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Posts posted by Beato

  1. The first part is what translation is the second thing is not. If you only change the words to english but don't actually try to convey the impression a Japanese-knowing person is supposed to get from reading the text, you've failed. Same thing with writing style and anything else. If someone is speaking in a way that sounds stereotypically cute in japanese they'll need to sound stereotypically cute in english.

  2. There isn't really any big localising trends with VNs though. Except for Phoenix Wright but if they hadn't localised i half the jokes wouldn't have worked anyway.

    And there's a pretty big difference between removing third person speech and making onigiris into hamburgers. :D

    I don't like preserving third-person speech in english. It's better to make the character speak a little more cutesy if you still want them to seem cute.

  3. Nah I was talking about the originals. I haven't watched either (Well I have watched a little from the original but not much) but I know people who got other people into anime by reccomending Evangelion. Most people who aren't into anime won't care that much about animation and budget anyway from my experience and the appeal of Evangelion isn't in the budget or animation or action anyway. It's not the reason I'm interested in it at least. And most people I know who like the original Evangelion doesn't like Rebuild so yeah.

  4. ^Don't listen to Zeno! Heaven's Feel is great and should absolutely not be skipped. And theres not that much weird stuff in it. If you're going to skip it you might as well skip F/SN entirerly since its not complete without it.



    You should definitely read Sharin no Kuni since it's by the same write as G-senjou and has many similarities, but also many opposites interestingly.

  5. I got my mom to watch Shinsekai Yori with me (and she almost never reads any sci-fi or fantasy) so that's a title I reccomend.


    Attack on Titan, Ghibli and Hosoda movies and Chihayafuru are all titles I have been pretty lucky with.

    Spice and Wolf, Evangelion and Madoka are also good.


    Avoid stuff like Clannad that has a lot of buildup. Many people not into anime would probably enjoy After Story but they aren't going to bother with 30 episodes of school comedy first.

  6. Thank you so much for this. Now I know what to read when I get the energy to finally start some reading.


    Also, slightly off topic, how hard would you say Tasogare no Sinsemilla is? I know I won't be able to read it yet but I'm very interested in it. Is it comparable to those on the second level? Or is it much harder?

  7. I know that these are nukige.


    2006.01.31 - Enzai - Just USA

    2006.12.15 - Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative - Peach Princess

    2006.12.31 - Zettai Fukujuu Meirei - Peatch Princess

    2010.02.08 - Koneko Doumei - G-Collection

    2010.02.14 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o - CountPacula

    2011.01.09 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Watashi no Ouji-sama - Petal's Garden

    2011.03.14 - Zaishuu -The SiN - MangaGamer

    2011.03.16 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi - Petal's Garden

    2011.07.22 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Itoshisa no Photograph - Petal's Garden

    2011.08.16 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Anata o Suki na Shiawase - Petal's Garden

    2011.11.22 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu - Petal's Garden & Hanabirakun

    2012.12.17 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Kuchibiru to Kiss de Tsubuyaite - Petal's Garden & Yuri Project

    2012.12.19 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Tenshi no Hanabira Zome - Petal's Garden & Yuri Project


    And I'm pretty sure these are too (but not 100% has anyone here played them?)


    1996.XX.XX - Amy to Yobanaide - Himeya Soft

    1997.XX.XX - Maid Monogatari - The Asenheim Project

    1999.XX.XX - San Shimai - JAST USA

    2013.04.21 - Hadaka Shitsuji - Yaoi Forever & Yaio.Desu

  8. I don't think the translation cost is the biggest problem though. Since Shin is even bigger than Koihime the voice acting licence will be even more expensive. They'll most likely have to release it without voices again at first and they'll probably need to sell more than 2000 copies (what they needed last time) to recoup the cost and get the voices back.


    Just be prepared that there's a pretty big risk that mangagamer will say: "No we can't publish this yet and if you publish this we'll be forced to sue you."

  9. Because if someone asks for something like Harry Potter you don't suggest them a porno and if someone asks for a porno you don't suggest them Harry Potter.

    I don't really know why the SonoHana series is an exception. Back when we started up the site we just decided that they were ending up on the site while other nukige weren't. It's probably because they are very sweet and don't include rape.

    It was Aaeru who decided that so I can't say. But other nukige were out from the very beggining.

  10. The license to Shin Koihime is super expensive so no you won't just be able to get them to publish it. Translation costs are not the only issue, the license cost is also one.

    Most translators won't touch this with a ten foot pole (because it's a mangagamer title) but keep trying and you might find one.

  11. Part of me feels like labelling some games nukige is a blanket statement for people to turn their nose up at. Now I'm not saying that the vast majority of these games aren't terrible in their own right but it feels a bit snobby. It's like when people turn their nose up at great games like kamidori for having gameplay elements.

    It doesn't matter if they're terrible or not. Most people who come here looking for VNs aren't looking for Nukige. Keeping them in the same list would make it unusable for me for example because I'm completely uninterested in nukige. Keeping them in a different list is a far better solution. We also don't have any nukige on the site apart from the sonohana games which are an exception.

  12. Maybe we'll implement something like this in the future. Right now it would be too much work to maintain I think. Especially since we have other things we'd like to add to the site as well. But feel free to keep the thing updated. If we do decide to keep a list like that it'll be easier if there's one available to use already.


    Obviously this is just my opinion. I have no idea what the rest of the staff thinks

  13. I love languages, especially grammar but everything else is also interesting. I love breaking up sentences. Understandingisn't enough if I can't understand how the individual parts work with each other, if I can't build new sentences with them, it's all meaningless.

    Right now I'm studying English and French (with a bit of Japanese on the side) but I would love to learn a lot more.

  14. Very few of these threads have generated any kind of discussion and they do take up space. Animesuki has a subforum for recommendations that works  greatly.

    While some people will ignore those topics other people will actually look over them. I would be more inclined to recommend things to someone if they were all in a separate forum because then I could keep track on old threads and refer them to them as well as recommend new stuff. It will also encourage people to actually ask for recommendations.

  15. There's currently 8 threads asking for VN recs on the first page of the Visual Novel subforum. There's a total of 28 threads on the first page not counting the pinned ones. That means that almost a third of the threads on the first page are about getting recommendations (I'm not counting clephas' list threads, just the threads were the first post is asking for recs) This is in my opinion enough to justify the creation of a subforum. I don't have time to make a new thread with the pros and cons for a subforum right now but I'll try to create one later this week.


    I think there's tons of pros for it though. Especially since people can look through old threads easily and see if someone has asked for something similiar.


    EDIT: I went back to page five and checked how many threads were VN recs. Remember there's 30 threads on a page normally but only 28 on the first since there's two pinned threads. (And again I'm not counting list threads)


    Page 1: 8 threads asking for recs

    Page 2: 5 threads. Of those, 3 are asking for recs and 2 are telling people to ask them for recs.

    Page 3: 6 threads asking for recs

    Page 4: 5 threads asking for recs

    Page 5: 5 threads asking for recs


    This means that about 1/5 of the threads on the first 5 pages are rec threads unless my math is wrong.

  16. Even if global warming wasn't true the currently used fossil fuels have so many other negative effects that phasing them out is still preferable. Which is why global warning "sceptics" confuse me so much. What's wrong with having several alternatives instead of just one? Oil is going to get too expensive soner or later, no matter if it's after 50 years or 500 years. We'll need alternatives no matter what. Cars that run on electricity, cars that run on hydrogen, maybe even cars that run on CO2! Though not just cars of course.


    There is so much cool stuff that's being researched on and invented with the goal of being enviromentally friendly. Why wouldn't you want any of them?

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