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Posts posted by DEVGRU_P

  1. Bunka no Kenkyū - Revival of Queen Leyak -



    Hey everyone, DEVGRU-P back again! After the success of Panzermadels, we wanted to reinvest the money we made into the OELVN community and help get more games made from small teams! One of the groups we have been working with has their game on Kickstarter right now! It's a horror-drama visual novel about an ancient curse and the hunt for the Necronomicon in the jungles of Bali!

    The team behind the game is based in Indonesia, so we were really excited to help them with this, since it's moving away from the typical 'high school in Japan' setting. Take a look and tell them what you think!

    (Full disclosure to be transparent about our relationship to the other dev team, we used our money from Panzermadels to help partially fund this game for them, and as such get a small royalty on sales made once it's done).


    Bunka no Kenkyū -Revival of Queen Leyak- 

    BnK is a thriller-drama visual novel with spices of romance and the supernatural. The story is set in Bali, an exotic island where technology, tradition, and supernatural horrors all lurk under the guise of a modern paradise. The protagonist, Tetsuo Kobayashi is the son of Kyoto University’s leading historian. With his friends in the Culture Research Club, they stumble upon an ancient curse, and are drawn into an international hunt for Queen Leyak’s Necronomicon. With, multiple endings in this visual novel, you can build a relationship with girls such as, Ida Ayu, a native of Bali, and reveal the hidden secrets of the Necronomicon. Or reconnect with your childhood friend, Kyoko Nakamura, and her dark past.  

    Check it out on Kickstarter!

    And ask us any questions here and we'll do our best to answer them!

  2. On 3/24/2016 at 2:12 AM, Makudomi said:

    Loving this so far. Having played (and thoroughly enjoyed) Panzermadels, I would like to apply for one of your writer positions for this game. Its premise is very interesting to me, and I would like to do my part in bringing more EVNs with this kind of humour to the market. I plan on reading over the original Go! Go! Nippon this weekend to refresh myself on its style to produce the best parody possible, probably tomorrow or the following day. This recruitment thread has appeared at a funny and opportune time; I've actually been researching the treatment and memoirs of those few foreigners who entered the DPRK on their own volition for the past couple of weeks just by coincidence.

    If you need samples of my writing, I'm happy to supply them in two ways:

    1) You can wait for the early demo release of my freeware VN-in-making, Barakana, which is mostly written by me (about 80% of the content), due to be released sometime around the end of March or the beginning of April

    2) I privately can send you snippets from the aforementioned demo in advance; the majority of the writing is complete and we are in the process of assembling the playable product in Ren'Py now

    I hope to hear back from you soon!

    EDIT: @DEVGRU_P I took a look at your Lemmasoft thread and it looks like you already found someone, and also reduced your required writer count to 3 in the process. Ah, well. You can PM me if necessary down the line; I'll update this post if for whatever reason I become unable to maintain this commitment. Best of luck!

    Sorry about that, yeah we found a really great team to work on our project with us.

    The only person we're still looking for is a background artist.

  3. 13 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

    I have question, Comrade.  Why is title partially in Russian alphabet?  It make no sense and confuse me while I consume daily meal of bread and glorious Russian turnip.

    Stereotype jokes aside, I'm pretty interested in this.  I make fun of North Korea as much as the next freedom-loving person, and as such look forward to seeing how this progresses.



    Hidden Content


    It's Russian because it was just a throw-away joke and won't actually be used for the DPRK game, we just want people to get an idea of what we're doing with this recruitment drive.

  4. Released. can be found here : https://store.steampowered.com/app/512060/Stay_Stay_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of_Korea/





    "Go! Go! Democratic People's Republic of Korea ~My First (and only) Trip to Pyongyang~"


    We're at it again, with the astounding success of Panzermadels over these last 10 days, we plan to work on another visual novel, and the inspiration behind it should be obvious...

