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Posts posted by Kurokusari

  1. I'm a slow VN reader to begin with, and I don't have a lot of spare time, so I've only just finished Heroine 2's route. So, I appreciate that everybody is still putting spoiler tags on everything spoilerish, so I can still wander in and out of this topic fairly safely.


    Here are my thoughts about Heroine 2's route:


    Soejima's bad ending (the first end to the full route - maybe better termed a Neutral end?) was way more enjoyable for me than her Good Ending (the one that you can only see after you get that other one). I really, really like bittersweet stories, and that first ending hit that mood perfectly. I guess I must be a tiny bit of a masochist, given how much I relished the little twinge of pain that delusion in the hospital caused me. I definitely shed some tears for this ending, which hasn't happened in at least a few months.


    Also, a special shout out to the soundtrack song "Find a Way Out!" (the high-tension, oh-shit-run-away one with the really repetitive synth string high notes), for which I could not find a youtube link to save my life. I like this song more every time I hear it. The BGM in this game is truly excellent.

    No need to go with the others' paces, really. We can all enjoy the story at our own pace.

    I agree with this one. The surprise factor of the bad end was really great. When they suddenly showed Hisoka bedridden, I stared the screen for almost a minute. Then hysterically shouted "Whaaaat?". I'm not really good with bad ends (I blame Grisaia) but this was definitely different from your usual bad ends.


    Well you could try extracting the data with the OST included. I think I saw a Data Extraction thread here in the forums.

  2. Not really the best idea imo. 

    I get it that you should get them to do something since just letting them go after one simple apology will kinda get you a bad rep to those affected by the cheaters and maybe a loss of playerbase since they'll be thinking that "so that's what it only takes to get forgiven". But you know, Internet is a place where people can be quite stupid. Make a youtube video of them apologizing and the people who got affected will start bashing the person. It wouldn't be that bad if it stopped there since they were affected after all in their gaming experience but it will probably escalate. The people who weren't even affected or weren't affected that much would also start bashing just because other people are doing it. That crazy bandwagon effect is kinda harsh in this kind of things.


    Just sayin' that they should get what they deserve, not more, not less. I don't really know the game but giving them a massive disadvantage in-game should be enough.

  3. Absolute Duo

    Yeah, yeah... generic, bland, unoriginal, excessive fanservice, HighSchoolDXD4lyfe... I'm still having fun :sachi:

    Add Lilith to my list of blonde ojou-samas~

    Lilith is the only reason I kept watching it. There were people who got annoyed because it deviated from the light novel but it wasn't really that bad imo.

    An example would be when they were supposed to register as duo. I don't remember reading anything that cheesy of a speech/oath.


    Currently trying to squeeze in DanMachi in my schedule to find out what the hype about Hestia is all about. I have to say, I'm really interested in how are they gonna mix up the different mythologies since the only mix up I know is Greek + Roman in Heroes of Olympus.

  4. If the sig fills up half of their post it kind of questions how big where going to make these sigs until the sig just covers the entire post. But hey, that sig was must of been important I guess. I prefer either lowering the sig margin or just sticking to text. And no, not just a single user found it annoying.. As you can see some members here prefer sticking it to text only.


    You also need a warning point for swearing, it offended me :/

  5. Over 2k fonts, jesus christ.  :michiru:

    About Eclipsed's signature: I liked kuro's typography better, but the light effects could have been positioned differently. Maybe behind the render? I feel like they kinda hide a bit of the character. I liked Major's simple bubbles but the splatter doesn't really fit well.


    @Kosaki - Just join us and start making signatures. I'm also not really good, I just work randomly with them sometimes. Just read a few tutorials to get an overall idea of what does what and you're good to go.  :mare:

    Yeah 2k fonts, it's not an exaggeration but I wasn't able to use it all anyway so I redid all my fonts selection



    Thanks. Yeah I would've loved to put the lights more on the background but it was a CG edit. So yeah no layers  :vinty:

    Gawd I just realized something. I was wondering why it didn't occur to you that I might've been using a CG. How in the world did Major put the splatter behind Mitsuki? @.@

    Manually erasing the excess would've been quite a chore, personally.


    Kosaki, join the dark side  :scottsune:


    Edit: Yeah here's a giveaway. Anyone can take it and if you want to add some text or something, let me know.




