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Everything posted by julyan

  1. That's what makes it more weird. Though I probably should say there are definitely girls in the internet. So far I met 4 out of 21371892739218 people I met.
  2. Will you change your mind if I use an Illya avatar? What I meant was too many people assume I'm a girl in the internet. It'll be weird if they also assume that irl.
  3. You'll be surprised by how manly I look xD And I'm definitely not gay (not saying there's something wrong with that), but because too many people assume that I'm a girl, I can't help but wonder what I am doing that suggests that.
  4. Same here. For starters, I think the waiting time to build in the early stages are too long to welcome new players. Plus I don't see the reason behind why the troops are gone for good once deployed.
  5. Fortunately no. And wow, I never thought those shower accidents do happen in real life. Did you enjoy it? xD
  6. Now playing Princess Evangile. I might make a review after finishing it. ^^

  7. Confession: Several people thought that I'm a girl. After a few days of knowing them (oh gosh forgive me) they confessed to me. Whether it's a serious confession or not doesn't matter. The fact still remains that they confessed to me. Anyway, I told them that I'm a boy. They didn't cry or got heartbroken, instead they said they don't mind.
  8. I discovered an underwear under my pillow.... it's mine.
  9. Welcome to the forums mate.
  10. More Onii-chan Sharing copy for me, the better! Though I would really love an English patch for it (which doesn't exists). Of course for educational purposes. :>
  11. I'd definitely buy it when it's available here. Oh god, I can now think of some many ways how to use it.
  12. Source: http://www.comico.jp/notice/detail.nhn?vm=top_bnr&no=776 So, would you buy one?
  13. Hhm. He should have made a separate track for the combined karaoke version so it wouldn't sound weird when Lisa and Lia switches. Nonetheless this is a good mix.
  14. Anime - Major (all seasons) Manga - Last Game Light Novel - Index, Index NT Visual Novel - G-Senjou no Maou Band - dunno Music - Pop Rock
  15. I still haven't watched Aldnoah's ep 3 and beyond. I heard a lot of bad things about it and thus I'm scared to waste my time watching a high budget show meant to blow people's mind to fall to my generic-anime-I-should-have-never-watched list.
  16. Welcome~ ^^ Don't forget to add your vndb list so we can give you suggestions and whatnots.
  17. I finally got my hands on NT12. Now I won't feel guilty reading baka-tsuki's translation.
  18. Philippines. And I'm sad to see so few of my countrymen posting in sites like this.. even if the stats suggest we're everywhere~
  19. For the most part, average series nowadays only entertain me during their first 2 episodes. After that is a snooze fest. But to answer the question, I think they're getting good when a character does something beyond their personality; in other words he/she have developed. And I'm not talking about a sudden, illogical, out of nowhere character change okay? xD
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