    Go! Go! ~DPRK~ is the story of a young soldier who takes a vacation to visit some of his pen-pals in Korea, but little does he know, the two 'Korean soldiers' he thought he was talking to are actually two beautiful soldiers in the North Korean Army, and he's about to be in for the trip of his life! A dark comedy about the most insane country on Earth, will our hero survive, or be shot in a public execution!? (Bet on the later).

    The Team

    Writer 1 - CLOSED
    Writer 2 - CLOSED
    Writer 3 - CLOSED

    Sprite Artist - CLOSED
    ----------> Background Artist - OPEN <-----------
    CG Artist - CLOSED
    Menu/Interface Artist - CLOSED


    Musician/Team - CLOSED
    Sound Effects - CLOSED

    Programmer 1 - CLOSED
    PR Team - CLOSED

    If you are interested in a position, please apply by posting a message here, or sending us a private message. This game will be released commercially, and we do have a style we are attempting to emulate (as per the parody).


    It's a very 'clean' look, and has strong lines. 

    Q: How long is the game?
    A: The game will be 3-4 hours in length, and be around 80,000-90,000 words.

    Q: Are the roles paid?
    A: Yes, all of the roles are paid positions, payment is on a whole-project basis for the exclusive use of the work produced for the project.

    Q: Will the game have R-18 content?
    A: The game should be rated around '16+'.

    Q: When do you expect the project to be finished.
    A: Q4 2016, hopefully.

    Q: Will there be a Kickstarter?
    A: Yes, we plan to have the artists do some preliminary artwork and run a Kickstarter campaign early this Summer.

    Q: What's the image at the top? Do you already have an artist?
    A: No, that was used as a joke image in our game Panzermadels, we plan to have our artists do the characters from scratch.

    (Note - This game is not affiliated with OVERDRIVE or MangaGamer and is a parody work.)

  5. 13 hours ago, CrotakuShinobi said:

    The wordcount of my story is 17130

    That's not novel length, even novella.

    "In contemporary usage, the term short story most often refers to a work of fiction no shorter than 1,000 and no longer than 20,000 words." 


    Novellas are 20,001-40,000 words or so. With a novel being anything more than that. Our Visual Novel is about 50,000 words (all routes) and can be read through in a few hours.

  6. On 3/3/2016 at 7:42 PM, Ironstorm said:

    Monetary investment will mean something to some developers and more to those from certain countries. I make a living marketing and do public relations for those with or without publishers and generally non of them would ever discuss publicly what their rates are. Its best to approach developers directly or look for those that are looking for some sort of funding. Whilst my knowledge goes further cause of my previous involvement with at least one of the two named publishing companies I can't really say.  I know for some devs they don't like the potential idea of taking $5000 to lose $30,000 or whatever amount they end up earning. But generally you need the money from somewhere.When your self funding sufficient you can then chose to go forward with or without your publisher for some the difference is enough. Not everyone is cut out to do their own PR/Marketing either. 

    In general if your big release next week really is a "big" release then you'l have a easier time garnering attention because you'l be able to show off the success of your own title and convey the potential that you can market a studio as effectively.

    On an alternative note Mangagamer doesn't publish western Evn's currently with one recent exception that doesn't mean they won't either its just that they are not right now. But they do act as a distribution store for mostly adult titles.


    Yeah, I don't expect it to be the perfect formula for everyone, but I know that it definitely will work for some people. It's just about getting in touch with the right people.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    Well I know when I get my publisher, i will not under any circumstance settle for a large cut going to my publisher on my sequels. I am building a franchise and any deals I make will definitely diminish over time.

    Getting 50% of Kanye before anyone knows him is just fine but getting 5% of today's Kanye is damn good.

    Absolutely, multi-title contracts are the bane of the publishing industry from the developer perspective. We want to be super clear up front that we have no intention of locking people into contracts for intellectual property rights or sequel rights. Our contracts are for one game and one game only, the development team retains all of the rights to make merchandise, produce sequels, etc.


