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Blog Comments posted by Tyr

  1. On 14.8.2018 at 5:38 PM, Narcosis said:

    Seems like Erewhon is all that's left :Teeku:

    Erewhon is a full nukige. There is literally nothing to it but (good) hentai scenes.

    Minikui Mojika no Ko is in all essence the real "Clockup" eroge this month. It's not a kamige but it's still good and has many interesting themes and scenes that make it worthwhile.

  2. Sad to see no Ushinawareta Rakuen on your list. It's my favorite PC98 game and I really think it's an overlooked gem of its time.

    I never gave the Yuujuu Senki series a chance because I didn't like the English Windows remake. Maybe I really should check it out again if the later parts are so much better.

  3. I like the evolution the Custom Mate series had. I'm not really a fan of "customizing" your waifu, but it seemed to me this series is more about exploring different types of heroines rather than just catering to the whims of the player. Which means the emphasis is more on the personality and less on the visuals... contrary to modern "Custom" heroine games.

    I played Custom Mate 2 a few days ago and while it is short, repetitive and a little bit nanpa-esque, I did enjoy seeing the same situations with different types of girls.
    I really want to play Custom Mate 3 someday. Seems to be quite "epic", conceptually.

  4. Thank you, I'm really glad that you guys like it!

    14 hours ago, Narcosis said:

    That said, can't wait till your next review. I exactly know what will you be writing about :makina:

    I have to disappoint you, it will not be Natsu no Kusari xD (that was what you thought, wasn't it? )
    To be honest, I don't like writing about really great games because I always have the feeling that I couldn't do them justice. Or that people think I'm exaggerating when I talk about games I really like and then dismiss my opinion as fanboying. :notlikemiya:

    At the moment, my plan is to cover some obscure/good/strange games ranging from 1996 to 2005. I also play games prior to 1996 but I think @kivandopulus already covered them sufficiently. I might write something about Ushinawareta Rakuen because that game is at the moment my favorite PC98 game and definitely needs more love!

    Of course, if you are interested in what I think about any game I have completed regardless of the release year, you can always request it and I probably write about it next time. I'm probably more motivated when I know that there is some demand, heh.
    I'm also open for recommendations, I'm always on the search for more hidden gems.
    If I ever come back to Natsu no Kusari, it will probably be less of a review and more of an analysis. Maybe when I re-read it someday which I will definitely do.

    10 hours ago, kivandopulus said:

    I'm over-saturated with contemporary visual novels myself and seeking refuge in the vast unexplored land of 1990s with its great number of one-day companies and doujin circles. For some reason obscure retro visual feel more humane than popular localized ones.

    Exactly. I think retro games are more diverse and capable of freely expressing whatever the creator intended to do. Nowadays, it's not really possible anymore since the market became so specialized and the expectations of the audience so streamlined that you can't really make something really innovating anymore without risking to lose your fanbase.

    Your comment made me realize why I thought that Hajimari no Kisetsu feels so realistic. It's probably because none of the characters can be classified as some kind of archetype. I really can't call anyone of them Tsundere or Genki girl or whatever stereotype there is. They all have distinct personalities, but they can't be summarized by tropes.
    I guess that is also kind of rare in this medium.

    Keep up the good work, I'm always looking forward to your retro visual novel reviews.

  5. Ah, I have to follow my own content or I don't get notified when new comments were posted :notlikemiya:

    On 2017/1/1 at 10:04 PM, RedK said:

    Thanks for the cuck-ge recommendation!

    I don't think it's a cuck-ge to be honest! :wahaha:
    One of the reasons I do like Dearest Blue quite a bit is because the protagonist is not a cuck. Not really. He might be a hetare sometimes, but I don't think there is any scene where he actually feels aroused by being NTR'd. Well, of course not, being NTR'd in his case means he lost the game and will die, lol. So the cuck fetish has really no part in this story.

    On 2017/3/18 at 6:46 AM, BobJones2 said:

    Meh, only Dearest Blue is good out of your list. Judging by how much you dislike Lilim games, its not surprising how much our tastes differ, at the very least when it comes to fap games. Do you even like NTR games? Judging by your priorities when describing NTR games you probably don't. Well, Fuwanovel isn't exactly where people with that kind of fetish gather anyways.

    Well, I deliberately chose to call this article "MY favorite eroge" so I hope you can excuse my shit taste. :notlikemiya:

    The problem isn't really whether I like NTR or not, it's more the fact that I mainly fap to characters, settings and events, and less to simple fetishes. For example, cheap NTR games where the only story is that some bland girl cheats on some bland cuck with a bland stud don't do anything for me. However, if the same story is told with well-developed characters and relationships my D might be exploding. Like with elf's games.
    I know that this is not the way most NTR fans look at this genre, but it's a very arguable genre anyway, haha.

    Dearest Blue works for me, because the heroine feels believable, the drama is serious and the raping/cheating makes perfect sense in context. In most other LiLiM games, the purpose of setting, characters and choices is much more obvious thus missing the tension so my D can build its own tension. :nokia:

    I'm pretty open to all kind of fetishes, but what I really don't like is bad storytelling. Even in my porn! 

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