    Yeah tried to go with the same one as Roach's but I added some personal touches. I was gonna add some of those glowy lines but that's a bit overboard for this one. Gonna give your eyes cancer~ :holo:

  6. I got it from here. It looks like the creator doesn't really mind about no credit and stuff though.


    Good luck~

    Thanks! I'll try to make one later and maybe throw it in here as a free sig anyone can take.


    By the way do you have a deviantart account? I'd like to see some more variants of this style from you that I can use for reference. You can just PM it to me if you mind posting it here.

  7. Glad to help. By the way mind sharing where you got those flower stuff in the sig? You could just link me to the source since distributing it without the creator's consent might be bad. I'm kinda interested in the style you used and I want to try it a bit.


    Yeah I agree that having 2000+ fonts is both stupid and too much to scan through hahaha. I've long deleted all of it and redownloaded what I just needed after it. So far so good.

  8. That depends. If I want to sharpen the entire layer, I will just use Smart Sharpen since it's really easy to adjust and it shows you how the result will look like.

    If I want to sharpen part of the layer, I will duplicate it first, delete the part where I don't want to sharpen, and use the Smart Sharpen.

    So yeah, I use Smart Sharpen most of the time. Though sometime I use the Sharpening Tool when I want to make some parts sharper than the other.

    I use the high pass filter too sometime.


    Agree. Adding text could be the most frustrating step in making a signature. :amane:


    Never used GIMP. Though I've tried Macromedia Fireworks about ~3 years ago. Not really a good one for making signature imo. But still pretty decent.

    Other than that, I only use Photoshop.

  9. Basically, if you want a ratio between Nomad's kills and Sting's kills, then it would be like


    Approximately 10:420,500

    Which is every 1 Nomad kill to 42,050 Sting Kills.

    Now thats a gigantic difference.

    Plus notice how Hisoka immediately had problems after the other guy in her cou got knocked out, 

    Kagaome basically had to deal with whenever she used Sting, plus whenever she used Sting it was basically a 1 hit kill to any other avatar.


    Additionally, Kagaome hadn't had the pills for a few days(Cos they went to fight Gasai and Ahkito told her to stay behind and not get involved but she joined etc,etc. After the fight they stayed at the hotel for 2-3 days also). 

  10. This hacking story, with all honesty, interested me quite a bit. The possibilities here are endless especially if you have enough knowledge in networking and security.

    I second this. Having knowledge in these subjects could be really helpful to make things more realistic. Although writing things that are too technical for the 'normal' readers might not be a good idea.


    The synopsis looks good to me. It feels like this will be a battle of brains with tons of scheming. Maybe something like Death Note.


    Considering this is about hacking, the UI should be somewhere around the sci-fi territory and I have a few ideas on what to make it look like. Ugh I REALLY want to participate in this project only if school didn't happen. Well, not really, I need to finish my degree but ugh.

  11. Thanks!

    ...I totally forgot to sharpen it and add some adjusments, lol.

    This is the first time I used text like that actually. Usually I just make it so it looks like my current signature or not adding it at all since sometime it's better to not add any text at all in my opinion.


    I used Photoshop.

    Yeah I also forget the very same things when I'm finishing up. By the way how do you sharpen stuff? I mean, there are many ways to go about it but I'm kinda curious as to how you do it. Maybe I can pick up a thing or two.


    Well for a first time attempt it turned out quite well. Yeah I get it when not wanting to add some text. The text makes or breaks the sig imo so I try to stick with the simple ones.


    Same here with using PS. I actually started out with GIMP but switched to PS after a while since the UI is not really user friendly for me.

  12. Amuzie's signature:



    Not sure if it looks good. I ended up experimenting with a lot of stuff rather than doing the usual things I do.

    Please tell me if you are not satisfied/want something to be changed.

    Looks really good imo. Although the final verdict is the one who requested it but I really think it looks good. The text is better than mine where I only make things glow and that's it lol. 

    The style looks great too. Those flowers are a really nice touch and the simple feel it has is really wonderful. The only thing that I think that could be improved would be the blending. That and maybe a bit of sharpening and blurring could also do a nice touch of giving focus a bit on the render. Overall, nice Sig! *thumbs up*


    By the way, do you use photoshop or GIMP? Or something altogether?


    This thread is a good thing, yet I can't seem to shake off the feeling that this is also something that mocks my inability to use photoshop properly.