    5 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    Well, since you seem to be dodging my question, I won't pursue the matter any further. Though with all due respect, I don't think it's a very sensible marketing argument to say that you can provide a better collaboration environment than others while not actually knowing how your competitors are proceeding. 

    Hope you will succeed in finding people interested, and hopefully you can become a big publisher in the EVN world as well!

    Sorry that I couldn't be of much more help on those specifics. Our interest is a mix of building a sustainable business model, and allowing for other developers to bring something new and thoughtful to the OELVN genre.

    Thanks, take care!

  8. 17 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    I see, that does seem fair, I don't have any particular objection on the matter to be honest.

    However, I'm curious about what could push a developer to choose you over someone else? Let's face it, your two current big competitors are Manga Gamer and Sekai Project. I'm not extremely familiar with how MangaGamer advertises their projects as a publisher, but I do know about Sekai. While I can't say (from an external point of view) that their PR and marketing is the best, it is currently easily counterbalanced by the fact that they have a huge reach, to the point that even if what they are only doing is retweeting stuff for my own project, I get instantly big visit spikes on my website. Do you have any guarantee that you can provide better than them in terms of visibility (because in the end, it's really what matters the most in publishing and advertisement)? 

    To be entirely honest, I don't know what Sekai Project's contracts or internal practices are like. That's something that's typically kept private, but I know that for us at least, we are going into this with a completely transparent model. The publisher-developer relationship is often one of antagonism, and we want to get away from that. More like a collaborative effort, than the "pump and dump" strategy that a lot of publishers use, to try and exploit game developers.

    So while I have no issues with Sekai project, I always think that competition is good, and bringing visual novels that might fly under their radar to Steam, definitely can't hurt.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    I think black sand was merely wondering about what would be your rate / price, since you don't have a website and are not talking about them in your first post. The fact that you're only aiming at commercial releases tell us that you are not really interested in publishing games that won't make a profit, so it'd be only natural for us to ask about how much such a service would cost us. Outsourcing a service for a price is always a risk for us dev, so we need to know if the ratio risk / benefit is good enough. If your goal is to eventually create a business out of this, we need to know why we should pick you over another publisher (or even over self publishing). Either a guarantee that you will bring results, or either a cheap price that makes the investment not something too risky.

    Ahh, I misunderstood, I thought he was asking 'what do you actually plan to do' as opposed to the specific revenue split, and amount of funding.

    In terms of specifics, it's one of those things where it's almost entirely dependent on the project itself. What we evaluate the risk as, how popular we believe it will be, our personal interest in the project, and if we have any experience with the team behind it. Obviously (actuarial science powers activate here) teams with no games under their belt, or who are earlier in the development process are riskier, so the revenue split would be a higher amount, than if we were working with an experienced team that was 70% of the way to completing the game (as they are lower risk).

    I know that "it depends" is probably not the answer you want to hear, but that's the most honest answer I can give. I'd have to take a look at a project before I could actually determine what the rates would be.

    Some things that I can guarantee though, is that we don't have any plans to,

    • Lock developers into a multi-title deal (where they have to work with us if they want to do a sequel)
    • Become IP holders, developers would retain the rights to use their characters and art in other projects how they see fit after completing the game
    • And other such practices that are rampant in the publishing industry


  10. 37 minutes ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    Where is your official site?


    35 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    Yeah, it would definitely help if you could provide a website. At least it's much easier for people to link your page, and it gives the impression that you're doing legit and serious business, and that you're professional about it.

    Good idea, we should get one of those up. Today is when I finally formalized my idea of how this is going to work, so you're definitely right that we should get a team website out there.


    30 minutes ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    I only mention this because anyone can say "i can get you on steam" but that really means nothing and selling 15 to 35% of your revenue for such a thing is bonkers. I like seeing publishers bring their own well established market and press contacts to the table.If I am giving up 35% of my revenue, i need an over 50% return on investment for it to be worth the time.


