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Everything posted by douggle

  1. Rewrite is excellent and its OST is even better.
  2. A lot of people refuse to run Windows on their Mac's though, even through paraellels, Wine does work and well for the most part. AND if its a onscripter VN there is a onscripter engine for mac that makes them run Native.
  3. You can use Wine, or crossover Mac to run Konosora, it runs decent enough.
  4. Finished eden* yesterday, that was pretty good, I quite enjoyed it. Sion is freaking adorable
  5. Ugh, while the delusions themselves are interesting, the delusion trigger system was fucking bullshit, " Oh yeah click this little tiny red or green dot in the corner to trigger something" it was fucking retarded and if you didnt pay close attention to the screen you would miss it.
  6. Baldr Sky, is the one that stands out the most for me.
  7. Futsuu was meant to have started working on Baldr Sky back in July but I havent heard any progress.
  8. Muv-Luv Extra wasn't THAT bad, and if you re-read it AFTER finishing Alternative you can clearly see all the foreshadowing that is thrown throughout the story and I am one of those who did read all routes.
  9. Recently finished Nekopara far too short however the hscenes were 11/10 the emote system is fantastic.
  10. I see this as filler until they release GOOD stuff like Clannad and Grisaia.
  11. Started Little Witch Romanesque, reading it via Wine in Arch Linux.
  12. Yes but we are talking about a Japanese title. So this type of thing happens
  13. Its rather common in Japan for games to get all ages ports, typically though those ports are usually on a console or a Handheld....
  14. Koestl said it would be within a month or two actually, and the "company" thats gonna release the 18+ is denpasoft, its a Sekai Project side company
  15. I don't see VN's being a viable e-sport, and Speedrunning a VN seems even less viable. But that is just my personal opinion.
  16. Monster Girl Quest would be right up your ally if you haven't read it, the trilogy is really good. Kamidori Alchemy Meister also has a few "monster girls" in it.
  17. I have attempted to read KiraKira and Deardrops, couldn't get into either one of them really.
  18. Just finished Cho Dengeki Stryker that was really, really good. The first Overdrive VN that I can honestly say I enjoyed.
  19. Currently on the Steel Saga in Cho Dengeki Stryker, the other routes up until now have been pretty damn good.
  20. The biggest complaint I have seen in many VN communities is that Sekai Project is dead set on releasing titles that already have a fan translation, ie Planetarian, Grisaia, Clannad, it would be great if they had tried to do a title that doesn't already have a translation patch, while it is great that the companies will be making a profit off the localization's it would be so much better if they followed Mangagamers example and bring us new VN's not something we have already seen..
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