend, so send me a PM which you want to chat with me^_^

    I love playing VN and watch anime myself, although I'm not much of manga reader. 

    Thank you very much :Chocola:

  11. 2 hours ago, r0xm2n said:

    Sup dude. Your English is good, and your sentence structure is fine. No problems there.

    Some of my visual novel recommendations.....

    Katawa Shoujo . It's free, and is pretty well written.

    Kono Oozora . Light hearted high school romance, with some drama. Beautiful looking VN. Worth it for some of the later flying scenes. Plz get the fan translation....

    Grisaia no Kajitsu . My first VN, and still my favorite. This has shades of almost everything. From slice of life romance comedy (which is VERY good), to some suspenseful darker tales with emotional feels. Highly recommended....

    Fureraba . Loads of light hearted comedy here.

    Thank you ^_^!

    I think I will play Kono Oozora & Grisaia no Kajitsu first (I really love emotional games :D

  12. 2 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    I'm not sure if I would call it scary, it's more about shocking/disturbing the reader with unsettling plot twists and visual gimmicks. It's a bit depressing, but I really liked it. :)

    Okay, I'll play it then ^_^

  13. 2 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    Hello there! Your English really seems fine so far. :)

    If you're into J-pop, you might want to check out Kira☆Kira and Deardrops. Traditionally, I would also recommend some free Western VNs, especially Katawa Shoujo, CUPID, Lucid9, One Thousand Lies, Everlasting Summer and Doki Doki Literauture Club. Those could keep you busy for a while. :)

    Thank you for your recommendations :D ! 

    I know Doki Doki Literature Club is a horror visual novel but I want to play it (Is it really scary ?)

  14. Hi everyone, I'm KioW and I'm French (sorry for my bad english, I'm still learning alone :() and I'm here because I want to know more about visual novels. I'm a totally beginner in visual novels so if you have any recommendations, please tell me ^_^. I don't have really friends with who to share my hobbies and talk because of my social phobia, so feel free to talk to me :) ! I want to improve my english and make friends :Chocola: 

    What I like: animes/mangas, japanese culture, dramas, light novels, asian literature (especially japanese and historical literature), music (EDM, electro swing, kawaii music, J-pop, chillout), video games...

    I hope I can get along with everyone ^_^

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