    It's also the funding aspect, in that we'd be backing them monetarily, in addition to, or in lieu of, crowdfunding. I wouldn't expect someone to be giving up a large chunk of their revenue just for "advice", the goal here is creating a publishing group that is fair to developers, and doesn't wrangle them into exploitative contracts, a publisher by devs, for devs. 

     Getting on Steam is, as long as you have a reasonable product, not terribly complex, it's making sure you keep the fanbase growing while you're working on the game, and not releasing to a bunch of people who have already lost interest.

  11. 1 hour ago, DarkZedge said:

    Nice to see more OELVN publishers around..best of luck with your project :mare:


    15 minutes ago, Diamon said:

    Indeed, very nice of you to offer an alternative to OELVN projects! Best of luck, I do believe that healthy competition between publishers is a good way to make the EVN scene grow!


    Thanks to both of you!

    We really want to expand the OELVN market and community, and show that VNs are a lot more than just Nukige, but a new artistic medium.

    Also, if either of you know of any projects that might benefit, definitely let them know to contact us. We don't know what's out there yet, and the only way we can work with them is if we actually know that they are there, hah.

  12. Hello everyone, I am posting on behalf of DEVGRU-P.


    We're an American Visual Novel Development Team, and have a big release coming up next week. As a team, we very interested in putting our money back into the community, and want to help other developers get their projects off the ground and on Steam.

    As such, we are looking for Visual Novels that are currently early to midway in the development cycle, who are aiming for a commercial release in the future.

    Because we have worked with Valve on getting our game onto Steam, we have a pretty good handle on how to actually use Valve's software (SteamPipe) to handle game builds and keys and whatnot.

    Specifically, what we want to do is,

    -Pre Campaign advice, helping you pick a good funding amojnt, designing reward tiers.
    -Building the campaign, writing the pitch, laying it out to make an attractive and professional looking campaign.
    -Contacting gaming websites to drive traffic to your campaign.

    -Building your Steam Greenlight page.
    -Submitting the game to Steam Greenlight (this costs $100 the first time an account submits to Greenlight, our account already has gone through the process, which our account has).
    -Managing customer questions on Steam, monitoring the page.
    -After the game has been approved by Valve, we'll build the Steam Store page, and handle actually getting the files on Valve's server.

    In addition, depending on the funding goals and our level of interest in the project, we would also be interested in footing some of the development costs.

    Our primary interests are in games that really set themselves apart concept wise, and bring something new to the genre. 

    Specifically some general things we have an interest in,

    • Comedy
    • Military/War
    • [BxG, GxG] (So no Yaoi)
    • Non-Romance Games

    Please feel free to contact us with any questions, or to discuss working together on your project.

    If you want to make it easier, please let us know this about your project,

    • How far along in the development process are you/When do you expect to finish?
    • How much money do you need (at the very bare minimum) to make your game, and what do you plan on spending it on?
    • Do you currently have any funding?
    • Do you have a full team already? Does your team have much prior experience?

    Also we'd love to see the art you have so far, so that we can get a style idea.


    Thanks for your time!


  13. 3_Final.jpg


    Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator


    Erwin Lemmor just got transferred to a prestigious military academy to study Armored Warfare. But when he arrives, Erwin realizes it's not Tank School, but "Tank School" for World War II Main Battle Tanks. Who happen to look just like Japanese School Girls...! 
    Instead of studying military history and doctrine, he's in "Basic Artillery Computations for Fire Support 101", and "Radio Operations 214". Will he win the heart of the tank-girls, or end up as cannon fodder? Only you can decide in, "Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator". 
    Panzermadels is made by 'DEVGRU-P' a small team of American developers in the style of a traditional Japanese Visual Novel. Unabashedly goofy, the game takes every trope you know from visual novels, and puts a distinctly Tank-Related twist on them! With 5 different romance plot-lines and a variety of endings based on your choices, Panzermadels will keep you entertained for a number of playthroughs! 
    Written in Tyranoscript, the game will be made available cross-platform on both PC and Mac! 
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