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Posts posted by Beato

  1. I think the font for the names might be Vani. Though obviously with custom with and spacing since normal Vani has much wider letters. And the top of the letters have been changed as well.

     No it isn't Vani but something pretty similar. I'll continue checking. Might be Calisto Mt or Minion Pro. Or at least based on those.

    You should probably just ask mangagamer though. See if they have any psd's they can give you.

    Didn't BaseSon want to do the image editing themselves though?

  2. Comic Sans was originally intended for cute things like educational texts for children and comic books but then became so popular that it was used by hospitals, the police, the government and everything in between. It gives a very unprofessional look to what you write and makes things hard to take seriously.

    If you don't pay attention to fonts it wont matter but if you do It can feel sort of like a police officer dressed like a clown telling you that your brother was murdered.


    There have been tons of good essays and articles written about why it shouldn't be used thoughtlessly but this site has a pretty quick summary.


    Just remember to check that the font you use is available for professional use. You should probably ask what mangagamer used for their Koihime release:


    And since the Shin logo is just the Koihime logo recoloured with a Shin added to it. So you probably want to use mangagamer's logo for that.



    We could use another editor to help Pran out. Poor guy is editing all the images by himself. He alone has done the in-game menus, the system setting, and Aisha's battle bios. We want a second editor to help finish the bio editing. Mephisto, Nekkaro, and I will keep translating the bios, we just need more people to edit them. Below is basically what Pran has done with Aisha, we need someone to help him so he doesn't have to add all of the info into the bios by himself. PM me if you can do it! 




    Okay I don't want to be harsh but Comic Sans should never be used for any serious project. Ever.

  4. Now that I've looked over it the 3DS actually has tons more english VNs than the Vita has.

    I'm counting ordinary DS games and PSP games that are available on the PSN here as well since they're both playable on their next gen console.


    The Vita has:

    Corpse Party (psp)

    Corpse Party Book of Shadows (psp)

    Dangan Ronpa 1

    Dangan Ronpa 2 (not yet released)

    Disgaea Infinite (psp)

    Fate/Extra (psp)

    Miko Gakkou Monogatari ~Sanae-hen


    While on 3DS you have:

    Again (ds)

    Jake Hunter Detective Story: memories of the Past (ds)

    Another Code (ds)

    Ace Attorney 1 (ds)

    Ace Attorney 2 (ds)

    Ace Attorney 3 (ds)

    Ace Attorney 4 (ds)

    Ace Attorney 5

    Ace Attorney Investigations (ds)

    Hotel Dusk (ds)

    LifeSigns (ds)

    999: Zero Escape 1 (ds)

    Last Window (ds)

    Lux-Pain (ds)

    Witch's Wish (ds)

    The Nameless Game (ds)

    Sprung (ds)

    Time Hollow (ds)


    All other VNs available in english are available on both the Vita and the 3DS.

    The DS has a fantastic game library and they're all playable on the 3DS which gives you tons of good games to play. All PSP games aren't going to be available on the Vita (If I have understood right how it works) but many will. So make sure to check out the libraries of the old consoles as well before you decide.

  5. Do you know japanese? Theres a lot more visual novels on the Vita than the 3DS but almost none of them are available in english. The ones that are are usually available on both the 3ds and the Vita.

  6. I wouldn't recommend doing that since Matsuribayashi-hen isn't in Matsuri. (Though it does exist in Kizuna, though I'm pretty sure that's only partially voiced)

    It will be VERY anticlimactic to read arc 1-7 with voices and then have to read the final one without. Most of the patches should be available on the wiki

    I wonder if it's really that hard to hack in the new tracks, honestly... probably just the people doing the project getting lazy // which is fine, but still

    From what I have heard the tools availble for the version of BGI that Higurashi runs on aren't very reliable. (though I may be wrong) The problem isn't getting the tracks inside the game. The problem is that the references calling for the track needs to be changed. There are probably people who can do that but its harder than just replacing the tracks.

  7. There is a music patch for both the question arcs and Kai but... it only replaces Mangagamer's new tracks with the original ones, . The cut tracks in Kai were replaced with other tracks from Kai and not new ones and are therefore not easily replaced since you can't just insert another track in its place. So the music patch for Kai only covers the tracks from the question arcs that were also used in Kai sadly.


    Though all the patches are going to have to be remade for the retranslation anyway since it's getting ported to a new engine (I think its made by Doddler for Mangagamer especially). Hopefully that engine will be more easy to handle so we finally can get a complete music patch.

  8. I don't mind H-scenes in theory but so many of them are simply shoved in there. I mean if it's a moege it isn't as important but when there's a plot going on and everything just stops in the middle of everything for some hawt sex... <_<

    More VN companies should do what August does and only have a few H scenes in the main story and let you unlock H-scenes in the extra section as you read trough the story.


    I also think many H-scenes come off as unintentionally creepy...

  9. 4 years in production for that? I highly doubt it. Though i would be happy if it were of course~

    It is very unlikely that the anime has actually been in production for 4 years. Sure they announced it then but production probably didn't start then. Well they might have done small things like character designs and stuff but the actual anime production is not going to have been in motion that long.

  10. VN first, always (though in many cases I have watched the anime first because the VN wasn't translated yet)  Watching the anime first takes out the element of surprise for the VN, and a lot of VNs are very long windy and badly paced which makes it extremely important that there is some element of surprise. For the anime there will always be an element of surprise. Because seeing your favorite scenes animated is always enjoyable, even if the adaption itself is bad.

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