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Posts posted by Beato

  1. Yeah and from what I have understood about how japanese releases work: Some of the royalties like the voice acting and I think the music and maybe the art too are paid in a flat sum per release instead of receiving a certain sum per sold unit. This means that if you license both the PSP and the Vita version you're going to have to pay more money in license costs and royalties than you would if you'd only released one version, even if you'd end up selling the same amount of games.

  2. The cost for releasing it to two system is higher than relasing it for one. Unless you can count on that the extra games you'll sell will make more money than the extra price you pay for them it's not worth it. I won't be able to play it unless an emulator appears for the Vita or I buy one myself but I can understand NISA here.

  3. Well a linear game can require a walktrough as well if it has lots of bad endings or difficult/or just bothersome gameplay. I made a walkthrough for Sekien no Inganock for example since its minigame can be hard to complete for some and while you can skip it you'll miss plot-relevant content that way.

  4. The first ending is considered the good end the second, the true end an the last end is usually either called the normal or bad end. Even if the walktrhough will end up really short that way you should just mention the choices and the endings they lead to, you don't need to summarise them inf fact you shouldn't because these walktrhoughs should be spoiler free unless spoilers are absolutely necesary.

  5. I didn't mention honorfics I was talking about third person speech which you won't perceive as cute just because a piece of text says you should. Instead what you're supposed to do is to keep the meaning while also making sense in english. You shouldn't remove the quirk you should adapt it to something different.

  6. It was announced almost ten years ago I think. We'll probably get the remake sometim during the next ten to five years. They have Mahoyo part 2 and three to work on too and I don't know which one they'll prioritize. We don't know how much we'll be rewritten either. Takeuchi isn't involved with mahoyo though since it's done by Koyama so at least the art part won't be stalled.

  7. You're unning マブラヴオルタネイティヴ.exe and not rugp.exe?


    Otherwise I'd recommend you to install the ISO first and then the patch instead of running the patch installer and installing it that way.

    Also check this threads. The first one has the same error as you but it's for Muv-Luv Extra so not sure it's going to help.



  8. It isn't about understanding specific worlds though. Knowing what an onigiri is is enough to understand. If you don't think the way a character speaks sounds cute than it doesn't matter if you know it's supposed to sound cute. Why not keep boku and watashi then to? Why not keep desu? Why not translate 明日宿題をします as "do homework tomorrow" instead of translating it into I'll do my homework tomorrow?


    To me third person speech and the onigiri/hamburger are completely different. But keeping third person speech is not completely different from the examples from above. It's only less extreme. Adapting the way people speak so that it makes sense is not the same as changing actual objects into something different. For example おにぎり食べます can be "I'm eating onigiri", "He's eating a riceball" or "They're going to eat onigiri" depending on the context. All of those are valid translation for that sentence. But "I'm eating a hamburger" is not. Neither is "eat onigiri" which is the only thing the sentence actually says.

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