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Posts posted by LoganW

  1. Civ 5 is the game I've played the most and would recommend it to anyone who even remotely enjoys strategy.

    It's amazing single player but when you play with friends it becomes one my "must plays" especially when everyone is equal skill level.

    I also second paper Mario the thousand-year-old door and Portal 2 both of those games have little to no flaws.

  2. 1 hour ago, ittaku said:

    I'm pleased to announce that I have now completed translating the Hekiru/Hikaru twins' route. Once again this was a most enjoyable route to read and translate, and to the person who complained my progress was quite slow... you clearly have no idea how long it takes to translate a whole route and throwaway comments like yours are how the community ends up losing what few translators it has that do this gratis out of passion for the art form.



    Can't wait for the finished project! :sacchan:


  3. 8 hours ago, Snailmusk said:

    Source images for "Stephen Andrew Bruce" come from such places as: 'tumblr', 'cuteguys101.tumblr', 'incrediblyhotguys.tumblr', 'mery.jp', 'polyvore', 'cuteguyss.tumblr'. Check each image in google search and they're used in a plethora of different settings.

    Your alleged siblings are equally erroneous.

    Stop flooding the forums with your nonsense. (For the love of God, make one post not 5).


    We might never know what this guy looks like but I just found an IRL picture of Snailmusk





  4. On August 18, 2016 at 8:23 PM, Kaguya said:

    Aaand, it's over.


    Final stats, 112-70, for a 62% winrate. From Rank 6 to Legend only, I went 85-53, also for a 62% winrate. 

    Analysing the rank 6 to legend stats, I went 12-5 against druids, 10-10 against hunters, 9-3 against mages, 7-3 against paladins, 2-0 against priests, 4-5 against rogues, 11-10 against shamans, 8-7 against warlocks and 22-10 against warriors.

    All positive results asides from breaking even with hunters and mostly losing to rogues. The deck having a good matchup against warriors of all types was great, because they made up 23% of all my matches (and they probably make up more than that when it comes to the meta as a whole.)

    Shamans are supposed to be an unfavored matchup, so I'm proud I managed to climb past that with my games. Hunters and warlocks are, too. And I managed to get a marginal edge against warlocks, which are generally hopeless for the mage to play against and break even with hunters... Overall very happy with my results. 

    Mages are odd because I wouldn't expect to have an advantage in the mirror matchup, but I went 9-3 in it anyway. All of the mages I ran into were absolutely terrible, though. Even at very high rankings, it's clear that most of the people I ran into didn't know how to play my deck for shit, which brings a slight smirk of self-satisfaction to my face.

    Overall, after climbing with it last year, too, I can confidently say this one deck is my specialty, and it allows me to get some really good winrates against supposedly better decks, while I'm no good playing those "better decks" myself, lol.

    Congrats I haven't got to legend myself but I'm hopeing to next season. How did you keep up with your stats did you use a add on or something or just with a pen and paper?

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