    I don't think  it's too late to learn tho. With so many materials in the internet, you could easily learn by yourself. It does take a bit of time and effort tho. And if you do decide to learn, we could teach each other here in this thread by throwing in CnC.

  13. As someone stated in the past, Chinami is probably the most realistic depiction of having an annoying little sister there is.  I skipped the entire Chinami route, along with half the other routes.  I still hold to this day that the best routes were the blonde sisters. Mare had potential, but because it was so damn short it was really meh.  That where the fandisk will hopefully fix this.


    About Ikikoi, someone tell me about Tsugumu's route, it was the only one I never actually did, and I really don't know why.   She seemed like hers would be the most entertaining by far.

  14. First of all, thank you both for your suggestions, I appreciate both :)


    I took both of your pieces of advice and added some additional notes about my 'qualifications' you might say. How long I've been writing, what kind of accomplishments I've achieved, etc. etc.


    Thank you very much for rooting for me and for at least attempting to figure out something to help me out with. Again, I really appreciate it.

    Hmm come to think of it I might have something I can help with. Depending on what you're exactly planning to go with the VN, I could help with the GUI design. I've made some programs with GUI for school stuff but most of them are for formal stuff, like designing for a payroll/database/etc but I did have one experience where I needed to design for a game. The main idea was rock-paper-scissors but my partner and I made it into something like a turn-based game with elemental skills or something. I'm not making any promises but I might be able to help in making buttons or something if time allows it and if I can actually do it. Please don't count me in or something yet. If I'm sure that I can participate in this, I'll let you know.


    And those are some seriously good achievements in writing. The farthest I got in writing was essays and reaction papers lol

  15. Hey there,


    This a really simple, real post and I'll just get it all out there.


    I love visual novels. I really do. I find that they are one of the most fun past times in general that one could have and I have some really warm and happy memories from reading them as well. For a medium of media, that's really important to me, and it's why I'm also a big gamer and writer, because I have similar memories while gaming and reading.


    For a long while I've wanted to create a visual novel. I've read that entire guide that we have on this forum and a bunch of other ones on other forums. I've downloaded TyranoBuilder and Ren'Py (still trying to get my head around the latter) and while I know that coding isn't for me, I've still tried to learn all I can about it. However, I've never tried to pursue it because of a lack of confidence that I could create something worth spending a lot of time on and not only that, but I have little to no art skills, musical skills, or programming skills to speak of, all I can do is write, and while I may personally believe that I'm a decent writer, it's not enough to get a product out there.


    Projects come and go, many of them fail, many of them end up falling apart, but when one succeeds, it's really special. I've been on this site for almost a year and I was apart of a community waiting for a Majikoi patch to come out, and when it did, it felt like a victory for everyone. It was indescribable in a way. Katawa Shoujo, while I am aware there are mixed feelings about how justified a reputation it has, is the most successful OELVN I know of and it came from this very thing. An idea on a board somewhere in the far reaches of the internet.


    So I'd like to go ahead and just put out the call. I'd like to make one. I'd like to write for one. But of course there's going to be people that need to come on and help me and I'd love for that to happen. Artists, editors, musicians, other writers, programmers, anyone who'd like to do something, we should do something.


    If you'd like to do this with me, let's get in contact. Let's start coming up with ideas, cause I'm going into this as blind as you are. Let's make something special.


    Thanks for your time.

    It seems like Tyranobuilder has a good UI and they said it was intuitive so learning the language shouldn't be that hard. They have their own Scripting Language (TyranoScript?) that's supposed to be for VNs so I think you can learn it with some effort. Or there are some free and willing people here that can do it for you. I'm pretty sure I've seen some people here that should know programming or something.


    At the very least you have the willingness to do it and you said you can write. I assume that you already have an idea of the story or something so it should be a something of a start. If you want some quality work, like from artists for character sprites/background/etc. then you might need to pay since the good ones are usually on commission.


    I'd like to say that I can help you with editing/proofreading but it seems you're already good enough to do that. Also, I don't really have that much free time in the future.

     I'm not sure if I can help you with anything at all but I'm rooting for you.


    I do believe I'm good at writing, I just don't want to make it seem like I'm boasting or anything.

    Go and say what you honestly think about your skills. People would likely join if they see that you're quite capable. Maybe throwing in some achievements might help since they are proof that you can do something.

  16. so i tried Hoshizora no Memoria to see if i can get it running, 20 mins in i think I will never ever again like a imouto type character, this is.... SO ANNOYING


    also the protagonist looks like the mc in persona 3, bonus points for hoshizora no memoria

  17. Wow everyone's reading Ikikoi. Well it's bound to have people despise dislike it because of the verbal abuse. While the game itself is kinda bad for multiple reasons, it's still a good break from all those serious stories.

    Eika's route:

    She had 1 TB (I think?) of pics and videos of her older brother.She decided to delete it to

    recover from being a brocon and as a backlash, she vomited blood and her hair became white. I literally busted by gut during this scene. And looked like a retard


    Still reading Koichoco. I'm still at a point where I can't bring myself to read it for 8 hours everyday like most of the VNs I read. Maybe it's just not really my taste, which is surprising since I enjoy those slice of life school life VNs and that's the image I have of Koichoco right now. Weird.

  18. Sting was too strong for Kagome, probably too strong for an entire comyu to handle, and the pills were just relieving the problem. They said that she needed other treatment too, to not go crazy under the pressure.

    Nomad was certainly too strong as well, but not nearly as strong as Sting, so it wasn't as hard to handle. That's why Hisoka could hold out for a while.

    Considering, it was miraculous that Sting didn't stampede earlier.

  19. So the general populace is like that? Well I only know a few friends who actually finished it and they were all dissatisfied with the ending. I'll watch the other series but only after I play Meikyuu and Rakuen (when Sekai Project releases it)


    I loved the Steins;Gate anime more than the VN, though I think its because I liked the dub, same with Utawarerumono. I have the VN downloaded and will probably play it since the sequel was announced recently and it looks interesting.

  20. My parents came to America as refugees during the vietnam war. I guess they would be considered the "boat people" since that's what they escaped by.  They were boarded by pirates, but luckily no one was killed (or raped) and only all the money, gold, and jewelry were taken.  They then stayed in refugee camps on some small islands for quite a long time before the Americans came to pick them up (I forget what islands they were called). They had nothing when they came here pretty much (lost everything).  The US government & people really helped my parents until they started doing better on their own.  They later gave birth to me in the US.  My parents used to/still always tell me horror stories about how communism ruined the country of vietnam and the evils they have done.  Oh, and they lived in south part of vietnam btw.


    My mom's side of the family told me that they had a very thriving business back when they were in vietnam.  I've heard similar stories from other relatives, where their status was pretty well off.  But when communists came, they robbed and took Everything.. like just raided places with money and so they couldn't do business anymore.  People would hide money if they could xD.  I think my mom told me, her family had gotten tips about what was going to happen (and from what I was told, my dad had already escaped ahead).. so my grandpa and other people were building a boat together in secret and used money to bribe some people & favors into escaping later.  I'd have to ask my parents when exactly things happened  :nervous:.  There's a lot of interesting stories I've heard from relatives too and how they escaped, or the things that happened when they remained, etc.


    Being a first-born asian-american, I was kinda clueless about it as a young kid.  Probably because I lived in California, and I was in the more asian-dominated area.  The things that happened in the home, our culture, food, etc. I thought Everyone was like that (even if they looked different).  I finally realized my culture was different when someone pointed out the things I ate were weird and gross...  I had always thought everyone did, and ate the same stuff I did, lol (yup, rice rice rice all the time~). 


    And the food that someone reacted to me in a disgusted manner was the Balut egg (my family also often eats the Century Eggs, mostly in rice porridges).  http://www.odditycentral.com/pics/the-worlds-3-most-disgusting-egg-dishes.html    :ph34r:   I guess I grew up eating that kind of stuff, so I'm used to it.  To others, it's disgusting~~~


    I'm kinda jumping randomly now but~ also wanted to share, growing up, the values I saw often were (for me personally, were)

    1) Respect your elders & authority figures.  

    2) Put family above yourself.

    3) Education is most important for success.


    I'm also part chinese, so my favorite time of the year as a child was celebrating Chinese New Years~  you get free money from older people & elders.  You're required to give them some kinda of well-meaning wish (ex: "Happy New Years, may your business thrive, may you forever remain in good health, and may you also get whatever you desire this year.") and in return, they give you a red envelope with money inside  ^_^.  The sucky thing... is that when you're older, you'll have to be the one giving money to all the little kiddos xD.

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